Chapter 5482: No teacher self-pass

After the end of the summer and the present, the old lady immediately told the old man to call their old five summer clouds to the old house.

Xia Yunqi, who is going to the nightclub and sitting with several customers, received a call from the old man. He hurriedly observed it around to see if the father sent someone out and focused on him.

I learned that the old lady asked him to hurry back to the old house. Xia Yunqi did not dare to delay. He drove back to the old house and was shocked all the way. He thought that he would be approved, and then he would go back to the old house and park the car. Xia Yunyu The back is full of cold sweat.

After he was counted by the second aunt, he converges a lot on the female color. There is really no entertainment, but it is accompanied by it, but it is all up to the point.

Waiting for the old house, I saw Xia Jinyuan, the most difficult to see in the usual time, Xia Yunzhen was shocked, and even more shocking things are still old, the old lady ordered him to give a gift, how to chase girls, girls happy The tricks are all taught to Xia Jinyuan.

Xia Yunyu gave him a gift and patted his chest in front of the old lady to ensure that he would not hide for his own brother!

Oh, there is today’s arrangement.

Watching movies, eating, and shopping are all told by Xia Yunyuan, and according to Ye Jian’s current age, how to date, as for the big moves, Xia Yunxi did not say that he worried that his old six wallet would not hold.

Like in their circles, sending girlfriends cars, luxury goods, millions of calculations in minutes, but that is not a long time, swearing, easy to leave in the future.

Therefore, Xia Yun’s teachings are also very careful. They did not teach their circles to Xia Jinyuan.

Xia Jinyuan is a very eager to learn, and it is a self-taught. Without the appointment of Xia Yunqi’s some playboys, there will be today’s arrangement.

Clothes must be bought.

The set is not enough. At least five sets are needed inside and outside.

It’s rare to take a vacation for ten days, and it’s still a New Year’s holiday.

His girlfriend looks beautiful and temperament, wearing a military uniform and wearing a casual national color!

Xia Jinyuan also gestured to the shopping guide to take off a few sets of clothes, skirts, one arm with clothes, one pushing Ye Jian to the door of the locker room, and the clothes in the handles all gave Ye Jian, squatting her into the clothes “Come and try, take the speed of changing clothes in the team, complete the set in two minutes!”

The guide had wanted to come over, but was rejected by Xia Jinyuan.

I have not looked carefully, how can I be cheaper outsiders.

There is no luxury store like Haute Couture. Xia Jinyuan chooses a counter in a high-end shopping mall. It won’t be too expensive or too cheap, which is in line with the spending power of the two.

The economic ability of luxury goods in summer and today is not a problem, but Ye Jian will never cooperate!

Pushing the clothes of the leaf, holding the hill-like clothes, is awkward. “Do you really want to try? Don’t try it?”

“I really want to try.” Xia Jinyuan looked serious and bowed his head and sold it poorly. “Come, look at your boyfriend’s ear, is it still red, all the old lady is screwing!”

The interactive guides of Ye Jian and Xia Jinyuan laughed in their eyes, and Ye Jian’s face was holding a little high-heeled clothes into the locker room.

“Sir, you must go to the sofa to rest and wait for your girlfriend.” The guide whispered that Xia Jinyuan has been regarded as a big customer. Although their store is not a big name, it can be considered a big name, a clothing price. It is already very expensive.

Xia Jinyuan’s brains gave Ye Jian six or seven pieces, which naturally became a big customer targeted by the shopping guide.

(End of this chapter)

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