When the people in the backyard came to the front, the shopkeeper was frowning and listening to Xiuying and Mrs. Li talking. The people who came here whispered to him. As soon as his God changed, he immediately went back.

Xiuying is aware of Mrs. Li's character. If a widow can pull Li Qingzhao up, she naturally has pride in her bones. She did not directly say that she would pay for Mrs. Li, for fear of hurting her self-esteem, but circuitously.

"Don't worry. There's no price tag for these items. The usual rouge and water powder is not only one or two silver coins, but also ten taels. Don't say you're surprised. I was surprised at first. "

"Then I heard from the waiters here that most of these things came from the sea, and they were from outside. It's reasonable to double the price. "

"A box of gouache, which is the life of all the people on the boat. No matter how expensive things are, they are more expensive than people's lives. You say no

Mrs. Li gradually calmed down in Xiuying's warm words, and her shame that she was being watched for her impoliteness dissipated a lot. She looked at the little girl who came with her. She was only thirteen or fourteen years old, and she was small. Unfortunately, her face was blocked by a curtain cap.

But with this sweet voice and good heart, it must not be bad. Mrs. Li believes in Buddhism and is full of kindness to her. She must be born from her heart. She is a little beauty.

Mrs. Li sighed. Xiuying wanted to say what she wanted to say at last. She was going to let the shopkeeper take the things to Li's house and gave the money there. Mrs. Li has always been thrifty. Even if Li Qingzhao had been a fourth grade official in the previous life, she would not have gone out more than five Liang silver.

The shopkeeper came back after hearing Shen Jun's smile and looked at Xiuying. Before she wanted to speak, she gasped and said, "this girl, if we don't go to the back hall, we can speak slowly. There are a lot of people here. It's really not a place to talk. It's a small oversight. " The tone is much softer than that of Mrs. Li.

Mrs. Li's face was a little bad. When Xiuying heard that she was going to refuse, she suddenly stopped.

She looked back in the direction of the hall, and could not see clearly under the hazy white gauze. She could only see the small door opened. Her heart was beating again. How could she suddenly let her go to the back hall? Was her uncle in the back?

Xiuying is a keen thinker, not to mention the manager's action is too wrong. It was Mrs. Li who dropped something. Even if she wanted to talk about it again, she should have asked Mrs. Li to go back and continue to say that it was time for her to leave.

There must be another reason for inviting her!

Her sinking heart suddenly came back to life again, shining in peach blossom eyes. She managed to suppress her joy. She did not forget that many people were watching. They took Mrs. Li's hand and said, "madam, if not, we'll go to the back hall. I'll join you. Don't worry."

Mrs. Li was very embarrassed and wanted to refuse. After all, it was her who caused it. Let the shop send someone to go home with her to get money.

Xiuying has already solved her embarrassment.

Mrs. Li was about to speak, but Xiuying turned quickly and ran back to the place where a group of official ladies had gathered together. She said something to the woman sitting in the room.

In Feng's eyes, when she smiles at Mrs. Li, she can't help but praise: which wife is this? She looks so good.

She was worried just now, she didn't look there at all, but this one glance was startling. Feng's whole body's noble spirit, but extremely gentle smile, immediately set off her temperament out of the dust.

Mrs. Li half a meeting to ease God, toward her also a smile, Xiuying at this time has run back, side with Zhi son.

"Madame, let's go to the back hall." Xiuying compared the gesture of invitation with a smile.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper thought that it was easy to finish the task, so he led them back. He was afraid that the little girl would never make friends again.

It's hard to say what Mrs. Li wants to refuse. She is really a warm-hearted girl. I'm afraid that lady is her mother, and both of them can't be better.

What kind of family is it.

Mrs. Li murmured and followed the back hall with her skirt.

The backyard is not big. It's a small one. It's planted with a elm tree and put several boxes together.

One side of the shopkeeper told them to be careful and led them to the hall.

Xiuying crossed the threshold with excitement, but the hall was empty and there was no one else. She fell down with joy and looked around. She saw that the servant carrying the tea bowl was walking down the corridor, going back and forth.

This kind of pavement, the back is usually the place where the waiter lives and the kitchen.

Who drank the tea in the servant's hand? She thought and looked at the main room again.

After the high seat of the main hall, it turned out to be a large screen with marble inlaid frame and carved with welcome pine. So there should be a dark room behind this room.

Xiuying pursed her lips and sat down quietly, her heart beating faster and faster.

All kinds of signs show that the shopkeeper is the one who was asked to invite her, and the person should still stay here. It is very likely that... He may be hiding behind this dark place?!

Then how can she leave Mrs. Li and have a look at it later?And since the third uncle wanted to see her, why did he hide and hide? Or did he not want to see her?

Xiuying began to worry about gain and loss in her nervousness, and her heart became more and more anxious. It was the late autumn day, and her nose was sweating.

At this time, someone offered tea. The shopkeeper asked them to sit down and did not speak. It seemed that they were considering something. Xiuying saw the tea bowl that was handed over to her, and her heart moved. When she took over the tea, she had already let go of the bowl.

Zhi'er's fright rang out in the main room. Mrs. Li also stood up and the servant knelt on the ground shaking.

Zhi'er's mouth called out to the girl, how are you doing, burning no, Xiuying is a trance appearance, is not tube boiling hot pour on the body of the hot tea, but concentrate on quiet.

When she heard zhi'er concern, there was a thump behind her, as if something had been kicked.

There are people in the back!

The affirmative answer called Xiuying to stand up suddenly, regardless of the embarrassment on her body, she rushed directly to the back.

Hear Xiuying burning Shen Jun smile is anxious to rush out, but can not, the mind is full of her scalded appearance, anxious as ants on the hot pot. I don't want to see a white shadow running over. I don't want to say a word. I just jump on him.

Shen Junxiao's face was pale for a moment, and her soft hands held her waist, and her mind was blank for a moment.

Follow in Zhi son see Shen Jun smile unexpectedly hide here, first is surprised, fortunately in a hurry, high voice way: "shopkeeper, I'm here to help our girl wipe skirt, please wait a moment."

The shopkeeper is also frightened by the accident, and his head is covered with sweat. He knows better than anyone that the man behind is Shen Jun smiling. Is this the meaning of asking him to delay outside?

What kind of friendship does this legitimate daughter of marquis Wu'an have with their little boss?

The shopkeeper's mind was full of questions. Fortunately, he had seen the storm. He immediately responded with a word of "sorry" in his mouth. Then he scolded the servant to leave and led Mrs. Li to speak. Don't let Mrs. Li want to follow.

Shen Junxiao was held by Xiuying for a moment. Her breath was so uneasy to break into the field he was holding fast to, stirring up his already extremely fragile persistence.

At this time, Xiuying also drilled into his arms. Shen Junxiao heard his high atrium wall collapse, and his emotion was the same as the broken Zheng. What restraint, what shouldn't, what can't be seen, are all like the Zheng without restraint, which he left behind.

He shook hands to hold her shoulder, Feng Mou flashed firm, suppressed in his heart between the five years of missing broke out.

He was so in front of Zhi son's face will be horizontal hold up, in the rapid heartbeat sound directly into the side of the warehouse.

It turned out that the hall was connected to the back, and a storehouse was built in the back, and the first half was for guests. Shen Jun laughs and slams the door. The warehouse, which is already under light, looks more and more dim. Only the white figure in his arms is like a pearl, which lights his eyes.

When he reflected how impulsive he was, he froze again, and even did not dare to look down at the people in his arms. The Zhi son of the outside is frightened by this move of him, the heart wants to jump out, can only be forced scalp to say softly to the outside: "shopkeeper, we borrow this room." It's like it's coming out of the house.

The shopkeeper is also passive and quiet. His heart is thumping with fear. He responds in a disorderly way. He pulls Mrs. Li to talk about the East and West, but doesn't talk about the point.

In the dark warehouse, Xiuying grabbed Shen Junxiao's skirt, and her heart was pounding, but she had no peace of mind in recent years. Even though the meeting was so secret, it made her feel very exciting. She chuckled and said, "uncle, I have caught you, you can't hide any more...

, I caught you

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