Xiao gave Xiuying a surprise, and also a surprise to Feng. They happily washed the dust for her. Mr. Dou is really going to be fainted by this grandson.

I didn't write to him when I came to the capital. Not only did my granddaughter, but also my daughter!

The old man was so angry that his beard was straight up. When he saw Xiao Kai the next day, he chased her to fight in the yard. Xiuying laughed so hard that she could not stand up.

When the other party is panting, he is not willing to run. Finally, Xiuying adjusted in the middle, and said that she would disturb the Marquis's residence for the next two days. The old man was relieved and asked to clean up the yard for them.

When Xiuying went out, she was ordered by the Feng family to stay in Xuanwei Marquis's house for a few days before going home, otherwise it would make the old man sad. Sure enough, this will make the old man smile.

Two small life in the Hou's house, a lot of excitement. In this, Shen Jun laughingly took time to come, but he did not dare to be presumptuous. He only had lunch in Hou's mansion, looked at the little girl more, and then hurried back to the Yamen.

Now he is officially off duty. He has a lot of things to do. He is a servant of the Ministry of punishment. Naturally, he does not have a dry meal in his spare time.

A while ago, the bodyguards who escorted the Zheng family from Beijing all went back to their houses. When they came to report to Feng, they said something by the way.

It was Zheng er who was beaten before he entered the city. Besides, master Zheng was actually a local people who had been trapped and sought revenge from father and son. I don't know how those people know that the father and the son have gone back, and they are lying at home, but they are only suffering from skin injuries and eating pain.

After hearing this, Feng asked the bodyguard and Mrs. Zhou to report truthfully. Soon after hearing the reply, Mrs. Zhou wiped her tears.

After all, there is still emotion.


soon after the first month, there was a rain. After the rain, green grass appeared in the flower pool.

The weather was getting warmer and warmer. When the flowers and trees began to grow again, Zhou Zhen finally wrote to confirm that they would return to the capital city at the end of February -

the tartar state and Wala wanted to make an agreement with China on armistice, and the army would return to Korea. He and Feng Yu would follow the princes and envoys sent by the two countries to discuss matters.

This matter let Feng Di Yin nearly a month's mood finally better, let the Ministry of rites prepare to receive the envoy, can't lose my country of rites and dignity.

But Jinan side because of the warm weather, and the implementation of new policies, things are still smooth. Half of the people are willing to let the government pay for the harvest of this season's fruit, and then collect the barren land at the price of the good land, and sign the contract to plant the land to ensure that even if the land is sold, there will still be income.

The harvest of farmland had a good effect. The Minister of rites, Mr. Lang, was smiling, but Li Qingzhao still couldn't laugh. He broke the leg, and his recovery was not good. He heard many local people scold him, and the whole person was gloomy.

Shen Junxiao did not have a good February, because he was happy and worried about the news that Zhou Zhen returned to the imperial court. He thought that Zhou Zhen had not answered the letter, so he could not hide when he came back.

But he knew that Zhou Zhen should not agree with him, and he had to find another way to make his father-in-law like him. So I've been worried about February.

When the army finally arrived, Xiuying and Xiao agreed to go to the restaurant at the gate of the city to see the army entering the city, and to see what foreign envoys looked like.

She heard that the girls over there were very enthusiastic, their clothes were colorful, and they didn't speak Chinese. In a word, everything was curious.

Mr. Dou was worried that the two little girls would go to such a busy place. Moreover, the long street must be under martial law today. He was afraid that the ignorant would collide with him, so he could only go out with them.

Fengdi only sent the Ministry of rites to meet Wang Yi and king Qi, which was a winner's gesture and also gave the other party an inferior position. He still had a spy from the state of tartar in his hand, which he certainly would not be able to eliminate so soon.

With the music of the guard of honor from far to near, the two little girls huddled by the window finally looked at the team. Xiuying saw her father and brother and uncle on the horse at once, and her eyes brightened with joy.

Her father is black, and her brother is also black, but looking at the spirit, the elder brother's temperament has changed a lot. With a few fierce, after the baptism of the battlefield, the dignified precipitation on the body, the more powerful.

She couldn't resist shouting at her brother in the noise.

In fact, the voice of the little girl could not reach the crowd, but Zhou Jiayu really raised her head and looked around, as if she had a soul in her heart. For a moment, I saw my sister leaning on the window of the small building, waving to myself.

And around her... Zhou Jiayu also saw Xiao Kai, still dressed in red, with a lotus crown, beautiful and heroic. She also smiles at him, bright eyes and bright teeth.

His heart leaped for the bright smile, thinking that the little girl had always been so bright, like the summer sun.

He pursed his lips and laughed back at them. He rode into the palace without straying his eyes.

Looking at the queue going far away, Xiao also discussed with Xiuying the foreign princes he had seen just now. He said with great disdain: "what prince, with such a big hat and a bird's hair on his head, where is the mighty son of Zhou in silver armor. I feel like your brother can beat ten of them

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