Feng xiuhao was very punctual. As expected, before dinner, someone delivered the money to him. He handed three hundred Liang silver tickets to Shen Junxiao respectfully.

When the young man took it, he swept his eyes, took the tea and the man who gave the silver and said, "go back to your house. The son of a generation says that the silver is less. He broke three handles, all of them made of sandalwood, and broke my censer. They were silver and worthless, but they came from master Xiang, the best craftsman in Beijing. The cotton jacket he wore was made by my second sister-in-law, which can not be measured by money. As for the money for wine, you can only let the son of the world watch it. "

The bodyguard was stunned by him.

What does that mean?

Do you want them to bring money again?

"Lord Shen..." the bodyguard hesitated, "if you don't estimate the number?"

In this way, he can't talk to his son.

Shen Jun put down the tea with a smile and said, "I can't count it. You can go back and tell your son-in-law."

The bodyguard can only write it down. Let's go.

After hearing this, Feng xiuhao also sneered: "why doesn't he go into business? If he goes to business, he will surely become the richest man in the world

The bodyguard did not know, so he waved back. Feng xiuhao stood in front of the window, looking at the garden which had been hit by the rain, and he laughed again.

Shen Junxiao, in the final analysis, is to show him that what he said before is true. Even if that person is not an official, he can make the little girl lead the best life.

A simple room is worth several thousand taels.

At the same time, this is Shen Jun's smile to show his friendship. Feng xiuhao can't count these things, but Shen Jun can laugh, but he doesn't say it clearly. It's just telling him that these things are just a human relationship.

The literati always turn their minds.

It's not cool at all!

Feng xiuhao looked at the drizzle and suddenly felt a lot of mood.

Of course, he hated Shen Jun's smile at all. He called the bodyguard who had run errands before to come in, and ordered: "go back to Shen Junxiao a quarter of an hour before curfew, and tell him that the four girls have passed out today."

The bodyguard looked strangely.

Feng xiuhao vomited at the window. He can't guard the little girl by himself. Naturally, he is happy that others can guard her and make Shen Jun laugh!

Feng's bodyguard went to Shen Jun's laughing house again and told the master to the young man who looked very pale.

Shen Junxiao's face changed on the spot. He raised his voice and asked people to send the bodyguard out. He immediately dropped the tea bowl and swore, "Feng xiuhao is a son of a bitch!"

He is clearly angry with himself!

Early don't say late don't say, this time tell oneself little girl fainted, also don't know how is next.

How can a man be so naive?! Today, I made friends with him. It's really him that Shen Jun was blind with laughter!

So, Shen Jun laughs that night grind turn to be unable to sleep, the next day under the eye of the dark green went to the penalty Department Yamen.

On this night, Li Qingzhao's party was so lively that even Liu Yun showed up and drank three cups before leaving. All the people in Hubu were more intimate with him.

However, Shen Er, who had been promoted to Jiuqing, was still quiet. He only stayed at home, sat around with his wife and brothers and used home cooked meals.

With the help of Li Qingzhao's ability, Ma Qingyuan left the city safely.

Originally, he still had a fluke in his heart. He wanted to escape completely, but he didn't want to give Jiang Hao's people a hundred steps to sneak back to Beijing and close the heavily guarded room again.

At this moment, he did not have any thoughts. He just lived through the day in fear, waiting for Shen Jun to smile again.


Xiuying was in a coma last night, and even when she was awake, she couldn't help thinking about the past life events, like a comic book, scene after scene.

She became silent, and her intermittent lethargy made her look weaker.

Seeing his daughter, Feng immediately stepped down. He was extremely distressed. He wanted to pull Zhou Xian over and whip her. But she thought that her daughter was still struggling with Feng xiuhao's marriage. However, she told her that Feng xiuhao said that she would not marry Zhou's daughter, and her situation did not improve.

Feng is not clear, Xiuying in the impact of Zhou Xian, that long lost, irreversible fear of fate again shrouded her.

The picture of the past and the present in her mind. There is no Li Qingzhao in this world, but Feng xiuhao comes out. So even if Feng xiuhao gives up marrying her because of the situation, will he have another person.

She's not sure, not at all.

Thinking too much in illness is a big taboo. Xiuying is too sick to get up.

Mrs. Zhou learned about Zhou Xian's trouble that night. After hearing that the Feng family would not marry Zhou's daughter, she almost choked her chest.

She didn't like Feng's mother and daughter, but the marriage of Zhou and Feng family had only advantages and no disadvantages to Zhou family, and even other girls in the family had to follow suit.

Who dares to disrespect the girl who goes out from the Zhou family's house!But now, it's all screwed up by a fool!

First of all, the fool Liao almost killed her little son. Now this fool's troublemaker has ruined the scenery of the girls who are still in the Zhou family!

She was about to curse a hole in Liao's mother and daughter!

But things still have to be solved.

Zhou Xian bumps her head and lies on the bed dying. Liao's eyes are going to be blind. After all, I still love my daughter. Mrs. Zhou held her breath and went to the third room. However, she pulled Zhou Xian out of bed again and asked people to strangle her white silk to death!

The stupid granddaughter also offended the Feng family. The Feng family didn't even pay attention to her old lady. Her nephew was even lost in the official position! How can because the youngest son is Zhou Zhen's legitimate younger brother and Rao San Fang!

Mrs. Zhou has never been so sober. She is so ferocious that she can't get rid of Zhou Xian.

Zhou Xian was on the brink of death, and then was dragged from the bed, almost hung on the beam, this toss is half of the life lost. When Liao's desperate attack came down, he already had more air in and less air out. It was Liao's repeated assurance that he would go to the Shi family and explain clearly. They will let the stone family choose. If they don't want to, they will lock Zhou Xian in the house all her life, and will not let her go out any more.

Mrs. Zhou remembered that there was a stone family. She could bear it again and again. She didn't really want to kill Zhou Xian.

Liao's mother-in-law frightened Liao, the next morning went to ask Feng's help to go to the Shi's house, thinking that no matter what her daughter did, she wanted to keep her daughter's life. And Zhou Xian was scared out of her wits, and even in her sleep she cried out and did not dare again.

Feng knew what was going on in the third room last night, but her daughter was still dying in bed. She was so depressed that she didn't want to help the third room any more. She sent Liao away with a cold face. What's more, she knew that she could not let Zhou Xianzhen go to harm the stone family. If this matter was exposed later, the relationship between the two families would be really over!

She said that last night just to see how Liao chose. However, Liao's choice disappoints her. If Liao is willing to let Zhou Xian bear the blame, she will really try to pull her out of Zhou Zhen's favor and say good things to the Shi family. Now, there is no need to help a word!

Liao stood alone in the courtyard of the main room, bewildered and helpless. After several times of crying, he finally realized the reality and went to the stone family with a pale face.

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