Chapter 5478 Entangled

Ms. Xiao lost her voice and was anxious to stay. “Ayuan!” People also caught up and tried to pull Xia Jinyuan again.

Just two steps, Xia Jinyuan seems to think of something, he stopped, and turned to look at Ms. Xiao, let the chasing Miss Xiao suddenly look happy, “Ayuan.”

The stop of Xia Jinyuan’s mouth is slightly curved. “Mr. Xiao must think that I am very unrequited, right. Once, Ms. Xiao is such a kind of unrequited love.”

“You should have not forgotten, you left on that day, how can I chase after you? And you, in order to get rid of me, throw stones at me.”

The face likes “唰唰” retreat, Ms. Xiao has a panic in her eyes, Xia Jinyuan feels better smile, it seems that this Miss Xiao really forgot.

No, no.

She did not forget.

She just thought that he had forgotten, perhaps thinking that he was young at the time, certainly not to remember, and did not know what she had left on that day.

It is a pity that his memory of Xia Jinjin is really good. The things of that day still remember clearly. As long as he mentions it again, he can think of it all, not to mention that he will not think of a picture.

“I still remember Ms. Xiao while throwing stones at me, and let me roll, how far it is, don’t drag you down. Also, Ms. Xiao said that you don’t have my son, and I don’t have your mother. ”

“How? On that day, said that Ms. Xiao had forgotten it? It should not be forgotten. Judging from Ms. Xiao’s expression, Ms. Xiao did not forget.”

Ms. Xiao’s face can’t be described as pale, but her face is gray!

“Aya… Ayuan…” She cried, crying to tears and broken beads, one after the other, “No… not like that… Ayuan, my mother was still young. I don’t know… I don’t know what kind of consequences I have.”

“Ayuan, my mother is wrong, my mother… is wrong, my mother really knows it wrong.”

She begged, exquisite makeup and crying, revealing a few fragile old ways, “Mom is wrong, beg you, forgive my mother, okay?”

“Not good.” Xia Jinyuan shook his head and looked coldly at Ms. Xiao. “You have already stopped me. You were young at the time. Now, I am young, so I have no way to forgive you. No, no, I have no way.” I will recognize you again.”

“In my world, there is no need for a mother, so please don’t show me as a “mother” in front of me.”

“And, she is my fiancée, this is my business. Our summer family has nothing to do with Ms. Xiao.” Xia Jinyuan finished all the words, no longer seeing Ms. Xiao, who is crying all over the body, leaving The box.

Ye Jian was pulled out of the restaurant by Xia Jinyuan all the way, Xia Jinyuan’s face was stretched and his face was not good.

“Xia team, let’s go like this… Will Mrs. Li continue to look for Ms. Xiao?” Ye Jian was only worried that Ms. Xiao would talk to other people after she went out, such as Mrs. Li.

“There is nothing wrong with me. I have had nothing to say with her. What are you going to listen to? Listen to her saying how she spent all her time trying to find out about me? Listening to her, how regretful?” “Xia Jinyuan smiled. “She wants to find Mrs. Li, then go find it.”

“I just fear that you will fall into the tongue of others.” Ye briefly smacked his lips. “Ms. Xiao is afraid that she will not stop here. Plus there is a lady, Mr. Li, this thing, I am afraid. Have to continue.”

(End of this chapter)

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