At that moment, Qin Yue had a feeling that his heart was being hit hard.

is so sincere, without any scheming and intentions, only Xiang Yuwei can say it.

For "old souls" like them, who have been crawling around in this dirty world for many years, they have long lost a pure heart.

He suddenly felt that Xiang Yao actually knew her sister very well, and it was not an exaggeration to say that she was the only white lotus that grew out of the deep pool of the Xiang family.

In that dark, misty place, the only ray of sunlight fell on Xiang Yuwei, allowing her to grow up under the protection of her family and become the clean and pure she is now.

Qin Yue raised his hand heavily and stroked the back of her head, feeling her small body lying on top of him, rising and falling with his breathing.

"Yuwei, I will try my best to live up to your trust. After all, I came to this world only for you. You're my only purpose in surviving. Qin Yue stared at the void and said something flutteringly.

Xiang Yuwei looked at him suspiciously, how did she think that Qin Yue's words carried something very heavy.

He is obviously the same age as her, but she always has the illusion that Qin Yue is very "old".

This kind of old age does not refer to appearance, but to his soul revealing a sense of aging.

It seems that I have experienced many ups and downs, stepped on thousands of mountains and rivers, and came here.

"Qin Yue, I don't quite understand what you mean. "

Baby, you don't need to understand. "

Oh, does that belong to one of those little secrets you deliberately kept from me?" she said with a deliberately mischievous feeling.

"Sort of. "

Then when will you tell me the secret. How about giving me some time?"

Qin Yue stared at her white face.


Qin Yue hooked her chin and said ambiguously: "If you kiss me, I'll tell you."

"Bah, old rascal, you men don't have this thing in their heads all day. "

Yes, my dear Xiao Weiwei, when I see you, I can't control it, what should I do?"

"Qin Yue, you have to be a little more restrained. Feng Wa is still on the side, do you want to take her badly?" Xiang

Yuwei was very nervous, Feng Wa was her shield, as long as Feng Wa was still there, she knew that Qin Yue would not dare to move her hands and feet casually.

Qin Yue turned his head to look at the sleeping little girl on the side, how could he have the slightest intention of waking up.

He raised his hand and grabbed Xiang Yuwei's shoulder, turned over and pressed her under him, Xiang Yuwei's face changed suddenly, and her eyes were full of panic.

"You...... What are you doing......"

As soon as she spoke, Qin Yue blocked her mouth and wantonly captured her city, not giving her a little room to breathe.

After a long time, he let go of his mouth, and Xiang Yuwei's face was full of shyness and annoyance.

"You're really getting thicker! You can kiss in front of children.

"It's not because you're teasing me, Xiao Weiwei's little mouth is comfortable to kiss. It's soft and tender, and it's addictive.

"Phew, you're so greasy, Qin Yue! At a young age, how did you get caught with the old problem of a middle-aged greasy uncle. Goosebumps are getting up. Xiang

Yuwei became more and more bold when he spoke.

In the past, she was kissed by Qin Yue, and she might have blushed for a while, but now it's good, she can still fight with the other party for so long.

Sure enough, it is already commonplace to be angry with Qin Yue's wolf nature.

"Well, I'll let you go this time. But I can tell you, I, Qin Yue, am a very open person, I won't refuse, X behavior before marriage, you have to be prepared to be eaten by me at any time, little cutie. "

Who, who's afraid of whom!, you dare to threaten me!" she replied pretending to be calm, but her whole face turned red.

Qin Yue turned over, and the three of them returned to their posture.

Xiang Yuwei stiffened directly there, and the whole person didn't dare to move, and her mind was still replaying what Qin Yue had just said.

He doesn't refuse to act before marriage, what does this mean, doesn't this mean...... Xiang Yuwei's heart let out an exclamation!

She pretended to be casual and indifferent on the surface, but in fact, where could she, a little girl, stand it, Qin Yue, the old driver, flirtatious.

It's not good or bad at all.

Qin Yue closed his eyes, listening to the constant heartbeat prompt sound from the system, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his heart was already happy.

"This little girl, obviously scared to death, why pretend to be calm, haha......" ......

Early the next morning, Xiang Yuwei went out with dark circles under her eyes, and last night it could be said that she had not slept all night, and the hormones churning in her body made her unable to sleep at all.

Qin Yue, the initiator, fell asleep, and even snored in the second half of the night.

She was so angry that she wanted to slap him and push him off the bed, it was really too much.

She now has serious insomnia, a terrible headache, looked in the mirror, the whites of her eyes were full of bloodshots, and she had no face to see anyone.

Everyone made an appointment and gathered at 8 o'clock in the morning.

On the moving company's side, the head of the dormitory also called last night and said that they would arrive at the small village at about this time.

Qin Yue sent them the positioning in advance, as well as the road map.

The roads in this mountainous area are not easy to walk, and it is good that trucks can drive in.

Originally, he was still a little worried that the road up the mountain would be difficult, but after dawn, he found that when the villa area on the mountain was under construction, a cement road had already been opened, and the road surface was smooth, just enough for a car to pass through.

At half past eight, the moving company arrived on time, and the head of the house got out of the car and hugged Zheng Kai and others as soon as he came.

"Oh, you don't know, it's so tiring to drive at night. Fortunately, I don't need to drive this car, otherwise you wouldn't have seen me this morning, and you would probably have to go to the gutter to find my body!

Everyone sees that he is in good spirits, he looks like a person who has stayed up all night.

Qin Yue patted him on the shoulder and gave him and the driver a can of hot tea to wake up.

After a short rest, everyone was ready to go up the mountain.

The truck walked in front, and a group of them followed on foot, and before leaving, Fengwa caught Xiang Yuwei and said goodbye to her.

"Big sister, are you and that handsome brother boyfriend and girlfriend?" Feng Wa looked at her curiously, and a pair of big eyes rolled around.

"Huh?" Xiang Yuwei's head was a little down, "Why did you suddenly ask this?" "

Because, last night, the two of you were very close." When my parents were at home in the past, I occasionally saw the two of them in the same bed, cuddling and hugging. She smiled slyly like a little fox.

Xiang Yuwei blushed and covered her mouth: "Don't look around, children!, what's so beautiful, be careful of the eye of a needle!".

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