Weber’s words were like a heavenly thunder empowerment, which disrupted Su Hao’s mood.

Just when Su Hao wanted to fly, Ai Sen next to him couldn’t sit still.

“Mr. Weber! You just mentioned my brother! Do you know what happened to him? Eisen looked anxious.

A hint of regret crossed Mr. Weber’s face.

“He’s your brother, don’t you know what’s wrong with him?”

“I don’t know! All I know is that he committed suicide. I haven’t been able to contact him for some time since his accident. As if he had found the key to uncovering the troubles in his heart, Eisen pulled Weber and asked sincerely.

“It was suicide indeed.” Weber just said lightly, but the look of compassion on his face made Aisen feel a little desperate.

“Suicide … Is it really suicide. After listening to Webb’s words, Eisen became confused, soulless and talking to himself.

“Mr. Weber is not right, I think it is more homicide than suicide.” Su Hao suddenly stopped thinking and interjected.

Aysen raised his head sharply, and his eyes showed extreme hatred.

Su Hao patted him on the shoulder.

“Relax, man, Nelson’s death if I’m not mistaken, it must be because of those groundless rumors that he took drugs, slept powder, put up shelves or something.” Su Hao said seriously.

“It’s completely impossible! I know, Nelson has been dedicated since he became famous, and there is no such thing at all! Aysen hissed.

“Does it matter? As long as someone says, someone believes, that’s enough, as for whether he is true or not, who do you think will be bored enough to track down the truth? Su Hao said with some sadness.

This is the reality!

Mr. Weber also nodded, and the appreciation in his eyes as he looked at Su Hao became stronger.

“Those fans and viewers do not have the ability to distinguish between true and false, or the rumor-mongers are too realistic, the so-called three people become tigers, do you think there are really melon-eating masses who will be idle enough to really pay attention to the truth?” Weber’s words were like the last straw that broke the camel’s back, and after speaking, Eisen’s straight waist sank deeply.

Hands weakly hold your head.

“Why! Here’s why! Aysen choked.

“Well, isn’t our goal to find out the real culprit who really attacked Oscar and Nelson, believe me, I will find out!” Su Hao patiently encouraged Aisen.

Su Hao’s voice had an inexplicable magic, and after listening to it, Ai Sen raised his teary eyes and looked straight at Su Hao.

“Thank you.”

“Hey! Thank you, we’re friends. Su Hao smiled and stretched out his hand, palm towards Aisen,

Aisen’s face was full of emotion, and his heart was mixed, and he trembled heavily and clapped Su Hao’s hand.

“Snap!” A round of applause broke out.

It was Mr. Weber who was clapping.

“Mr. Webb.” Aizen straightened his clothes and said a little embarrassed.

Aisen’s image has always been a tough guy image, and today’s scene is really a bit destructive.

“It doesn’t matter, real men have to dare to love and hate, straightforward, if in order to maintain their tough guy image, even the minimum feelings are lost, then it is not a terminator, it is an artificial person.” Webb quipped humorously at Aisen.

He is also very optimistic about Eisen.

Looking at the two in front of him, Weber couldn’t help but think of his youth.

“When I was your age, I didn’t have such a good partner.” Webb was a little envious.

In the widely circulated Weber biography on the market, the legendary boss has always relied on his own efforts to break out step by step.

Eisen had read Webb’s autobiography, so it was a little strange.

“Didn’t you just say that you and Mr. Oscar have been good friends for many years?”

“That’s all after I succeed, and the old guy Oscar is much luckier than me.” Webb said with some envy.

“The Oscar guy always had all kinds of friends around him to help him, but I never did.” Weber’s voice had a faint sense of loss.

“Maybe it’s because Mr. Weber you are so good that anyone who wants to be friends with you needs to consider whether you will cover his presence.” Su Hao said honestly.

Hearing Su Hao’s words, Weber Jian raised his eyebrows, “Are you saying that this is my personal problem?” Am I too present? ”

Su Hao did not speak, but looked straight at him, clearly acquiescing.

“Aisen, you think so too?” Weber was still not dead hearted, and continued to ask Aisen on the side.

“Hmm…” Aisen was as restrained at the moment as if it was a little girl who had not yet left the cabinet, twisting and pinching.

He is also helpless, the aura of these two people in front of him is too strong, Su Hao is a little better, at least Su Hao has been able to do his aura by heart, he belongs to that spring-like personality, facing different people have different sides.

A thousand people and a thousand faces.

You can hook up with yourself in the bar, like a rogue.

You can also take every detail into place on stage, showing the perfect idol state without revealing water.

You can even mingle with all your fans and be approachable like a big brother next door.

And in front of a big guy like Weber, Su Hao can also show his strong and confident side, not humble and unscrupulous, with a degree of progress and retreat, and is not lost to Weber at all.

In terms of the control of his own aura, the gap between Weber and Su Hao is obvious.

Weber is a lonely guy in character, in his eyes, there are few people who can be worthy of being equal to him, even if there are so few people, Webb’s aura can not suppress the other side, and for other people, Weber has never cared about their feelings.

So he never bothered to control his emotions and force fields.

Although Eisen admits that Webb is a legend, a true genius, this genius is too far from the ground, and this legend is too high to look up to.

Therefore, Aisen agreed with Su Hao’s view very much.

“So you think so too. It seems that I am indeed a little arrogant, and I have not noticed this problem for so many years. Webb had a look of regret on his face, but it quickly disappeared.

“Su Hao, you are a talent, smarter than all the stars I have seen, so I think-” Weber looked at Su Hao and said seriously, but he was interrupted by Su Hao just halfway through the words.

“Thank you Mr. Weber for your kindness, but I’m sorry I can’t join you around the ocean.” Su Hao also said seriously.

An inscrutable smile appeared on Webb’s face.

“I know your concerns, but I know that I still can’t help but bring it up, don’t you want to hear it?” After Weber finished speaking, Su Hao still kept silent, and his heart was very firm about his decision, Weber looked at him and did not speak, nor was he angry, but continued to speak without thinking about himself.

“It’s not a secret, I investigated your information after Eisen told me, after all, Aisen invited him to participate in our show before, he refused without even thinking about it, but this time he actually offered to participate, and also put forward the request that you must participate together, which inevitably made me curious about you.” When Mr. Weber said this, he looked at Su Hao with a trace of apology in his eyes.

He was apologizing to Su Hao.

“Understand, I would have done the same if I had changed me, in fact, I also investigated your life, as well as the “Weber Autobiography” that is widely circulated on the market.” Su Hao said with a smile.

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