Chapter 5536 Jumper

Referring to the hospital’s view that night, Mrs. Qin’s heart is still awkward, and she feels dizzy at any time, and even her speech is weak.

“You don’t know, I was in that mood at the time, because the old man fainted into the hospital and saw the old lady’s expression. I really felt that the whole body was soaking in the cold pool, and I was fainting.”

I said a lot in one breath, Mrs. Qin had to take a break to continue to say, Qin Dingkang still waiting to listen, seeing this, can not help but laugh, “Mrs. I did not see how I would know. Come here. Go ahead, continue, you haven’t said the point yet.”

“What is the point? Why does the old lady like Miss Ye so much, and you hate it so much? I, it’s hard to understand.”

The old lady has always been a good person, but he has more than his wife. The old lady feels good, and she will not be bad. Moreover, the old lady can like to go to the girl who wants to repair her daughter to be a grandmother, it must be top.

But his wife, where does the disgusting come from?

“Oh, it’s the gimmick, the gimmick didn’t know where it came from. I stayed with the old lady before we went. I always took the old lady, the old lady, and I like her very much. Sakura went up and said a few. Sentences, do you know what she said? She said that this is her part.” Mrs. Qin said that she was angry at the night. “She is who we are in Qin, how can we say it?” What about it?”

“What happened to the part?” Qin father still didn’t understand where Mrs. Qin’s focus was. He slammed his forehead and sighed: “Madam, what is your point? I need to know the key points.”

“The point, what I am talking about now is the focus! What is it? You don’t want to think about her relationship with our family. What happened to our family has become her part, and I see repairing her. The attitude is very unusual. I have never seen any girl like a nurse.” Mrs. Qin said that her mood is not good. On the first day of the New Year, I found a bad time for myself.

This leaf slip, she really thinks that it is a fox, the relationship between her and Xia Jiaxiaoliu is unclear, and the grandson of the old gentleman is not clear, how, she wants to pull them Qin Home?

no way? !

“Does the child have a bad attitude towards her? You mean…” Qin Dingkang also frowned, but his wrinkles were not frowned because Ye Jian said “inside things”, but how did he feel a little bit of his Is the son in unrequited love?

Men and women are different in certain things.

Mrs. Qin, she thought that her husband already knew what she wanted to say. What was the point? Some of them were angry. They didn’t take a light look at the dressing table. “There is more funny behind, do you know what the old lady said? The old lady has been holding Miss Ye’s hand and saying that she wants her to recognize her relatives and let her be the sister of the child.

The son secretly loves the girl, then, the old lady pulls the girl who secretly loves her son, wants to let her husband recognize a dear, and turn the secret object into a…sister?

At that time, my son’s mood was not… Ambassador Qin Dingkang’s face was very dignified. “This dry pro, can’t recognize, I said to the old lady.”

“Yes, I think so too. We Qin family is also a famous family. How can I recognize a dear friend casually? I don’t know what Miss Ye’s confuse soup for the old lady, and the old lady. So she is biased towards her.” Continue to think that her husband finally understands that his painful Mrs. Qin said that the face is more dignified.

(End of this chapter)

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