Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 826 - Shooting, it makes people afraid

Chapter 826, it is scary

“You are stupid enough. I am with her at the back of the bar. There is an ambush behind the bar!” Luo was hard to be smart, and yelled: “It’s hard to be able to count on her, it will count us Waiting for her to come out in the hotel? Will you arrange an ambush right away?”

When I couldn’t wait for Luo Burn, I wanted to wait, and I couldn’t wait to make a simple meal to vent my hatred.

Ye Jian did not want to wait, she would like to solve it earlier, go back to the hotel to go to bed early.

Resting so early, I have to go to the training ground tomorrow morning to start her car training.

Bend down and smashed two small stones from the weeds and threw them straight into the place where they were talking.

The stone has not yet landed, and the darkness has come from Ye Jian, which has a cool, cool night sound. “Luo Yan, with so many people coming over, do you still need to hide?”

“Mom, they are all provocative!” Huang Ge took the knife to the front, was not provoked by a student, and lost face.

Luo Burn originally thought of listening to Yao Jing, it is best not to come out. When this is the case, he has not had so much brain fever, and he brought someone to come over and fear that she will not be alone?

“Ye Jian, I won’t call you tonight to call my grandfather, I don’t want to be a surname!” A small knife was taken from his pocket, and the fierce look of Luo was staring at the place where the sound came from, vaguely, as if Seeing a black shadow, it seems that nothing has been seen.

Ye Jane moved his hands and feet in the same place, and took the silver wire on his wrist to his hand and walked toward the group.

Such a dark night, for Luo Yan, Huang Ge and other people, they are too dark to see clearly, originally wanted to surround Ye Jian, but now she can not see the specific location.

For Ye Jian, “black” is a good protective color.

Huang Ge is still looking for his own target. He did not find that Ye Jian at this time was only one meter away from them. When he saw a group of black shadows slowly walked into the sight, Huang Ge’s heart was happy and he snorted. Hey, hearing to his younger brother: “Fist first, kill the little girl…”

“Ah!!” During the conversation, a younger brother standing on his right hand suddenly screamed. The whole person was planted directly in the grass, his hands clenched his neck, his legs were earned, and his throat was sharp. Scared screams.

“Neck, my neck, yellow… brother, I… my… my…” I could still shout out in front of me, and I couldn’t stop at the end. He was breathing in a big mouth and there was no way to ask for help.

The Wolf Way Survival Law measures, when attacking prey, always remember the most deadly place to attack the prey.

The silver wire on the leaf’s hand is best for long winding, and the neck is the fastest and most convenient, and the most fearful.

After a scream, I only heard the gasping sound of “squeaky”, and there was no sign, so suddenly something went wrong, listening to screaming, yellow scalp and other scalp, all scared After a few steps back and forth, there was a panic in the look.

Oh shit! What happened!

I also want to kill Ye Jian’s spirit first, and in turn scare myself.

Ye Jian could not make a life, and when the other party was about to suffocate, he came over and took the silver silk back easily. In the black place, no one could see what she had done, only heard the name. The first thing that was packed up in the throat was sullen and it seemed to be very painful and painful.

(End of this chapter)

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