"Of course I'll bring the kids! Yue Yue and Liang Liang are so well-behaved, they must be very good to bring! Just sleep with confidence! Lin Jue said confidently.

Jiang Ceramics saw that Lin Jue was full of confidence, and she also wanted to let the child and his father have more contact with the two children, so she nodded and agreed.

Lin Jue helped his wife cover the quilt and left, quietly covering the door of her bedroom.

Outside the door, the two little guys poked their heads out curiously, they were very concerned about the situation of Jiang Porcelain, and they were afraid that their mother would be sick and have an accident.

Yue Yue was the first to grab Lin Jue's pant leg and asked, "Cao Yue, is she okay?"

"It's okay! She was just sleepy, and I told her to rest early. Dad will help you take a bath tonight and sleep with you, okay! Lin Jue said with a smile.

"Yay! Liang Liang wants to sleep with Tang Liang! "The son seemed excited, and the boy still adored his father.

Yue Yue saw her younger brother speak first, and she pouted unhappily and said, "Yue Yue also wants!" You can't leave the nest behind!

"Well, you both sleep with Daddy!" Lin Jue smiled helplessly.

These two little guys will "compete for favor" at a young age, and if he doesn't show fairness, he will definitely have to quarrel later.

He carried the children to the bathroom, took out the tub and filled it with water, and boiled a few pots of hot water to warm up.

Although it is June weather now, the temperature is already very high, but the child's physique is weak, and it is still not safe to wash cold water directly.

When the water temperature was about the same, the children undressed and sneaked into the tub to play.

No crying or making trouble during the whole process, special cooperation.

Lin Jue was moved to cry, his child is really well-behaved, it is worthy of his Lin Jue's baby, it is easy to bring!

Help them dry their bodies, change their clothes, carry them to his bedroom, take out the talcum powder and wipe their backs.

In the hot summer, there is no electric fan at home, and it is easy to sleep sweaty when sleeping at night, especially the back, which is easy to cover the rash due to humid heat.

Applying a little talcum powder can make the skin dry and comfortable.

Lin Jue didn't understand these things, he recalled the details of Jiang Porcelain's usual care of children, drawing gourds like this, and learning to do them.

Carrying them to bed and sleeping, Lin Jue took out the fan and slowly fanned the wind while coaxing the children to sleep.

Yue Yue opened her grape-sized black eyes, stared at Lin Jue, and asked in a milky voice: "Cao Yue, can you sing?"

Lin Jue was stunned by his daughter, he really can't sing, before he was reborn, his singing technique was the level of five-tone imperfection, known as the "KTV killer".

Go to dinner with colleagues in the hotel, and every time it is his turn to sing, he can sing a group of people laughing and crying!

He was afraid that when he opened his mouth, the children not only were not coaxed to sleep by him, but laughed so much that they could not fall asleep.

"Ahem." Lin Jue cleared his throat and said, "Dad doesn't sing as well as your mother, but Dad can tell stories, do you want to hear it?"


"Of course I want to! Tell a story! The

children were particularly popular, Lin Jue brewed in his mind, so many fairy tales, he can not remember much.

Children haven't seen Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tales, so tell them Snow White!

"Dad will tell you the story of Snow White, a long, long time ago, in an ancient Western country, the old king had a daughter, her hair was as black as ebony, her skin was as white as snow, and her lips were as red as blood-"

Yue Yue heard this, and raised her hand curiously and asked: "Snow White, does Snow White look beautiful?"

"That must be beautiful!" Lin Jue said.

"Is Snow White as beautiful as Mama?" She asked, tilting her head.

This question can make Lin Jue stupid, how can a fictional princess in a fairy tale have his wife look good!

In his eyes, his wife must be first-class and beautiful!

There is no comparison at all.

"Haha, that must be your mother's best looking! In Dad's eyes, your mom is the most beautiful woman in the world! Lin Jue said with a smile.

At this time, because Jiang Ceramics was not worried about Lin Jue taking the child, he slept halfway through and secretly got up and came to his bedroom door.

I thought that if the children were crying, she could immediately show up to coax the children.

Unexpectedly, I accidentally heard Lin Jue's words...

She said she was the most beautiful woman in the world.

This sentence has a great impact on a woman.

A man says such words, either because the other party is indeed beautiful, beautiful and incomprehensible, beautiful to the point of overwhelming the country.

Either this man loves her very much, because of love, so in his eyes, she will always be the most beautiful....

Thinking of this, Jiang Ceramics felt an indescribable emotion in her heart, and she touched her chest and felt the throbbing in her chest.

From the first time she met Lin Jue to the time after the two got married, she had never heard Lin Jue say, "I love you".

This is actually very normal for ordinary rural couples, people in this era, the attitude towards feelings is conservative, never put love on the lips.

Jiang Ceramics also felt that the kind of person who said sweet words all day was too frivolous and unreliable at all.

But because Lin Jue said it unconsciously not in front of her, but when chatting with children, this kind of sweet words moved her even more.

Jiang Porcelain took a deep breath and quietly observed through the crack in the door the picture of Lin Jue telling stories to the children.

His voice is soft, he tells stories, and he doesn't forget to fan the children, he doesn't get bored in the slightest, but enjoys spending time with them.

Jiang Ceramics looked at this warm picture and was fascinated.

Since Lin Jue's determination to change, Jiang Ceramics has gradually seen from this family what a home should look like.

She dreamed of the best look at home.

She stood outside the door and watched for a long time, her emotions became excited, her brain became clear, but she couldn't sleep, she simply walked to the sewing machine and began to work.

Lin Jue was halfway through the story of Snow White, and the children were already sleepy and closed their eyes.

Looking at the quiet sleeping faces of the two little milk babies, the pink little faces, and the bulging baby fat, he couldn't help but look down and kiss them on the cheeks separately.

"Good night, darlings. Have a good dream. Lin

Jue enjoyed this moment.

Before he was reborn, after the two children left, he dreamed of them every night for a long time, reliving the bits and pieces of being with them.

He had kissed his children in his dreams, but never in reality.

After being reborn this time, he can finally be a worthy father, take care of them, and express his love to the fullest.

Lin Jue tiptoed out of bed and came to the living room, but he heard the clicking of the sewing machine working.

Jiang Ceramics was actually not sleeping, but secretly got up from the bed to work.

Lin Jue was stupid when he saw this scene, should his wife be so diligent?

If you have a fever, you can't rest well, and you still run out to toss something!

Making money is secondary, the body is important!

"Wife, why aren't you resting?"

Lin Jue's voice sounded from behind Jiang Porcelain, and her body shook violently, looking nervous about being caught stealing something.

She turned her head awkwardly and gave Shanglin Jue a serious expression, as if she had really made some big mistake.

"That... I'm not burning anymore. She spoke bumpily, afraid that Lin Jue would be angry, and quickly explained, "I went to bed too early, I couldn't sleep, so I got up and moved." I don't care, don't worry!

Lin Jue looked at his wife with a scared look, and only then reacted, he shouldn't be too serious.

Especially his angular face, once serious, it feels fierce, and it is not good to scare his wife.

"If you can't sleep, don't worry about work, wife, you are a patient!" Lin Jue spoke as softly as possible.

Jiang Ceramics sighed, smiled and put down the work in his hand: "Then I won't do it, I'll listen to you." "

In the dead of night, the entire Golden Dragon Village is shrouded in a quiet and peaceful night.

Jiang Ceramics and Lin Jue came to the outside of the house, the summer night insects chirped, and the chirping of the nighthawk echoed among the trees.

Lin Jue looked up at the night sky, a small mountain village without light pollution, and the Milky Way was clearly visible at night.

Bathing in this starlight with his wife and two people, this kind of scene is too romantic.

"Wife, I bought Fenhuang Xuemei in the small shop last time, and I forgot to give it to you." Lin Jue went back to the house and found a pack of Xuemei to open it, "I used to see that you often ate this, and I knew that I liked it, so I bought two packs."

He handed the unpacked package to Jiang Porcelain, who looked at it, smiled and crooked his eyebrows, pinched one and put it in his mouth, took another one, and stretched it out to Lin Jue's mouth.

"You eat one too!" She said.

Lin Jue smiled and took a bite of the dried plum.

The taste of this Fenhuang snow plum is sweet and sour, not very delicious, it is the taste of ordinary preserved fruit.

However, because his wife fed it himself, he psychologically felt that he could give this thing a tenth!

Jiang Ceramics didn't say anything, just quietly watched the night.

In fact, she doesn't like to eat Fenhuang Xuemei, but she used to stay up late to work, so she bought this thing in order to refresh her mind.

Dried plums are cheaper than tea, and if you are sleepy, you will stimulate your taste buds, and the spirit will come.

Now she doesn't need to stay up late, and when she eats dried plums, she tastes another taste, sweet to her heart.

Her gaze fell on Lin Jue beside her, looking at his strong and powerful big hand, and for the first time she had the urge to hold it tightly.

Hold his hand, hold it all the time, and don't let go.

Jiang Ceramics thought to himself, so he did so.

A slightly cold jade hand carefully and tentatively pulled Lin Jue's fingers, and then decisively clenched it, palm to palm.

Lin Jue's heart trembled, he glanced at his wife, and then looked down at the hands of the two of them.

His wife actually took the initiative to lead him!

He couldn't sleep with excitement tonight!

Lin Jueqiang held back the rise of the corners of his mouth, in order not to break this beauty, he stood motionless, but his palms were sweaty with nervousness.

His state at this time seems to have returned to the age when the two of them first fell in love, often because of each other's small actions.

It turns out that this is what youth looks like!

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