Chapter 5498 Couples

Ye Jian looked around and still felt that she was going to let her go in the crowd… she had to take a little courage.

“You don’t kiss again. If we stand here for a long time, it will really attract people’s attention.” Xia Jinyuan’s eyes are full of laughter and look around, trying to find a chance to kiss his girlfriend, “in a few seconds of your hesitation In fact, I am already finished.”

Ye Jane bit his lower lip, this neck stretched a kiss and neck still had to kiss, simply speed up the battle, do not stand in the middle of the road as a roadblock, anyway, the pro is a boyfriend, no other, shame what What? Nothing to be ashamed!

Ye Jane slightly picked up his toes and quickly gave Xia Jinyuan a kiss. Well, only gave a kiss, kissed, and immediately put on the arm of Xia Jinyuan, holding it forward: “Go and walk.”

Xia Jinyuan gave a pleasant laughter and sighed with joy: “Well, keep on shopping. You are going so fast, where are we going next? You lead the way?”

“Buy clothes for you.” Ye Jian looked around and thought about it. She immediately thought of something that flashed in her eyes. “I thought, I will buy clothes for you. Is there a couple?” Also, we can wear lovers!”

Xia Jinyuan is more happy. “We wear lovers in the team every day.”

“That is different, we have not yet passed through.” After that, take Xia Jinyuan to take the elevator and go straight to the men’s clothing area upstairs.

“It’s time to take a good look. On the day of the engagement, it’s a handsome thing to wear.” Xia Jinyuan followed Ye Jian’s steps and agreed. “The bride is beautiful, the groom can’t be too ugly, too ugly, and the future father-in-law is afraid of regretting it temporarily. ”

His future father-in-law is a nun. I used to say that I want to stay in Ye Jian to go to the 27th and then to talk about marriage. As a result, he proposed to get engaged first, and he has foreseen how ugly the future father-in-law’s face will be!

He mentioned before that is not a joke, they should give this marriage contract, the family father, the old lady, and even the whole family are looking forward to.

I only hope that the old man can agree. In the future, he will talk about it again and see if he can. If he really disagrees, he can wait any longer. Go back and talk to the two of the family.

“My family doesn’t know, you don’t think that you can make it. Grandpa’s problem is not big, my dad is the problem.” Xia Jinyuan mentioned the engagement, and said the bride, the groom, Ye Jian feels There was a burning heat on the cheek, and the whispered: “There is no such thing as a shadow. You have said that it has been decided. I still don’t know if my dad will come back during the New Year.”

Such a thing, her father can not be absent naturally, Grandpa said that Dad will come back, but before going home, everything can’t count.

Going home, there may be a temporary recall.

“No accident, my father-in-law should be coming back this Spring Festival.” Xia Jinyuan is still quite sure. “My father-in-law came back. I talked with my father-in-law and tried to get the father-in-law’s consent.”

“How do you know?” Ye Jian asked, the Xia team never said that they are not sure, since it is said, it is naturally something that can be done.

“Your boyfriend is awesome, this is a thing, it is hard to tell me.”

Xia Jinyuan’s mouth is a deep smile, but it makes Ye Jian somewhat incomprehensible. The delicate eyebrows are slightly tightened. When she thinks about it, she suddenly opened her eyes and just wanted to continue to ask. Xia Jinyuan opened the topic: Just now your clothes are all picked by me, then my clothes can be picked up by you to see if you can pick out the lovers.”

(End of this chapter)

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