Chapter 5512

Fu Shu holding the spatula is more fun. “Ha ha ha, yes, I won’t let myself go hungry. Xiao Yu, come and help my uncle.”

Xiaoyu is a security guard and is as good as Fu Shu. With instructions, the guardian Xiao Yu immediately entered the kitchen and happily took the handle.

Fu Jiayi has three guards. This year, it is the turn of duty. The other two guards were taken by the old gentleman. They went to the guards and even found the company commander. They gave the guards who had not returned home for four months. On the annual vacation, when Ye Jian came back, the two security guards had just walked for three days.

A chilly Fu dad slammed Ye Jian’s head, hey, his baby daughter was happy to see his eyes and couldn’t see it. “Dad went upstairs to change clothes, stayed at the base for half a month, came out and screwed directly. The baggage will leave, and the body is so afraid that it will smoke you.”

Into the laboratory, ten days and a half months of busy, sometimes really even personal hygiene time is squeezed out and put into the experiment.

It is precisely because of the fact that there are people like Fu Da who are not sleeping, and even those who are physically healthy, let the military strength of our country last for one year.

“Well, you are going to change your clothes, don’t smoke the simple hoe.” The smile on the old gentleman’s face did not fall down. “Change, just eat.”

Fu Dao responded. When I went up the stairs, I took a few stairs and made one step. I strode upstairs and washed it up. The back, how to look at it, was full of joy.

Ye Jian has been laughing all the time. It’s good that the family can spend the New Year together. Now it’s a big brother, and later dial the big brother’s mobile phone to see if it can be received.

“Just don’t know when your brother came back, there should be no temporary problems, can’t go back.” The old gentleman also thought of Li Lannian, could not help but mention, these days I thought that my son and granddaughter will come back for the New Year, nor have they Go to the phone and ask if the grandson can really go home for the New Year.

“I sent a message to my brother later, if I can come back, I will be home in the next two days.” Ye Jian said with a smile, the whole body is full of happiness. “When we get home, we will have a reunion.” Years.”

“Ha ha ha, yes, you have dinner to see if you have dinner.”

“Well, Grandpa, sit down first, don’t stand.”

“Sit for a day and stand at the station.”

“Then I will help you, just said that I don’t fall, you, the most attention should be paid.”

“Or, please ask your brother now?” The old gentleman who is outside the grandson still wants to confirm early. “He will see you texting and will definitely call back the first time.”

Ye Jane immediately took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and quickly sent a text message. He didn’t know if his brother’s mobile phone was around him. He sent a message. If the big brother can see it, he will call back.

Just sent the text message, Ye Jian has not put the phone back in his pocket, the phone will vibrate, and both grandparents laughed.

“You must be your brother!” The old gentleman was happy to sit on the sofa quickly. “You answer the phone, you answer the phone.”

It was Li’s call, just got on the plane, and he was about to shut down. He saw the text message and was the first to call Ye Jian back.

The light and cold voice came, “Is there a New Year at home?” There is a joy that is hard to find, and he is also a rare temper.

After reading the text message of Jane’s Jane, it is almost certain that Ye Jian is at home at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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