Starfall Spaceport.

All the staff, just finished the busy work at hand, the registration confirmation of millions of spaceships, so that even if they have intelligent brains, they are still tired enough.

However, just as they twisted their bodies and necks, brewing a cup of coffee ready to soothe their spirits.

Suddenly, an exclamation came from the direction of the tower’s monitoring room.

Everyone couldn’t help but look away.

Then, I saw it on the largest display in the spaceport.

The main screen originally monitored the energy fluctuations of the nebula.

Countless dazzling lines of fire suddenly flashed, and then in the nebula that the line of fire crossed, it was followed by a cloud of sparks that exploded.

Inside the entire nebula, it was as if a brilliant firework had appeared.

The next moment.

When the fireworks gradually bloom into a cluster of flowers resembling a thousand silk daisies.

One spaceship after another, escaping from the nebula at an almost crazy speed.

After they shuttled out of the nebula, they directly opened the wormhole as soon as possible, towards other spaceports, and fled in a panic.

This abnormal situation caused the detector on the main screen of the spaceport to involuntarily bring the perspective closer.

Then all the staff immediately saw clearly that those spaceships that fled in a hurry had scars on their bodies.

Some are even running with more than half of the ship’s cabin already destroyed.

It was like a disaster.

“I… What do I see? ”

“This, how come these warships are all wounded, and they are still frantically fleeing.”

“Didn’t it say before that a million warships were going to round up a destroyer named Suzaku in this nebula?”

“How in the blink of an eye… But these million warships have fled? ”

“Could it be that the exaggerated attack just now was caused by that Suzaku…”

“Groove !!!”

“Really fake, a destroyer, unleashing that obviously Yamato-like output? Are you kidding? ”

The entire spaceport personnel were shocked by this rout that had never been seen before in history!

And this shock is just the beginning.

With nearly a million warships, they fled through wormholes and fled to other star fields.

News about this battle and countless intelligence.

It began to spread all over the world.

“A new force [Reward and Punishment Council] has mysteriously appeared.”

“Saturation attack of fifty-eight Yamato guns.”

“Top Divine Technique [Rage Dumping] reappeared.”

“Captured Cheng Qiu’s millions of warships, and nearly 300,000 were destroyed.”

“A declaration of a top power, and if there is an offense, although it is far away, it will be condemned!”


One message after another, instantly top all the internal forums and private websites of all underground forces!

Photos of the scene show scenes like hell.

On the other side of hell, the [Council of Rewards and Punishments] with fifty-eight Yamato cannons was like a devouring demon.

Let everyone shudder.

Countless underground forces that did not have time to participate, or people who knew the channels of underground forces, inquired about the insiders one after another.

The replies received were all replies with horror and crying.

“Don’t mess with them!”

“Devils, all demons!”

“Hundreds of warships around me, just one volley, fifty-eight dazzling fires struck, and the next moment it was all a sea of flames.”

“Not to mention the Yamato Cannon, in terms of battleships alone, two Behimos-class battleships, twelve Leviathan-class battleships, and the absolute capital battleship Veneto-class battleships that we regard as treasures, there are forty-four of them!!!”

“But this strength, in the underground world, at least ranks in the top three!!!”

“Too powerful, they are too strong, even if my fleet loses sixty percent, I will recognize this result!”

“Remember, when you encounter the [Reward and Punishment Council] in the future, you must not provoke, really, you must not provoke!”


All forum reply posts and private chats are all in this tone.

All those who fled back showed horror when they heard about the Suzaku.

However, in the underground world, lawless, unruly people, there are many people.

All pirates, intelligence organizations, or illegal armed forces who have not experienced this battle.

In the face of this overwhelming fear of speech.

The madman posture of their own second eldest is vividly expressed.

“A group of rabble, how powerful others are, it’s not that they can’t do it!”

“A battleship, the previous several encirclements have all failed for various reasons, and this time the encirclement was successful, and it was directly pressed to the ground and rubbed.”

“There is also a force of fifty-eight Yamato guns, you go to see the main fleet of the Federation, is there such a configuration. If the Federation does not have it, then where did they get those battleships from, built themselves? ”

“Besides, even if the strength of that [Reward and Punishment Council] is strong enough, won’t you use some other means?”

“You have to be tough with people. Why don’t you become a rebel army and come to the Federation to mix with underground forces. ”


With these statements appeared.

Numerous posts appeared on internal forums and secret websites.

“What [Reward and Punishment Council], we [Demon Dragon Legion] booked!”

“I heard that Cheng Qiu is a stunning beauty, not bad, our boss just doesn’t have a suitable lady.”

“Thirty million crystal mines, just because you cry and call your mother, so they are all instigated? Okay, then next, it will be time for us [Skeleton Society] to make a name for themselves. ”

“Wait, within a week, Cheng Qiu will take it.”

In the underground world, the more famous and big the event, the more it will be targeted by the unknown.

Countless people want to become famous for a while.

However, just when the crooked wind of the underground world was blowing.

A message.

Shocked everyone again!

On the dark web, the bounty about Cheng Qiu at the top of the homepage, the bounty about the Suzaku, and even the bounty on the [Reward and Punishment Council] that had just appeared suddenly all disappeared.

At the same time, countless forces that were currently searching the [Reward and Punishment Council] and Cheng Qiu’s information on the dark web, and the next moment found that the page actually prompted that there was no such news.

And there is a line of red lettering.

[From then on, the dark web no longer collects and sells any news about the Reward and Punishment Council.] 】

This line of text suddenly caused an uproar among the underground forces.

It must be known that the dark web, as the core network of underground forces, is actually excluded from the ranking of underground forces.

Even the strength rankings of underground forces are actually selected by the dark web.

Therefore, it is not impossible to treat the dark web as an underground force.

However, just like that, the super platform that shrouded the entire underground force.

At this moment, they unexpectedly admitted that they no longer sold and collected any intelligence from the [Reward and Punishment Council].

What this means, all those who have brains, know very well.

All the originally noisy Internet rumors suddenly became silent at this moment.

Then, then, one after another previously outrageous remarks and posts.

Start one by one from the network, disappear.

All the forces that vowed to take down the [Reward and Punishment Council] and Cheng Qiu were all silenced!

It’s like the underground forces don’t dare to question the dark web.

At this time, they also did not dare to say a word to Leng Feng, Cheng Qiu, and the [Reward and Punishment Council].

People who don’t even dare to offend the dark web.

They still want to move people, and they really don’t know how to write dead words.


The largest underground power community platform.

A new post appears.

“May I ask how to join this reward and punishment council?”


In an instant, the post, the top is red, and the message is over 10,000!


Sorry, everyone, after staying up all night yesterday, I slept at nine o’clock in the morning, and then I had a bad headache for a day, and the whole idea was completely confused, how to write and write, I recently adjusted it, slowed down for two days, guaranteed to update every day, but the amount of update should not be right.

Just read it, thank me for the huge tip from CodeFlame boss. Thank you also for discussing the plot with me in the book review area, thank you, I can’t add more recently. Allow me to adjust the state, three more reward.

I hope you understand. Sorry, apologies again.

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