Chapter 5476 is difficult

Ms. Xiao’s wife is not the wife of the average family. Everyone is a fine man. Whenever he says something, his heart is clear and clear, and he will never be confused at a critical time.

At this moment, Ms. Xiao was anxious. They also knew some things about Ms. Xiao and her son. Several people secretly made a few eyes and eyes. I had to make an excuse to take a step forward. Without an excuse, I was dragged away by other ladies. Give Ms. Xiao room to speak.

Ms. Xiao did not retain, even did not go to the same place, standing in the same place and said a few words of sorry, and sincerely said: “This is really not right, then we will make another appointment, please do it next time. You play and play.”

“Chengchengcheng, we all know that you have a business, who still blames you for not. You, let’s talk to Ayuan quickly. It’s hard to come across, it’s hard to waste time on us. We have nothing to do every day, anytime. Meet, see you anytime!”

“Yes, that is, you, don’t hesitate, what kind of politeness are our friends? You have to be polite, look back and teach me to arrange flowers and painting!”

“You are clever, she is so busy, I have to teach you how to arrange flowers, painting, but I really want to think. Shulan, don’t listen to her chaos, we usually gather, drink tea, eat and eat, massage what is quite it is good.”

The understanding of the friends made Ms. Xiao’s face turn a lot better, and the smile in her eyes was deep. “Good, all according to you, all according to you. Then I will not send it, then we will see you next time.”

Ms. Xiao sent her room, Ye Jian secretly pulled Xia Jinyuan two times, and whispered: “Don’t worry now, go, wait for them to go first, let’s go.”

Ye Jian worried that the two of them would leave now. Looking back, these ladies who seem to have some status will definitely say that this is not bad for the summer team, the reputation of Xia Jia.

Thoughtful and delicate leaves are considered more comprehensive in this respect than Xia Jinyuan.

Xia Jinyuan’s face sank, and he was really not interested in contacting Ms. Xiao.

“Ayuan, we have to go in and sit down and chat. For so many years, our mother and son have not had a good meal together.” Miss Xiao, who had sent away a friend, no scruples, said: “Mom has no other.” The extravagant hope is that I can sit down with you for a meal. Our mother and child have not eaten at the same table for too long.”

“Sorry, we have already had dinner.” Xia Jinyuan, who was a cold look, was not moved by Ms. Xiao’s pleading. After he finished, he suddenly hooked his mouth. “It’s too long to have no table at the same time. It’s not your choice. Is it?”

“Ayuan, can you accompany your mother for a meal?” Ms. Xiao pulled the sleeves of Xia Jinyuan, who is almost 60 years old. She usually has good maintenance, and there is still a trace of pity in the hardship. This is a woman who is almost 60 years old. “Just accompany my mother, okay?”

At the age of the year, the people in the restaurant came and went, and the crowds scattered before, and some diners stopped at this time. Ye Jian’s mouth was awkward and his face was dull.

This will not affect the situation.

“The summer team can’t continue to spend here, too many guests come and go.” Ye Jane pulled the clothes of Laxia Jinyuan and said, “Just sit in with her, say a few words, and not to you. There will be an impact, you say yes.”

Ye Jian came out to persuade, Xia Jinyuan will naturally listen, and again, he really tired of Ms. Xiao and then sold the poor pie.

(End of this chapter)

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