The crew is busy, and since this is not the first time to shoot, Su Hao is also comfortable when dealing with these things!

Although Su Hao himself has only dealt with the filming of movies, but with Zhang Yimou’s directing ability, these things are not difficult!

The best place to shoot this kind of palace drama is Hengdian!

Hengdian has complete equipment and places, and the palace is also a completely imitated ancient palace, which looks very amazing ~ gorgeous! The best results can be achieved too!

After a few busy days, Su Hao was also a little tired and prepared to take a break at the shooting location.

As soon as Su Hao fell asleep, he was woken up by a noise, and Su Hao, who was puzzled, got up and went to check!

I saw several men in formal clothes walking over, and Su Hao also greeted him.

One of them took the initiative to come over and chuckled: “You are Su Hao, I am the person in charge of Hengdian management!” ”

Su Hao nodded.

The person in charge continued: “Due to the limited space, the filming location has been tight recently, and your crew has occupied too many venues, resulting in the venue not functioning, so we have decided to terminate the contract!” ”

Hearing this, Su Hao’s eyes were cold!

When he first rented the venue, he signed a contract, and Su Hao also paid a pressure!

The rental period is two months, and now it is only a few days? Do they repent of their covenant?

Su Hao made a cold face: “This Mr. Responsible Person, repentance is to be compensated, are you sure you want to do it?” ”

The person in charge laughed, “Isn’t it just tens of thousands, I can still get it from Hengdian Store!” ”

In other words, this person in charge, even if he loses money, he will drive Su Hao out of Hengdian!

Once Su Hao was kicked out of Hengdian and couldn’t find a suitable place to shoot, “The Legend of Zhen Huan” could only be forced to stop!

Producer Cao also came over at this time, “Mr. this person in charge, can you show me your documents?” ”

Cao Producer also experienced this kind of thing for the first time, in order to confirm the identity of the other party, Cao Producer asked to see the other party’s documents!

The man did not hesitate and took out the certificate directly, and Cao Producer looked at it carefully, and said softly to Su Hao: “There is no problem with the certificate!” ”

There is no problem with the certificate, and the people are also real, but Hengdian will not rush people so casually!

Su Hao sensed the problem here!

Someone must be obstructing it, and I want Su Hao’s drama to fail!

It’s just that Su Hao hasn’t offended any big people recently, and he can’t think of who is making trouble in the middle!

In desperation, Su Hao could only be temporarily forced to leave Hengdian! This hatred, Su Hao remembered!

Su Hao also really felt that his energy was insufficient, and he felt that he was unable to cope with many things!

In the face of the huge Hengdian organization, Su Hao also had no way to take them!

Powerful! It must be hurry up and be strong!

The shooting stopped, Sun Li and Jiang Xin all gathered around, wanting to know what was going on!

Su Hao said helplessly: “Things have changed somewhat, so the filming of “The Legend of Zhen Huan” was suspended, and before I figured things out, this drama was temporarily not filmed!” ”


A woman far east of Jingbei took out the phone at this time and made a call to the person in charge just now!

“How’s it going?”

“Don’t worry, they have already left the Hengdian store, and filming is impossible!”

“Okay, you did a good job in this matter, I have already hit your account with the money, check it yourself!”

If Su Hao saw this woman, he would definitely recognize it, she was the female college student who wanted to play Huan Bi!


Forced to shut down, Su Hao also relaxed, while looking for someone to investigate this matter, while accompanying the women to go out to play!

A few days later, Zhang Tiannuan called, asking Su Hao to travel and relax and relax!

Su Hao thought about it, but decided to agree to Zhang Tiannuan’s request.

Zhang Tiannuan appeared, and directly took Su Hao out of Jingbei, it seems that he still went far away!

“God, where the hell are we going?”

Zhang Tiannuan smiled mysteriously, “You’ll know later!” ”

Zhang Tiannuan wore a long dress today, which looked excited and sunny, plus the whole tight skirt was composed of blue and cyan, and there was a touch of it!

If it weren’t for Tianai driving now, Su Hao really thought about that!

Zhang Tiannuan looked at Su Hao’s color and smiled playfully, “Let’s go, the destination has arrived!” ”

Su Hao found out that Zhang Tiannuan had already driven the car to the outskirts of Jingbei!

The outskirts of Jingbei should also be crowded, but Su Hao was surprised to find that there were no people here!

Zhang Tiannuan explained, “I used to live here, but because the developer took a fancy to this land, we were forced to demolish it! ”

“So why is there no one here?”

Su Hao was puzzled.

Zhang Tiannuan said helplessly: “I heard that after the developer got this land, he lost money in business, and he didn’t have time to do what he wanted to do!” ”

Su Hao looked at this land carefully, all of which are composed of several courtyards, and it is still the kind of old courtyard, now that the developer does not get it, it is naturally wasted here!

“Hao, go, I’ll take you somewhere!”

Saying that, Zhang Tiannuan took Su Hao and walked inside!

After passing through the rows of courtyards, Su Hao saw a hill from a distance, covered with bamboo!

“When I was a child, this was heaven, a place for me to play!”

The bamboo forest is secluded, with bare paths in the middle, and it can be seen that many people have played here!

Zhang Tiannuan took Su Hao to sit down at a stone table, surrounded by many bamboos!

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