Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

v2 Chapter 5485 - You are beautiful

Chapter 5485, you are beautiful

Seeing that she has been bowing her head and looking up, Xia Jinyuan encouraged her to look up. “Don’t be afraid, look at the people in the mirror. It’s really beautiful and beautiful. It’s so beautiful that I can’t help you go home today, shut in the room. Only I can appreciate it alone.”

“When we get married, can we wear a red wedding dress? At that time, it must be more beautiful than today. Red wedding dress, red hijab, greet my most beautiful bride.”

Red wedding dress, red hijab, greet… the most beautiful bride…

Ye Jane finally raised her head. She finally looked better at herself in the mirror. The red dress was like a fire. Yan Ruxinyu, a man standing in a black coat, standing tall and standing tall, straight and loose, one red one Black, it is such a match, that kind of ride.

She is the bride to be married, he is the groom waiting to be seen, the picture flashes in his mind, and there is already expectation in the eyes of the leaves.

Outside the footsteps, Ye Jian was shocked and retired from the arms of Xia Jinjin, and the light-selling shopping guide appeared at the door of the locker room. “Sorry, sorry, disturb, this… do you have a match? ?”

“Your boyfriend’s eyes are really good. You are really too temperament in this red dress, and the length of the skirt is just right, just showing your calf, so beautiful calf, it is a pity to not wear a skirt. You can match A pair of high-heeled shoes, walking in the crowd, is definitely the focus of the focus.”

I have already bent down and put down the high heels. I am looking forward to seeing Ye Jian can wear it. I can see that Ye Jian is not used to wearing high heels. The shopping guide smiled and said: “There is a low, good walk.”

“Is still high heels?” Not yet worn, Ye Jane’s face is full of refusal, wearing a skirt is enough to make her uncomfortable, then wear that wearing high heels… She refuses!

“When wearing this skirt, of course, you have to wear high-heeled shoes. You can rest assured that this is the shortest and best-selling high-heeled shoes in our store. You can try it.” The guide bought the words and bent down to put the high-heeled shoes in his hand. Ready to change to Ye Jian.

The stunned Ye Jian took a small step back and looked terrified. He refused without hesitation. “I can’t wear high heels, don’t give me another test…”

“You try it, our high-heeled shoes are really not too tired to wear, it is very suitable for you who do not wear high-heeled shoes often, and you can rest assured that our women wear high-heeled shoes are talented, I took two feet to get used to it.”

“I can’t really control this.” Ye Jian kept waved and refused. Let her walk in two high-heeled shoes for two laps, let her walk barefoot for two laps, and ask for help from her boyfriend. She!

The shopping guide was too enthusiastic and enthusiastic to let her know what to do!

“Miss, I can’t wear high-heeled shoes to adapt slowly. When the two are married, the wedding dress must be wearing high-heeled shoes. Now it is not suitable for adaptation. Wait until the wedding day is late.” The guide persevered and advised Ye Jian. Turned to Xia Jinyuan again, “You can hold a circle, I really don’t lie to the two, wearing a high heel, will be more temperament. Really not good, you can beat me! I will never fight back.”

Ye Jian: “…” Girl, she just bought a dress, bought a shoe, not hitting people!

Living in a single circle for many years, to the top of society, Ye simply is not knowing how to refuse others, especially the other party is so enthusiastic, let her feel overwhelmed.

Fierce, overbearing, she also knows how to be.

This kind of softness, she really does not understand rejection.

(End of this chapter)

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