Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

Chapter 879 - a car accident with a different situation

Chapter 879, a car accident with a different situation

Song always wanted to talk about how terrible the car accident was, and his fingers were still in his temples. The phone was already hung up, and her brother-in-law never took the initiative to wait for someone to hang up.

Throw the phone aside and close your eyes to calm your mind.

The driver on the scene has not been rescued. The road to the airport was directly blocked. The traffic police cleared the fence in the middle of the middle road and distributed a road to the airport on the opposite side of the road to avoid all blockage.

It’s better to see how dangerous it was at that time. It’s all fortunate that it’s happening when the car is young in the early hours of the morning. The big truck is directly across the road from tens of meters across the road….I really want to hit all the cars. All are squeezed into scrap iron!

“Secretary…” A traffic policeman ran over, and Director Yang put his mobile phone into a tight rescue.

“We just checked the wheel of the broken shaft of the truck and took out four steel nails in the front wheel of the blasting wheel. The initial judgment was that the driver had neglected to find the nail and the accident caused by the puncture.” The traffic police who ran over took them here. The situation was reported one by one, and his side was the friend of the driver and the old friend who drove together.

“After we got off the high speed, we specially repaired the repair shop at the intersection, and took a rest for a while before re-driving. Secretary, we can pat the chest and say that there are absolutely no steel nails in the wheel. Such four large steel nails They have been driving for six or seven years and will definitely not miss it.”

The driver is from Henan, and his hometown accent is heavy. The traffic police added: “The four steel nails are the most common 2.4-inch steel wheels. Once they are inserted into the inner tires, they cause punctures at high speeds, causing truck imbalance and accidents. ”

“It is this reason, we are old drivers, the family lives in the car, where is the sloppy. Before the high speed, we have to stop and check after the high speed.” The driver with red eyes said it was smeared. Tears, “The old customs are our masters. They are all following the old car. Can you not find out? Can you be so careless? Last night, Laoguan himself touched the flashlight.”

Director Yang took a steel nail and looked at it. This is a brand new steel nail and the most common steel nail. I thought it was a car accident caused by a blasting wheel. Now listening to the analysis is not like an ordinary car accident?

“Take the person in the repair shop to ask, ask the driver’s wife, and call the police station and ask them to send someone.” Mr. Yang speeds up the situation and grasps the whole situation. Work in an orderly manner.

When the Public Security Bureau sent a person to Yang, he gave a phone call to Song. He asked Ye Jian about the accident at the time and found anything else at the scene.

After all, Ye Jian has an unforgettable ability and has helped to detect big cases.

Ye Jian, who has already arrived at the airport, is standing on the first floor of the airport to see the map. Suddenly I heard someone from the radio room who was looking for her broadcast. I heard that “Your friend Miss Song is waiting for you at the service desk”, Ye Jian moved. Step to the service desk.

Miss Song, that is Song General.

When I walked to the service desk, I saw that Song always had a mobile phone in his hand and looked around to find out where he might appear.

Ye Jane walked quickly and raised his hand to say hello, “Song Auntie, I am here.”

“Sorry, I am sorry, I called you again. Yang Heng’s father is looking for you in a hurry. He said that he was asking about the scene of the accident.” Song always said, and then handed the phone to Ye Jian. “I have to let me come to you, don’t be afraid, what can you say?”

(End of this chapter)

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