Planck Planet.

It was at the time when the Black Sand Pirate Group crossed the galaxy and then betrayed Cheng Qiu, triggering the breakthrough of the Mo Crow Spaceport.

It was also the time when Leng Feng had been waiting for seven days and was receiving a newly repaired fleet.

At this time, around the giant peak of the Planck III mutant camp.

After a week of transformation, under the manufacture of countless SCV robots.

A city with a length of 20 kilometers and a width of 20 kilometers was built around it.

In the city, there are supply stations, machine manufacturing stations, parts assembly plants, material conversion stations, etc. everywhere.

All kinds of transportation, production, and manufacturing of all kinds of vehicles are busy in this vain city.

Large quantities of heavy armor of machine gunners, related parts of tanks, various firearms, ammunition, constantly piled up in the newly built warehouses.

At the same time, along the foot of the giant peak, the standard buildings belonging to the federal military system, such as the truly original and perfect scientific research institute, R&D center, conning tower, federal genuine star port, vehicle manufacturing workshop, etc., rose from the ground.

Compared with the castrated version of the star port and scientific research buildings that mutants figured out according to memories and pictures before.

At this time, the No. 3 scientific research base can be said to be updated, and the infrastructure has been qualitatively improved.

It is precisely because of these more advanced and more scientific infrastructures that a large number of mutant scientists who have obtained complete science and technology can develop and upgrade various technologies faster and more efficiently around the clock.

Judging from the technology tree in Leng Feng’s own mind, the technology icons on each level of the technology tree are being lit up one by one at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, as the countless technologies on the technology tree were truly mastered by mutants, the maintenance work of that huge fleet gradually changed from ordinary repair to renewal and transformation.

At this time, in the ship yard fifty kilometers away from Camp No. 3.

Hundreds of warships, standing on hundreds of newly built battleship moorings, are undergoing their final self-inspection.

The densely packed maintenance racks on their hulls are slowly being dismantled by the SCV.

Little by little, the appearance of the battleship appeared in the eyes of Leng Feng, who was waiting for the result.

To be honest, the entire fleet at this time, after combining the material technology of Camp No. 2, the armor on the entire hull was no longer a bright metallic luster, but a frosted material with a hint of Zerg patterns, which in space actually had a certain invisible effect on the detection of optical and thermal detectors.

At the same time, the cold front that constantly received the data of the entire fleet from the hive obviously found that the middle layer inside the fleet armor, which was originally just a cushioning steel frame structure, was now filled with the Zerg defensive sponge biological tissue developed by Camp One.

As a result, the defense of the entire battleship has been doubled again on the original basis, and the sponge biological tissue has also had a good shielding effect on the means of microwave and other band detection.

Moreover, this layer of organic biological structure also has its own energy transmission effect, which actually helps the energy mobilization and conversion in the battleship to have a higher improvement.

Unexpectedly, the power of the engine was also increased, so that the speed of the battleship was also increased by about 30%.

Honk! Honk! Honk! Honk!

The self-test is complete, all the warships are completely new, and the 3D internal virtual module shows that the entire fleet, all the spaceships are green and healthy.

At the same time, Leng Feng also received the Hive’s explanation of the basic data of the fleet.

The results made Leng Feng very happy.

The entire fleet was not only completely repaired within the specified one-week period, but also underwent large-scale renovation and strengthening.

It can be said that from all aspects of comprehensive consideration, the current transformed fleet is more than twice as powerful as the previous fleet.

The battleship was successfully repaired.

Leng Feng put his perspective in the barracks next to the shipyard.

Elise the queen of insects was standing on the training platform of the barracks, speaking to the hundreds of thousands of original fleet crew members lined up neatly below.

However, the only difference from before is that the original hundreds of thousands of human crew members have now been transformed into mutant crew members by Elis.

The reason for this treatment.

First, because when they just took over the battleship, the various human units had a strong sense of resistance.

At the same time, Leng Feng, who did not obtain the Terran technology tree at that time, was excluded from the Terran power component, and was completely unable to win the hearts of these human crews.

Second, Leng Feng had a faintly urgent and inexplicable crisis in his heart, and he wanted to form combat effectiveness as soon as possible.

And to form combat effectiveness.

There is nothing more convenient than transforming all human crew members into mutants.

Because the mutants are 100% obedient, it makes the entire fleet have stronger combat effectiveness.

What’s more, Elise the insect queen who was transformed by the cold front.

In terms of infecting mutant people, it has a human compatibility that other worm queens do not have.

The mutant person she transformed not only has various abilities and organs that are correspondingly strengthened after insectization, but also maintains the memory and way of thinking of mutant people as human beings.

Such a mutant, as a crew member, not only has flexible adaptability and stronger combat literacy, but also loyalty can be guaranteed.

Finally, although the planet Planck was transformed into the unique scenery of the ecological planet by the mimicry of the cold front, no matter how similar the environment simulated by the mimicry and how familiar the smell of the air is, it cannot change the fact that the planet is covered with a blanket of bacteria.

And with a bacterial blanket, there will be spores and poisonous gas suitable for the survival of the zerg.

Such an environment is not to say that it is not suitable for human survival, but that human beings cannot survive at all.

If Leng Feng really wanted to completely save these humans, he would not only need to build a large number of protective clothing, but also a large number of supply stations.

At that time, let alone a city with a radius of 20 kilometers, it is a city with a radius of 100 kilometers, which may not be enough.

Therefore, based on the above considerations, Leng Feng directly transformed all humans into mutants.

In this way, in addition to the identity of human beings, and after going to the human world, it is not very convenient to contact these people with the outside world.

In battleship combat, calculation, obedience, but it is several times more powerful than the previous fleet.

At the same time, as these hundreds of thousands of Terran crew members were transformed into mutants, Leng Feng, the Terran base expanded from the No. 3 mutant base, suddenly entered the regular.

A large number of tens of thousands of non-combatants, who originally belonged to the scientific expedition, were assigned to the city and kept the entire city in order.

It can be said that if Leng Feng can obtain an S-level wisdom brain at this time.

Then Camp No. 3 here can be completely counted as a fully functional pure Terran base!

With the foundation of the Cold Front’s Terran forces being consolidated, it was completed.

On the other side of the Mede plateau.

The various zerg buildings that crawled out of the ground again began to continue to evolve and grow on a large scale.

At the same time, the various sub-bases of the entire planet are constantly improving.

The number of resources collected by the daily cold front has almost doubled.

On the battlefield, the lost source of Zerg troops was also replenished during this time.

Moreover, the entire swarm evolves with the continuous research and technology of the Zerg gene.

The genes of all classes have been greatly improved.

Defensive aspects such as armor and muscle strength have been upgraded to the second level.

Attack, bite force, throw strength and other attacks, even towards the third level.

The combat effectiveness of the entire swarm has grown by leaps and bounds.

Take a wyvern alone, if you encounter the laser cannon attack of the Behimos-class battleship again, it will definitely not be arbitrarily pierced again.


After the previous battles, Leng Feng also discovered the necessity of space defense, especially the two satellites on the planet Planck, which are really natural space fortresses.

Therefore, the space defense plan of Ling Shuang and Zhu Yan before was also vigorously promoted by Leng Feng, constantly building in the star system.

So to speak.

It’s only been a week.

But for the planet Planck, it has changed dramatically.

The planet that was once as defenseless as a newborn baby has now evolved into a teenager, not only full of rapid growth and change, but also gradually possessing a certain combat power.

However, if you want the planet Planck, you have the ability to protect yourself against the previous fleet.

In addition to the fleet in the hands of the cold front.

It can only rely on the seven worm eggs that are reincarnating and evolving on the rebirth pool in Camp No. 2 at this time.

When they break their shells, when does the planet Planck have the ability to protect itself.

Because of the fifth-level special zerg building [Rebirth Pool], the high-level space creatures transformed naturally have a fifth-level level strength at the beginning of life.

What does this level of strength mean?

Equivalent to the combat power of Behimos-class battleships!

Because the Behimos-class battleships also belong to the fifth class of Terran troops.

This means that when these seven patrol turtle beasts are insectized, on the planet Planck, they have the high-level Zerg combat power of seven Behimos-class battleships.

In this case, the defensive power of Planet Planck can be called solid.


And it is in such a situation.

Cheng Qiu’s game call application appeared on Leng Feng’s game system page.

“Hey! Qiu Bao? ”

“Feng, I need the specific route map of the star region you are in, do you have it?”

“Yes, you just have to arrive at Nanyan Spaceport and head towards [X:32]. Y:65.Z:11。 Wormhole passage in the direction will reach my star region, and then follow the coordinates of the star region I gave you earlier to find the Planck star system. ”

“Okay, I made a note, and is your star system hidden?” Will it be detected by probing and detection near the node of the star region? ”

“The Planck star system, more than ten light-years away from the star region node, cannot be detected by ordinary explorers. It’s relatively safe. What’s wrong? Listen to what you mean by this, are you in trouble? ”

“Yes…” Before Cheng Qiu’s words were finished, a hurried exclamation suddenly came from over there! Captain, the omen of sudden spatial fluctuations in the surrounding space, it is very likely that a battleship has chased after it by turning over! ”

The next moment, there was no time for Leng Feng to ask.

Honk! Honk! Honk!

The busy tone of the call appeared next to Leng Feng’s ears, and the phone was directly interrupted.

Leng Feng’s face instantly turned pale.



A murderous aura ignited on Leng Feng’s body, and then, the entire planet Planck suddenly rioted!

Countless swarms of insects roared to the sky.

Zhu Yan and Ling Shuang put down the work they were doing, their faces changed, and they rushed towards Camp No. 3 at great speed.

And at this time, Leng Feng, his eyebrows were slaughtered, and his icy eyes looked at Elise below.

“The fleet, except for the scientific research fleet, is immediately ready for battle, all personnel are on standby, and they are ready to set off at any time!”


The Qingwu scale wings behind Leng Feng directly opened, and in the blink of an eye, the person insinuated to the research institute under the giant peak.

After he stepped into the main cabin of the scientific research center, he said to Tao Xuan, who was in charge of coordinating the research of all parties.

“Open the newly developed quantum communication network, link IP: YZ351.KPL772.AW133.”

Tao Xuan did not dare to slack off and directly turned on the main screen, and at the same time linked the URL.

The next moment.

On the screen, a website with the cosmic nebula as the background appeared in front of everyone.

“Please log in to your account…”

Leng Feng subconsciously entered a series of numbers.


This account does not exist.

At this time, Leng Feng’s mind was clear, and he reacted, and he subconsciously entered the account he registered in his previous life.

Syllable! Syllable! Syllable!

Leng Feng’s eyes flashed, and he entered another series of numbers. This is the account of a broker in his previous life, and in chronological order, he has completed the registration of the account at this time.


Welcome, psychic attendant!

The account login was successful, Leng Feng instantly clicked his finger on the search dialog box, ready to search for whether there was a task related to chasing and killing Cheng Qiu.

However, at this very moment.

His afterglow suddenly saw the three major bounties at the top of the homepage.

On one of them, it is marked red…

Cheng Qiu, five million crystal mine!


At a glance that swept the entire information, Leng Feng’s murderous intent burst out irrepressibly.

“Bounty Cheng Qiu? You guys are looking for death! ”

“Fleet, give me a full load of resource ammunition. I’m going to fight! Target Mo Crow Spaceport! ”


Thank you for the big reward of the star の music chapter, thank you very much, super big chapter to offer!

Thank you Fan Fan for the tip, thank you.

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