Reborn Capital Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 770: Black Skull Pirate

Chapter seven hundred and seventieth black skull pirates

It is precisely because of the chaotic environment in Southeast Asia that every offshore drilling rig set up by Unocal here is equipped with twelve fully armed security personnel! They are all military personnel who have been strictly trained for a year at the Yulin Island Base of the Internal Guard Force and have actual combat experience. Although it is still a lot worse than the special forces of various countries, it is much stronger than ordinary soldiers. As for pirates who have not undergone any strict military training, they are even more incomparable.

Therefore, it is no ordinary pirate who can take them down!

"Have you checked the details of this 'Black Skull Pirates'?" Guo Shouyun asked.

"I've asked the Indonesian police and they said the name has never been heard in a large pirate group in Southeast Asia!" said Rebecca Mark.

"Have not heard?"


Guo Shouyun narrowed his eyes, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.

"That's interesting!"

"One more thing, boss. Unocal's stock has suddenly increased a lot of short positions this week, and the total amount is about 12.5 billion US dollars."

"A sudden increase?"


"Have you checked?"

"I checked, but most of them are offshore funds. It's hard to find the real culprit behind the scenes!" After a pause, Rebecca Mark said solemnly, "Boss, I think it's against our shorts, and this pirate hijacking Our offshore rig thing is intrinsically linked."

"Tell me what you think?"

"Unocal's financial position has always been good, we have ample liquidity, and the oil industry is on the rise. No sane, experienced fund manager would choose Unocal as their target. Unless...they have enough Confidence! It just so happened that pirates hijacked our drilling rig at this time, and when the news spreads, our stock price will definitely fall." Rebecca nodded and replied.

"Any more?"

"Boss, people who short Unocal in this way are definitely not ordinary shorts. They have deep contradictions with us, even hatred. There are not many such people. Therefore, although we have no way to trace the short side, But it's not hard to guess who the enemy is."

Guo Shouyun's eyes flashed, and after pondering for a moment, "You don't need to worry about the stock price for now. Concentrate on solving the hostage-taking incident on the drilling platform. There is only one principle: money can be given, and people must ensure my safety!"


After hanging up the phone, Guo Shouyun walked around in the study. He had basically guessed who the enemy was, but he didn't expect that their methods would be so condescending. However, it is also understandable that Americans have always used their fists to solve problems when they do not understand the truth.

"Since you choose to use your fists, then I will use my fists too!"

Thinking of this, Guo Shouyun turned around and picked up his other mobile phone, found Pireli's number and dialed it.


"Where are you?"



"Hmm! ... I heard that there will be a lot of good things in the Dubai black market in May, so I'll make a stop."

The black market has long been no stranger to the internal guard troops with multiple identities such as security personnel and mercenaries. Most of the weapons and ammunition they use are purchased from here, and the seized drugs and artworks are also sold here.

The black market has long been inseparable from the internal defense forces. Therefore, Guo Shouyun didn't ask any more questions, and went straight to the topic: "Unocal's two offshore drilling rigs in Indonesia were hijacked by a force called the 'Black Skull Pirates'. But I suspect that the Black Skulls pirates are scumbags, you use Our information channel in the underground world, let me investigate the true origin of this black skeleton!"

"Understood! I'll make arrangements right away!" Pirelli didn't hesitate.

As Guo Shouyun expected. The next day, the news that Unocal's two offshore drilling rigs in Indonesia were hijacked by pirates and demanded a huge ransom of $200 million was quickly spread under the publicity of bc, "New York Times", "Wall Street Journal" and other media. the entire United States. Unocal's share price fell immediately, dropping 450 basis points on the first day. In the following week, Unocal's original market value of 73.3 billion US dollars dropped to 61.7 billion US dollars, and its huge assets of 11.6 billion US dollars evaporated like this.

Although the rise and fall of the stock price does not affect the increase or decrease of the company's assets, Guo Shouyun is still very heartbroken when he sees that the company's efforts for more than half a year have come to nothing.

Not only his heartache, but also Unocal's shareholders. But no one would have thought of a black swan event like pirates hijacking oil rigs. So Unocal has not been blamed too much by the outside world. But just as much trouble.

"Bruce, now that the Unocal drilling rig has been hijacked by pirates, what are you going to do?" asked Vanguard Fund CEO Ned Romney on the phone.

Apart from Guo Shouyun's Bruce Fund, Vanguard Fund is Unocal's largest institutional investor. As for the previously invested Morgan Family Fund, Roosevelt Family Fund, Blackstone Group and other PE institutions, most of them cashed out after Unocal went public, and were replaced by mutual funds such as Vanguard Fund, Legg Mason Group, and private investors.

If not, the Schiffs and Citi wouldn't be openly shorting Unocal's stock!

"Ned, I have contacted Ambassador Peach of the US Embassy in Indonesia, and he will cooperate with us in urging the Indonesian police and military to rescue the hostages taken by pirates!"

"What about the $200 million ransom? That's not a small amount!"

"No matter how much ransom is paid, no human life is worth anything! Besides, we have no other choice, don't we!" Guo Shouyun said.

"Bruce, if you need me, I can contact the world's top security company for you!" After a moment of silence, Ned Romney suddenly said in a strange tone.

"You want to attack?"

Guo Shouyun understood in an This will make us pay less price, right? ! "

Hearing this, Guo Shouyun's eyes flashed. From an economic point of view, Ned Romney's strategy is indeed correct. Invite top security teams to storm pirate-controlled rigs, even if some hostages die. Then the commissions and death compensation spent will not cost $200 million, or even $100 million.

"Ned, we're taking a big moral hazard if we use this strategy!"

"Bruce, any strategy has flaws. And we are already actively rescuing the hostages, and the law and public opinion will not be too harsh! Moreover, now Unocal is facing great difficulties in the stock market, and we need funds to support the market!"

"Ned, it's a big deal. I'll think about it and get back to you!"

"ok!...Bruce, you are the chairman of Unocal's board of directors, no matter what decision you make, I will support you!"


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