Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 864 - Xia Gongzi who slipped into the room in the middle of the night

Chapter 864 Xia Gongzi who sneaked into the room in the middle of the night

Why come directly to the South Province to find the candidate, not only because of the strength of the waiting, but also because of the trust of the waiting person! Dare to directly kill the people sent by the overseas organizations, the only one in the country!

“If it is not the case, the military will not agree with you to contact with the candidate.” Major General Lu Jun said here, the voice is dignified. “I am very good for your comrade-in-arms, and your decision makes us Everyone admires, but I don’t want to see anyone in your accident.

“Your application, the military all agree. Approving Ye Jian to join the action, become your second cover, let her become the dark sword of our army in the southern province, once there is a snake out of the hole, the dark sword is squirted, killing innocent! ”

Xia Jinyuan’s dawn was slightly moved, and the corner of his mouth was slightly bent in the room where there was no light. Since he ran to the South Province, how could the little fox fight with him?

The little fox wants practical experience, he gives, as long as there is a chance, he will give her practical experience.

Because, he promised that he would hold Ye Jian’s hand tightly, and grow up with her. The gentleman promised that it was difficult to buy, and he promised that he could always keep it in his heart.

At this point, I thought about it.

“I still need to see her reaction before I can inform her directly.” Major General said again, “The military hopes that she can become your current support in the South Province, first test and tell her.”

Ye Jian is a student, even if her file appears in the military area and is recorded in the system, but her identity is still a student, and did not let the military always grasp her movements, the army general said “look at her reaction”, In fact, it is a kind of examination, to check whether Ye Jian is qualified to become a dark sword that leads the snake to kill the innocent.

I thought of pulling the head of the summer major who was watching the sunrise at the leaf, and calmly said: “Okay, strictly enforce the order.”

“G3 will contact you later, you are careful.” After the generals finished speaking the words, they simply hang up the phone, and a text message appeared on the mobile phone of Xia Jinyuan.

It is a text message sent by G3, and it is also a text message that Xia Jinyuan has been waiting for.

G3 SMS said that he is now rushing to the South Province, and he did not contact his K7 to send a text message. He distributed the newsletter at 11:05 in the evening and said that he had entered the country safely.

The K7 injured and lost contact with his teammates. No one knows where he is now. There are still 14 hours away from the 120 hours. G3 suddenly received a K7 message and he has entered the security safely… It is good to receive a text message from K7. The news, since entry, why is there no coordinate positioning for G3?

Xia Jinyuan, who received the text message instead of worryingly, sat quietly, and the seat arrived at three in the morning.

It’s three o’clock…, Xia Jinyuan looked out of the window, and the corner of his mouth began to rise. It seems that he could pick up the little fox and watch the sunrise together.

At this time, Ye Jian has already fallen asleep. She knows that she will soon fight with Xia Jinyuan as a student. She sleeps well and keeps her sleeping position. There is no change at all. Even the sleeping leaves are very simple. Self-discipline.

When she opened her eyes again, the cold light flashed, and the right hand pulled out the pillow and threw the black shadow standing on the edge of her bed. Then, the man rolled to the bed and half hidden.

Someone sneaked into the room, she didn’t even notice it! There was no training for half a month, and the vigilance turned out to be so low! !

At the moment when the pillow was thrown out, **** suddenly smiled lightly. “It is me.”

(End of this chapter)

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