Chapter 5529 Women’s University is not staying

Hey, the female is not in the middle, the female is not in the middle, Fu Da is very delicious.

“Dad.” Ye Jian took Fu Dajia, but this spoiled business is not too skilled, but now there seems to be no other better way.

“Don’t be guilty, Dad forgives you.” Fu Da will not let his daughter embarrassed, handed the red envelope that he had already prepared to Ye Jian. “The new year is safe and healthy, and I have time to go home. Dad, I will try to contact you often.”

“Thank you Dad.” Ye Jian continued to hold Fu Da, accepting the warmth from family.

Fu Da gave Li Xiaonian a red envelope. There was nothing else in the blessing. He only wished he could end his singles as soon as possible.

Li Yinian, who was forced to marry, took over the red envelope and finally opened his mouth on the matter. “I will work hard.”

When Fu Da heard it, he immediately knew that there was a play, and patted Li’s shoulders hard. He laughed out loud. “Good, I am waiting!”

Ye Jane leaned on Fu’s shoulder, and the smile in his eyes was the happiest laugh.

Home, very warm, the two leaves of the world are particularly cherish this warmth.

Only in the warmth of the ancestors, Li Laiian also had a slight smile. Although it was only a shallow smile, it was all warm and soft in the cold cold.

Although he is surnamed “Li”, he has always been a Fu family.

Seeing Ye Jianzhi relying on Fu Da, the ignorant Li Lannian said to Fu Dadao: “Hey, my sister is a bit like a baby who has not been weaned. I never thought she could have such a side.”

Only at home, Li Lannian will say a few more words, no longer cold and cold like the outside, people dare not approach.

Ye Jian was said by Li Yunian, and she coughed, she was not so naive, but what…

Ye Jian, who raised his mouth at a high angle, said that he was more childish. “I am next to my dad and want to be a three-year-old milk doll. My dad is happy, isn’t it, Dad?”

“Hahaha, happy, happy, Dad is very happy.” Fuya, who is a gentleman, has been blinded by Ye Jian, and he will always be the harbor of his daughter’s life, and there is no way to shelter from the wind and rain.

The New Year’s bell has already sounded, and the new year is coming with good wishes and wishes. The first day of the New Year’s joy is celebrated on TV, and the whole country celebrates and celebrates a beautiful reunion year.

Twelve o’clock leaves back to the room, and returned the text messages of the New Year’s greetings to the cadets who have already gone to work. They also sent a good blessing to the comrades who are still on duty, even with An Jiaxin. Minutes of the phone, until 2 o’clock in the morning to sleep.

Early in the morning, I got used to the habit of getting up and down.

The guard at home, Fu Shuda, has already returned. He is preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Ye Jian sent out the red envelopes he had prepared the day before. Although there is not much money, it is also a lot of meaning. It is also a new year. Geely, every year the old gentleman will be prepared like this, but after Fu Da reminded her yesterday, she immediately prepared Xiaohong and Fu Shu for the red envelope.

Ye Jian got up on time, and Li Lannian kept his work in the army. He got up early in the morning.

Seeing Ye Jian gave Fu Shu and Xiao Yufa a red envelope, Li Lannian also took out the prepared red envelope and sent it out. Fu Shu took the red envelope and couldn’t help but laugh. “I didn’t go home this year. It’s a good deal. I got four copies. Red envelopes, great luck, great luck.”

(End of this chapter)

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