Reborn Dubai As A Prince

Chapter 254 The Best Solution So Far 【5/5】

Now he has the feeling that there is no turning back. He has always viewed this girl whom he loves with an oriental thinking, but the problem is that her education is Western.

It has always been allowed under the religious environment of Christ or YSL. As a result, Aliya didn't have too many scruples about this aspect. The royal families of Arabia and Europe have been doing this all the time, and they regard the purity of blood as the rule.

Of course, this will increase the probability of genetic diseases, but studies have shown that it is only a little higher than that of ordinary people-the Chinese people like to use Darwin's daughter as an example. Has anyone paid attention to his son?

Darwin's sons are all famous scientists and have made outstanding achievements in various fields... In fact, using Darwin as an example has always been biased.

It is also an indisputable fact that close relatives will have a higher prevalence than ordinary people. But considering the relationship between Alia and him, it was actually different in the grandfather's generation, and they were actually far apart.

It's just that even though it's far away, he's still awkward. Think back when they first met, she was just a girl of fourteen or fifteen years old, and he was an uncle in his thirties, and now he wants to go together?

In his previous life, he also laughed at Liu Qiangdong, who was older than Milk Tea's father, but he was able to do it. Could it be that this is the consequence of being too a moral bitch, and it's my turn to repay the world?

Only Aliya, who was driving with a happy face, had already betrayed the fact that she was willing to marry a scum with perverted tendencies, or even if she only had a nominal elder brother, she would 100% choose the latter.

This made Sheikh dumbfounded: "My harem is going to be in chaos."

"You can marry four!" Aliya said dissatisfiedly, she can compromise this Arab custom, because no matter how bad it is, it is better than marrying a pervert.

Sheikh, who was powerless and fell on the co-pilot: "It's not fair to you...... In fact, it's not fair to all women. It's actually the result of uncontrolled ambition.

"What were an ordinary person?" She wanted to know more about this.

"If I were an ordinary person, I would not have the conditions or thoughts to do this kind of thing. Normal people's marriage is not like this¨`

Xie He wants to say that he has principles. If he takes a political marriage and marries a wife he doesn't know, he doesn't need to restrict his private|private life, and the right to be a mistress is compensation.

But if it is Alia or a girl of the same type, his principles will be tested, and if he continues to make waves, he will not be able to pass the psychological level if the relationship is too familiar.

"Blame me." She smiled, then relented: "I can't say what you're allowed to do, but if you really want to, ask me."

"Has it already developed to this point?" Sheikh was hit again, and agreed to wait until I figured out a solution in three years before we parted ways?

"Three years what?" Aliya pretended to be stupid and refused to admit it: "Okay, I'll listen to you. After three years, I will decide whether to stay or not. What do you like during this period, is it fair?"

"That's the only way to go." Xie He felt that he needed to calm down. Alia was a pit, but if he didn't jump, he would fall into another pit.

After howling, he could only accept the best way so far.

One doesn't want to marry a puppet woman, and the other doesn't want to marry a perverted man, so he just forms a team by himself, which sounds fine! When he was traveling all the way to the north, he felt like he was just nodding his head!

There are so many patients in the German orthopedics department, and I am not one more. If there is really no solution, or let her live a worse life, can he be ruthless?

can't do...

"But you can't see the Northern Lights here and in winter." Xie He had to say to the girl who was looking forward to the sky all night.

"Oh." She finally bowed her head.

"And there are no water monsters in Loch Ness." Xie He reminded again. Now they sat by Loch Ness, and the night was very still, the lake was calm, and the sky was full of stars.

"You are so romantic." She leaned against him, warming each other, the weather was indeed a bit cold at night, and she would suffer from the cold if she ran out to play.

"Looking forward to water monsters equals romance?" Xie He wanted to say that he didn't understand the concept of young people at all, and there were not many men who could do this in the cold night, and he was a little scared when it was dark all around—

"Are you afraid of water monsters?" Aliya discovered.

"Nonsense!" Sheikh firmly denied, "Go back!"

"You are afraid, haha." She followed up with a smile, and took his hand: "Don't worry, I will protect you, now is the era of female knights, I will draw my sword for men to meet the enemy!"

He walked ahead with his hands in his pockets: "Get in the car! Or walk back by yourself!"

"Not a gentleman."

"It wasn't originally."

"But I like it.

"Depend on!"

Their location was already quite close to Inverness, and it took them more than ten days before and after, before they even ran to such a northern city before they knew it.

I drove back to Inverness by night bus. The city is not big so there are not many places to live, but they are all used to the conditions in remote areas along the way. A family hotel and a hot bath are enough.

They were lucky tonight, so they would not continue to sleep in the car. The host who received them was a native Scot, and also received several other young people who were also traveling by car.

When we met in the downstairs restaurant, the hostess in a kilt was playing bagpipes for them, and the hostess brought hot milk and biscuits [everyone was introducing each other in a friendly way.

Of course the Sheikh should also be polite: "々.We are--"

"Boyfriend!" Alia hugged his arm and smiled sweetly, "We came from St. Andrews and have been on the road for almost half a month."

"Are you just two people? How courageous." A girl from Australia said, all of them were tourists or tourists from Australia.

Aliya nodded: "We will stay in special places for a long time, and don't want to just take a quick look. This is not the spirit of self-driving tour."

She communicated with them generously, and Xie He got used to his new role. After playing this trip enough, they would go back and confess to their family.

He can buy three years to go further after his sister graduates. At that time, he should have more confidence (Qian Lizhao) to say no, and then let her freely choose her own future.

He just said so, but a voice in his heart told him that he might not be able to get rid of this little girl, and what happened to her hit the softest part of his heart.

He can be indifferent to any woman, even if Mejid is always behind the scenes, he can only feel pity but it is not impossible, but when dealing with Alia, he really does not want to see her suffer a little bit of grievance.

When sitting down to watch them share the photos of their lively journey, Xie He couldn't help but think of his mother's words. Is this the ultimate expression of feelings?

"Hey!" She sat down next to him and shared the photos of Australians with him, "Rebecca said that there is a castle in the suburbs that is worth seeing. The scenery is so beautiful. Let's go tomorrow?"

"You have the final say." Xie He has long been used to her unplanned way of traveling, but this is also the most enjoyable self-driving tour, so she won't visit just because of the tour.

"Love you!" She put her arms around his neck and kissed him on the cheek. .

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