Chapter 5533 hits

Her blame made Li Xiaonian have a headache, and even her eyebrows were screwed up. She asked very seriously, “Ye Jian? You hid her?”

Little girl, all came to tease her, but there was no such courage.

They were all badly brought by Xia Jinjin. They turned back and hit him. “Whoever you bring back, I have no opinion, I don’t have to say it to me. Besides, don’t you say that it has nothing to do with me? Then tell me what?”

“I am not talking to you, I am talking to myself.” Ye Jian smiled and screamed back, Yu Guangweier found that there was a few seconds of flash in the eyes of Li Xiaonian, who had always been indifferent. Yes, Ye Jian instantly blessed the soul and understood something.

She, she, she… lick her brain!

Just thinking that her brother is not active, but did not think that there are some unknown secrets behind the initiative!

For example, because there is no experience, I am afraid!




She found a terrible secret!

Her older brother, known as the “Devil King” by his comrades in the training, is so ashamed of her big brother who is smashing her sister!

Hey, it’s a bit cute to have a little innocent look. It’s obviously moving and still dying, and I don’t know what it’s all about.

It’s hard to make it, or because it’s shy, so dare not say it?

It must be like this!

Because I am shy, I dare not say it.

Ye Jian’s hands clasped the stone bar on the side of the platform, and he had secretly laughed at the corners of his mouth to cramp.

Really, she found that the comrades around her, especially the bachelors, couldn’t find a girlfriend because they were not good enough, but because… they were too shy!

Xia team, summer team, you are really a special case, chasing the girlfriend that cheeky, if you can give a layer to the comrades, such as a layer to her brother, her devil brother still no girlfriend?

Still need the father to worry?

No need at all!

Li Wei’s early discovery of Ye Jian’s shoulder was pumping, shaking, and at first glance, it was a bad laugh.


The sister who was quite good and pure, was assimilated by Xia Jinyuan!

In this regard, Li Lannian wanted to give Xia Jinyuan a meal and warned him to take less of his sister!

I stayed on the top of the mountain for a little while for about half an hour. When I saw that it was seven o’clock, the two brothers and sisters jogged down from the top of the mountain. After running a lap, they didn’t see a little bit tired, but they felt more energetic and very comfortable.

This time, I didn’t go to the big road again, but I went around the path. I also needed to go back to Fu’s home from the front door of Qin’s house.

Ye Jian and Li Yannian ran around the big garden in Danguiyuan and returned to Fujia through the Qin family entrance.

When Ye Jia and Li Lannian passed through the door of the Qin family, Mrs. Qin, who just got up on the second floor, just opened the curtains, and the curtains pulled to the side. The movement stopped suddenly. The surprised sight didn’t look at the young people passing through their Qin home. People figure.

This is this… This is not the grandson of the old gentleman, the girl around him… This is this… Is this not Ye Jian?

“Dingkang, Dingkang, fast, fast, you are coming over.” Qin mother, who was holding the curtain and did not move, quickly greeted her husband. “Come on! Come on!”

“What’s wrong.” Ambassador Qin Ding Kang Qin, who was wearing a tie, walked along and walked. “In the early morning, what surprises and surprises have you found?”

“Look at the two young people in front, that is the grandson of the old gentleman Li Lannian, I am not mistaken?” Mrs. Qin was still afraid of her own mistakes, pulling her husband to confirm.

(End of this chapter)

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