There are many famous singers, but the audience of “The Voice of Dreams” is mainly young people, some older singers, Su Hao did not want, picked for a long time, Su Hao fixed three other mentors.

One is Zhang Liangying, one is Zhou Jiejie, and the other is Lin Junjie.

Su Hao was very crisp and called Zhou Jiejie directly.

As a big star in the circle, it is very easy to get Zhou Jiejie’s phone.

“Jie Xuan, I’m Su Hao.”

As soon as the phone called, Su Hao directly opened the door.

Zhou Jie looked confused.

Su Hao called me? What the hell is this…

“Huh? Yes…… It’s Mr. Su Hao, hello, is there something wrong with me? ”

Where would Zhou Jiejie think that a strange call came in, it turned out to be Su Hao, who is now hot in Huaxia, the rating of “Chinese Restaurant” is as high as 19%, but the news that was stopped halfway, but it shook the entire entertainment industry, Zhou Jiejie naturally also knows.


This year, if anyone has a program with 19% ratings, oh no, no, even if it is a program with 9% ratings, it is to do it to death.

Look at the big black bull Li Cheng, the leaky king Wang Zulan, the genius Chen He, the little cheetah Zheng Xiaokai, and the goddess baby, who knew them before “Running Man”?

“Running Man” recorded several seasons, good guys, all of them have become A-list stars!

Look at Jin Mengjia again.

Before “Chinese Restaurant”, who knew such a little nizi, he was just a newcomer to host at Mango Channel, and he didn’t have much popularity at all.

But now?

It seems that after Xie Na, the new generation of Mango TV’s head Hua Dan’s posture, the popularity directly jumped to the level of second-tier stars, and it is only one step away from the first line.

This kind of popular variety show, except for Su Hao, who can say that if it is not recorded, it will not be recorded?

A unique awesome character in the entire entertainment industry!


Suddenly received a call from Su Hao, can Zhou Jie not be stunned?

Although Zhou Jiejie himself has also been popular all over China, the limelight is so popular, he has almost supported the super first-line superstar of the entire Chinese pop music circle with the strength of one person.

Although it has been a little quiet in recent years, Zhou Jie’s influence in the entertainment industry, especially the music industry, is undoubted.

Who was the former king of pop music?

Zhou Jiejie!


The speed of creating gods in the entertainment industry is fast, the speed of renewal is faster, Zhou Tianwang, who once influenced a generation, is now well-known in the new generation of 95 and 00, I am afraid that they may not be able to do TFBOY…

It’s such a reality, a generation of new people for old people.

And Su Hao?

Su Hao himself is not only a star, but more importantly, Su Hao is also a director, producer and investor.

These three identities, any one taken out, is the existence of an actor who wants to make a good relationship, so in front of Su Hao, Zhou Jie does not dare to raise it.

“Hehe, Jie Xuan, what have you been busy with lately? Have time to play music? ”

Su Hao asked directly with a smile.

Playing music?

Zhou Jie was even more confused, he originally thought that Su Hao was going to make a movie and planned to find him to star, but he didn’t expect it to be music.

Saying…… When did Su Hao become a singer?

“There is time, but Mr. Su Hao, what do you mean by playing music?”

Zhou Jie asked cautiously.

[You Su Hao is OK to find me to make movies and TV series, I am also a cross-border artist, in addition to singing, I also take filming, even if you find me on variety shows, but you Su Hao find me to play music… ] Can you sing? ]

Zhou Jie silently complained in his heart.

Because, speaking of it, Su Hao really did not sing properly, and he had previously matched the theme song for the TV series, wrote songs for Wang Fei, sang during the live broadcast, etc., which did not attract too much attention, and Zhou Jiejie naturally did not know.

“That’s right, recently I was planning a new variety talent show called “The Voice of Dreams”, committed to giving young potential unfamous singers a dream stage, Jie Ji him, you are also a singer all the way, you should know how miserable life is before young singers are famous.”

Su Hao said with a smile.

Su Hao’s “Voice of Dreams” this time is not the same as in his previous life, and the “Voice of Dreams” in his previous life was to discuss with his mentor, and if he succeeds, he can get the opportunity to make a record.

Su Hao, on the other hand, is ready to add the audition in two stages to select good seedlings.

In the latter stage, the top 100 in the country are determined, and then they are allowed to freely choose their mentors and show their potential and talents under the guidance and help of mentors.

The last 20 are eligible to ask for mentors.

Supporting young singers?

Zhou Jiejie was immediately moved.

When he himself was young and not famous, his life was really miserable, if he hadn’t met Bo Le, he might not have become a singer, and when he heard that Su Hao wanted to support young singers, Zhou Jiejie was certainly interested.


Zhou Jiejie, the former king of music, is actually quite embarrassing now, acting, Zhou Jiejie has also acted in some plays, but his acting skills are just like that, not much better than a passerby, purely relying on fame to support it,

Even if the old line of music, now the entire music industry is in a recession, no matter how good the singer, the record sales are miserable, all rely on the download of online music sources to maintain the appearance of life.

Now whether it is a famous singer or a newly debuted singer, it is necessary to rely on variety shows to maintain popularity.

And the mentor of the music talent show created by Su Hao…

This is definitely a very good cooperation opportunity for a former king like Zhou Jiexuan, who is unwilling to let go of his frame to participate in music programs.

“Mr. Su Hao, besides me, who else do you plan to invite as a mentor?”

However, Zhou Jiejie’s attitude towards music is very strict, and he did not immediately agree, but asked again.

“In addition to me and you, I also plan to invite JJ Lin Junjie and Zhang Liangying to be mentors.”

Su Hao said with a smile.

“Great, JJ Lin Jun married my friend, his musical talent is undoubted, Mr. Su Hao, your eye for picking a mentor is too powerful.”

When Zhou Jie heard this, he was immediately delighted.

“So, Jie Xuan, are you willing to be a mentor?”

Su Hao asked with a smile.

“Of course, of course.” Zhou Jie connected the dots.

“Okay, Jie Xuan, the job of inviting JJ Lin Junjie will be handed over to you, anyway, you are all in Baodao, just call to notify you.”

Su Hao said with a smile.

JJ Lin Junjie is also a genius king of Chinese pop music, but he is also from Baodao and is very familiar with Zhou Jiejie, since Jie Jie wants to help, Su Hao is naturally happy to be lazy.

There is free labor, of course, Su Hao is too lazy to invite them one by one.

“Okay, no problem, I promise Lin Junjie will agree to the invitation.”

Sure enough, Zhou Jie over there took over the errand happily.

“Well, we’ll meet later when we sign the contract.”

Su Hao hung up the phone.

Easily, the four mentors of “The Voice of Dreams” have already taken three positions in advance.

As for Zhang Liangying, she is not in a hurry in Jingbei, just find a time to invite her in person.

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