Late at night, the palace is quiet, with continuous ridges, forming a huge shadow. The huge palace is like a giant beast lurking in the dark.

Fengdi was so busy that he didn't go to sleep until the third watch. He was so confused that he heard someone shouting in his ear.

He closed his eyes and was reluctant to open them.

Suddenly there was news of plague, and he had been discussing the regulations with several ministers. After the constitution was made, they sent people to find the ferry where the plague came from according to Li Shun's confession provided by Liu Ge Lao.

And there were seventeen and eighteen of them, all of whom were porters over there. In this room, after interrogation, some odd workers died and were transported directly to the center of the river by merchants, and even the water was polluted.

After receiving the news, he was busy to ask the hospital to put a large amount of powder into the river, hoping it could work. It also has to be distributed to every household in the capital city to throw it into the well.

I don't know if it works, but everything that can be prevented has been done. After all this, he was even more tired in his fright and anger. He would let the eunuch shout again and didn't want to answer.

Wen Heng, the eunuch, could not help it. Kneeling on the edge of the Dragon bed, he began to tell the story in a low voice: "the emperor, the Emperor... Zhou Yong has an accident. Someone has been poisoned and is still in treatment. The deputy commander of the royal guards is now waiting outside the hall. "

This time, can finally give Feng Di to wake up, or can be said to be scared to wake up.

"Someone poisoned in the imperial prison!" Fengdi turned and sat up. He got up too quickly and was dizzy.

Wen Heng helped him, and then put a big pillow behind him: "yes, commander Huang is going to report."

"-- what to report at this time! Let him go back to the imperial prison and find out! If Zhou yongruo is dead, they don't think about it! " Fengdi was furious.

Wen Heng trembled with fright, and Yu Guang swept to the Yin GUI in the corner of the emperor's eyes. The voice should be repeated, and he went to preach the Holy Spirit to Huang Chaoqi.

Huang Chaoqi knew that it was necessary for him to come here. After hearing the speech, he knelt down and kowtowed three times. He left with a gloomy face.

In the imperial edict prison, someone poisoned them. It really hit them in the face of royal guards and Emperor Feng. That's the organization that Fengdi directly controls!

Huang Chaoqi was angry and anxious, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

On Wednesday, when the master went into the imperial prison, he had been checked before. The poison could not have been brought by the Lord on Wednesday. When he delivered food, those prisoners also tried poison first.

What's wrong!

Huang Chaoqi leaves in a hurry. When Wen Heng returns to the bedroom hall, he sees that the emperor Feng is still sitting in his previous posture and does not move.

Wen Heng bent over and stood on the edge, not daring to speak, just waiting for orders. After a long time, he heard Fengdi take a long breath and say, "Wen Heng, tell me why Zhou Yong was poisoned."

"The Emperor... I don't know." Wen Heng thought about it and bent back.

Fengdi said: "you don't know, you dare not say."

Wen Heng had a smile, and his shrill voice was a little flattering: "the maid is the monkey in the emperor's hand. Nothing can escape the emperor's insight."

Fengdi sighed again: "yes, you can guess. How can Huang Chaoqi guess? Who wants Zhou Yong to die and who gets the benefit at this time. In addition to zhenguogong and Liu Ge Lao, there are cabinet members! Of course, if Liu GE has the ability, he can say that Zhou Yong is afraid of committing suicide, and the case is over! Huang Chaoqi came to see me because he wanted me to make up his mind. But I didn't give them any advice. The cabinet wanted to fight. They fought for it themselves! Who is defeated, just change, I will pull up a person to top off again! "

Emperor Feng lifted the curtain at this time, and Wen Heng immediately knelt down to put on his shoes. He only heard him continue to say in a quiet voice: "it's like King Xun. He thinks I don't know that the deputy commander of the five City Army and horses department is his man. He is my son, not only him, but Wang Yi and Wang Rui. I don't know what action he has

Wen Heng listened to this, but did not dare to answer. He only helped the emperor to stand up. I just feel that several cabinet elders think they are calculating for themselves. In the end, I am afraid that the new cabinet elder will only be the emperor's confidant.

In this dynasty, King Xun was the title of the great prince, the second prince was the former prince who died, King Yi was the third prince, and King Rui was the fourth prince.

These adult princes were the proud sons of Fengdi, but he knew that these sons would turn into man eating tigers one day.

"Since the death of the crown prince, I have only granted a seal to their brothers, but I have not put it into a fiefdom, nor have I made a prince. I don't mean to know that all of them have a mind, and none of them will accept anyone. If they make one of them a prince, I'm afraid there will be a military disaster. "

It means someone will rebel.

Wen Heng listened to his heart trembling and could only comfort him by saying, "the emperor is the father of the mountain. The princes are extremely respectful to you."

"If I don't die, they won't dare to move. If I do, I just want to show some morbid state. I'm afraid they can't hold back their thoughts. Over the years, I have always attached great importance to the fourth brother to the outside world. He has become the target of the suppression of his brothers. I am sorry for him. "

Fengdi seldom talks about these things with people. Even Wen Heng is the first time to hear about it. He thinks that it is Fengdi who has a migrained son. Lord Rui is a cover.Wenheng had to sharpen his ears, but Fengdi didn't say it any more. Instead, he got up to let him change clothes and didn't sleep. After he returned to the imperial court, he began to deal with a pile of folded books handed over by the cabinet.

In the middle of his words, Wen Heng couldn't get up and down, and he kept murmuring in his heart. Wen Heng found that Fengdi was more and more difficult to understand in recent years.

Looking at the gray sideburns of Fengdi, Wen Heng finally sighed in his heart. He will not care how to change outside, and will not let Feng Di's words out. In this way, no matter who becomes the emperor, he will have a life.

Wen Heng and Fengdi have learned a lot from the emperor for decades, including the word loyalty. This is the truth that can't fall by the emperor's side.

If Huang Chaoqi didn't tell the story about the imperial edict, the outsiders would not know about it. But he didn't get Fengdi's idea, so he had to mix the water, let the fish in the water float out and breathe, and then make plans.

That night, Zhou and Feng, the cabinet for the first time and the relevant Liu Ge old town Duke were poisoned by Zhou Yong. Soon, the matter can not find out the thread of Huang Chaoqi, found that someone has a change.

Listening to the report from his subordinates, Huang Chaoqi set up a set of tricks and really caught the mice walking around at night.

Shen Junxiao, who was in Shen's mansion, had not slept all night. When Huang Chaoqi caught a man, he was leaning on the imperial chair and closed his eyes for a rest. See even when Qing also did not open his eyes, until even Qing endowment is set, can close the net, he just slowly opened that pair of Phoenix eyes. There is a clear smile in the eyes.

"Good." The youth cocks the lip Cape, rare to show extremely comfortable smile.

At this time, Lian Qing asked again, "is it to give the second master news that he will meet Shoufu tomorrow and let Shoufu prepare there?"

"No! As long as there is no movement on the emperor's side, Huang Chaoqi will ask Shoufu not to move. One move, this game is not good, and he will be dragged in. If you want to make it clear to my second brother, remember that no one will act again before the emperor talks about this matter! "

Fengdi was a real strategist and a suspicious strategist. Now it is hard to lead Fengdi's preconceptions of zhenguogong and Liuge Laolao, and he can't ignore his own people again. Maybe Fengdi will come to a mantis to catch cicadas, and yellow finches will be behind.


the next day, Xiuying got up early. When she stepped out of the yard, the dew on the branches and leaves did not disperse.

There was a lot of news in Zhengyuan. Zhou zhener had to go to the military department early to discuss border affairs. In an urgent report from the military department yesterday, Emperor Fengdi ordered that we must make a regulation today.

Feng's idea is to go to sanfangyuanyuan to see Liao's family first, and then to greet Mrs. Zhou. Xiuying has something important to say to Feng.

After seeing Zhou Zhen and his son out of the house, Xiuying took her mother's hand and said, "Mom, my daughter thought about it all night yesterday. Last night, I was very angry. Even if my father protected us, my grandmother would still be unhappy. We can't call dad too hard

Feng is very pleased that her daughter is sensible. In fact, what she is most worried about is that her daughter will be given a bad reputation. Mrs. Zhou doesn't care about her.

Last night, Zhou Zhen came back from Mrs. Zhou's angry face. It can be seen that the mother and son did not have a good talk.

Feng touched the ribbon on her daughter's hair and said, "is Yao going to make amends to her grandmother?"

"No!" Xiuying refused firmly.

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