Zhi'er is Xiuying side of the people, and often to Xiuying with legs, to car is also cheap. She did not get into the car, but sat in the shaft against the cold wind and urged the coachman to speed up.

After staying in the cold wind for two quarters of an hour, zhi'er's lips were purple with cold, but after arriving at the Shen's house, she threw herself into the air.

Sibao told her that Shen Junxiao went to the criminal Department today.

"You don't have to say a word before you come here. Your face is blue with cold. You'll come to the house to bake the fire. I'll ask people to find out where the third master is now."

Four treasures said while she to lira, Zhi son is not willing, is he said: "three Ye's whereabouts you can know, not as well as we are familiar with some, to the punishment department is a familiar face, at least can call people to report."

"No Zhi son firmly shakes his head, "I go back, you remember to pass on the words, let the third master come to Hou's house quickly, say there is something urgent about the girl."

Four treasures see can only nod, Zhi son again in a hurry to leave, and so on when returning to the house, frozen feet are floating empty. Screen son is also frightened by her ugly face, and dare not disturb Xiuying, busy sent two little girls to get hot water, let Zhi son go back to the room to take a bath. And then I'll send people to the kitchenette to cook ginger soup.

Xiuying is sad, but not as serious as zhi'er thought, but tears fell down to erase.

She just blamed herself for believing too much.

When Sibao arrived at the Ministry of punishment, he happened to meet Shen Jun who was out and returned with a smile. However, he happened to be so excited that Bodhisattva Xie was so excited that he told zhi'er that he was anxious to come.

Shen Jun laughs and hears that Xiuying has something to do with her. Her eyes immediately sink and she says to Fu Ling, "I'll leave the meeting first. If there's anything you can write down, I'll deal with it later."

Fu Ling should be good. He watched the young man who seldom showed an anxious look. He thought what could make this cold man warm.

Shen Junxiao did not take a carriage, but directly rode a horse to Houfu.

The young man wore a black cloak, and the wind made his clothes rustle. The heroic posture of riding horses and whipping all the way made many passers-by look sideways.

When Shen Jun arrived at the Hou's house, Feng was still dealing with the Zheng family's affairs in Mrs. Zhou's courtyard. He was surprised to hear that he had suddenly arrived.

Feng looked back at the closed door of the old man's room. The Zheng family had been in the room for half an hour. From time to time, there was a cry coming out, and he didn't know what he was talking about. But with the old man's previous statement, she didn't worry about Zheng's family, so she went to see Shen Jun to laugh.

Shen Junxiao was invited to the flower Hall of the main courtyard and sat and drank half a bowl of tea before Feng came late.

The people in the main courtyard have been warned for a long time. Without her permission, they can't run to Xiuying. That is to avoid Shen Jun laughing often and meeting them.

After sitting for a long time with a smile, Shen Jun didn't see the little girl. After thinking about it, he realized that there was Feng's obstruction. He didn't worry, but waited quietly.

When Feng arrived, he stood up and saluted her. Feng did not make a sound.

When Shen Jun saluted her with a smile, she returned half a salute. After all, the two were of the same generation in name, but today she has received this gift.

When Shen Junxiao noticed the details, he was more happy than worried.

Feng had already known that the little girl also had a mind for him. This acceptance of the gift should be tacit, and he was more stable.

"Why are you here?"

Feng sat down and looked up at him with his chin up.

Shen Jun said with a smile: "today I have sent a letter to Yaoyao. My heart is always not so peaceful, so I come here to seek peace of mind."

As he spoke, a bodyguard came to see him and said something in Feng's ear.

Feng heard zhi'er two words, eyebrows twisted together, know why Shen Jun smile.

The worry is true, but it has been reported to him for a long time.

Feng's behavior to zhi'er some can't laugh or cry, this servant girl is really loyal, she is also worried about her daughter. When she held her daughter's hand, the uncontrollable tremor hurt her.

Well, people are here. She has something on hand, and let them meet.

"In this case, Xinmei, go and invite the girl to the flower hall. You wait in the flower hall. I'll go to the old lady again

Feng's mouth relaxed. Shen Jun stood up with a smile and bowed to her.

Although it is to let him see people, but keep a confidant servant girl on the spot, show clearly or guard against him, afraid he is too close to the little girl.

He was much suspected by his mother-in-law.

Shen Jun smiles and sighs in his heart and sends Feng Shi out of the room. Then he continues to sit and wait for the little girl.

However, after a short time, he heard the sound of fast steps in the corridor, and some servant girls kept calling for the girl to slow down. It was easy to freeze and slide on the cold ground.

When the servant girl's voice was still falling, the curtain was lifted. The girl's slender figure reflected in Shen Jun's smiling eyes. The cold wind followed her and poured into the room.

Shen Jun smile but don't feel cold, see her that, the whole heart is warm and harmonious.

"Third uncle!" Xiuying ran forward happily.

Shen Jun smiles and comes forward. Seeing her eyes are slightly red, he wants to reach out and touch her face. Core plum is at this time came in, see him raise his hand, busy cough two.These two calls Shen Jun to smile, the heart is excited, busy changed action, turn to gently touch the head of the little girl, low voice way: "Zhi son said you cry."

Xiuying didn't pay attention to Xinmei's voice, nor did she find the youth's abnormality. First, she shriveled her mouth, then raised her chin, and her eyes became extremely sharp: "it's all right. I let the bodyguard beat Zheng Er, and I gave him a good kick. There was no cheap him

Shen Jun was stunned when he heard his speech with a smile.

How is it different from what he thought? He thought the little girl was wronged and cried, and even beat people? I've moved my feet!

He looked at Xiuying's eyes and flashed. The little girl was fierce, just like a wolf cub.

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