Chapter 841, I see you, but

Seeing Ye Jian’s feelings indifferent, I am not afraid that my daughter’s Yao mother is very light and sinking.

Years of political experience made her vaguely pre-feeling to say that it is very likely that her daughter is not good. With such a hunch, she immediately broke the line: “It is not a big deal in my opinion. It may be a contradiction between children.”

“Quiet, other people’s things, you don’t know what to insert, what do you know about Song Ayi and Yang Shushu? Fast, say goodbye to uncle and aunt, we have to go home.”

The last time I got a couple in the school, I couldn’t get off the stage. This wouldn’t let a child get in the face of Hui Ying’s husband and wife.

For Ye Jian, Yao mother is jealous.

Yao’s deputy director has always listened to his wife and received hints. He laughed haha’s patted Yang’s shoulder. “The boy is much more skinned than the girl. You should ask what’s going on, quietly just out. If you care about Hengheng, you won’t talk nonsense. It’s not early, let’s go home first.”

“Deputy Director Yao, this matter has something to do with Yao Jingcai. It has nothing to do with Yang Heng.” Ye Jianyi spoke, but it was a faint sentence, which made the face of the Yao family’s family of three change.

Yao Jing’s eyes stared at Ye Jian. “What does it matter to me? You are tired of Yang Heng, they go out to fight, and have a face?”

I also know that I went out to fight, it seems that Luo burned them in the hotel, not because Luo Burn heard that she was here, but Yao Jing was ventilating.

A snake that occasionally illuminates the fangs is placed around. Although it is not afraid, it still affects the mood. The leaves are slightly tightened and seem to be guilty. “How do you know that we are going out to fight?”

Do you know the guilty now? late! People who should not be provoked, I have a good time in school!

“How come I don’t know! Just now the brother named Wang Jin said it!” Yao Jing sneered, sweeping the eyes of Ye Jian’s eyes full of disgust, “Wang Jin brother said, “I just said it well together, the result is me alone. On the other hand, some of you are too ignorant.” Ye Jian, Wang Jin said it personally, you still want to argue!”

“A girl actually tempted a few boys to fight for you, a little shame!”

It’s not just that there is no courtesy, it’s that even the most basic morality of being a man is gone!

Ye Jian’s eyes suddenly stunned and looked at Yao Jing’s screaming. “A girl is ruining another girl for her own selfish desires without any basis. Yao Jing is not only shameless, but even the most basic person. No morality!”

She usually smiles slightly, and her eyes are gentle and get along with others. At this moment, she suddenly feels cold and cold, and the momentum that comes out is evenly stunned by several adults. It is a gentle and beautiful face that suddenly becomes Extremely cold, people dare not look directly at her.

With guns on the battlefield, I have performed countless missions, and I have cleared the gas field from the innumerable enemy’s Ye Jian. It is such a greenhouse flower that Yao Jing can be beautiful. On the spot, she was slammed by Ye Jian. The whole person stepped back a few steps and fell directly into his father’s arms.

The deputy director Yao, who was shocked, was hit by his daughter. Instead, he woke up and thought of the troops behind Ye Jian. When he was going to ask his daughter for a face, he immediately returned to his stomach. After half a ring, he sneered and said: So bully a classmate of a school, I see you but Seoul! Quiet, let’s go!”

(End of this chapter)

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