Three million downloads overnight is a pretty scary number. And also a song written by a newcomer who participated in the draft. After this number was posted online, it caused a huge sensation.

For a while, the streets and alleys were playing “Did Anyone Tell You”. And Qin Feng’s name has also become popular all over the country with this song.

The next day, either at the company, on the bus or on the subway. People talk about this song.

Did you watch The Good Voice last night? Have you downloaded Qin Feng’s song?

I didn’t look, who is Qin Feng?

Are you an alien? I actually didn’t know Qin Feng? You are not fit to live on Earth anymore.

Passerby A looked at his colleague next to him with contempt and walked away, his colleague hurriedly searched for dogs on the Internet, and the headlines of major media on the Internet were all about this song. Many stars also posted praise for the song on Weibo.

Liu Ye wrote on Weibo: “I didn’t sleep all night last night. Nothing was done. Just sitting quietly on the bed and listening to that song, my heart was sour. I recall my life in Beipiao. The five tastes were mixed, and before I knew it, tears had moistened my eyes. Highly recommend this song, sung with heart “Has Anyone Told You”.

Deng Chao wrote on Weibo: “People who are wandering outside are encouraged together. “Has Anyone Told You” is a song that touches the heart.

These stars also have thousands of fans. When I see the songs recommended by my idol, I will naturally listen to them, and after listening to them, the touch in my heart makes people cry.

The reporter of “Southern Weekly” even published a special in-depth analysis of why this song “Has anyone told you” is so popular.

The song doesn’t have too many beautiful words to embellish. But it is the cry from the creator’s heart, it is the outpouring from the heart of the singer. The singer’s intentions are more beautiful than any words. Its shine cannot be hidden. It is precisely because it is the singer’s inner voice that it can touch everyone.

In a word, Qin Feng was furious.

Qin Feng did not pay attention to these reports, but the other people in the apartment were more happy.

Today is boring because it is the weekend. Except, of course, Sekiya who is working overtime to draw One Piece. Lu Ziqiao, Zhang Wei, Zeng Xiaoxian, and Lu Zhanbo are playing flying chess. Yoyo, Meijia, Yifei, and Wanyu are shopping for Taobao. Qin Feng sat on the sofa and fiddled with his mobile phone.

At this time, Zhang Wei hurriedly walked in from outside and sat next to Qin Feng, and Qin Yumo walked in after Zhang Wei with two notes in his hand. Qin Yumo’s face had an angry expression.

Hu Yifei saw Yumo and asked with a smile: “What’s wrong with Yumo?” Who messed with you? ”

Qin Yu huffed and glared at Zhang Wei, who was sitting next to Qin Feng, and said, “Who else can there be besides Zhang Wei?” ”

Chen Meijia licked the lollipop in her mouth and asked curiously: “Why did Zhang Wei provoke you?” ”

Qin Yumo raised the note in his hand and said angrily: “Look! Last Thursday there were tickets, and this week there were three chapters of tickets! I said Zhang Wei, are you going crazy? ”

Everyone looked at Zhang Wei with a surprised expression.

Zhang Wei said shyly: “I also regret it afterwards!” ”

Qin Yumo sat next to Yifei and held up the ticket in his hand and said: “Zhang Wei, this is already the seventh ticket, you have already interpreted romance into a waste!” Don’t ask me to borrow a car next time! ”

Zeng Xiaoxian smiled and said: “How to say that, not only failed in love, but also perverted in love!” ”

Lu Ziqiao explained: “How else to say that the love word of love is very powerful! The upper part is taken from the perverted metamorphosis, and the lower half is taken from the perverted state! ”

Zhang Wei retorted: “I’m not a pervert! ”

Hu Yifei sighed and said, “Zhang Wei, you usually have to bargain for a garlic. Now for romance two hundred at a time. You still say that the state is not mutable! ”

Lu Zhanbo asked curiously, “Zhang Wei, didn’t Qin Feng already give you Mo Lan’s phone?” Can you just call her and ask her out? ”

Zhang Wei retorted, “How can it be that simple? Say it as if you dare to ask it out? ”

Zhang Wei’s words poked at Lu Zhanbo’s shortcomings, and Lu Zhanbo fought back speechlessly, so he had to pout.

Lu Ziqiao said: “Zhang Wei, Zhanbo is right, now the form is beneficial to you, and you can ask her out with a bang!” There is a blank space between you, as long as you take advantage of your strengths and avoid your weaknesses, Moran must not be able to see how obscene you are! ”

Zhang Wei said unconvinced: “What shortcomings do I have to avoid? ”

Hu Yifei said: “For example, you don’t have a car or a house. ”

Lu Ziqiao said: “Another example is that you slammed the door, shabby, and missed your own wedding!” ”

Zeng Xiaoxian continued: “And you talk too much nonsense, your ex-fiancée ran away with others… ”

Zhang Wei hurriedly interrupted Zeng Xiaoxian’s words and said, “Stop! Let’s discuss the issue of growth! ”

Hearing Zhang Wei’s words, everyone fell into deep thought. Because it seems that I really can’t find Zhang Wei’s strengths.

At this time, Guan Gu walked out of the room and saw everyone chatting and asked curiously: “What are you talking about?” ”

Zhang Wei saw Guan Gu as he saw a savior, and hurriedly asked: “Guan Gu, what are my strengths?” ”

Guan Gu heard Zhang Wei’s words. His hands trembled, and he almost didn’t spill the water in the cup, and looked at Zhang Wei with a embarrassed face.

Guan Gu hurriedly changed the topic and asked, “Qin Feng, is the comic going to be released tomorrow?” ”

Qin Feng replied: “Yes, Chief Editor Xu has already called today, and the weekly issue of Feng Picture is to be released tomorrow.” He opened a column for “One Piece” there! ”

Sekiya said excitedly, “Great! ”

When everyone heard that One Piece was going to be released, they directly ignored Zhang Yida automatically. And Zhang Wei himself turned his attention to comics.

“I’m going to buy a copy tomorrow!” Chen Meijia excitedly raised the lollipop in her hand and said.

Qin Feng smiled and said, “No need, Meijia, editor-in-chief Xu will send someone to send the magazine over in a while!” ”

As soon as Chen Meijia listened, she could immediately see the magazine, and she was dancing with joy.

In the afternoon, Xu Kai personally delivered the magazine to the love apartment. He also informed Qin Feng that 500,000 copies of the Feng painting had been printed this time. You must know that Feng-e is a first-line anime weekly in China. The weekly print run is only 500,000 copies. It will only be printed after it is out of stock. This time, a million copies were printed directly before it was released.

By the time Xu Kai delivered the comics to the apartment, the one million copies had already been delivered to sales outlets in various cities along with express logistics. Waiting for Monday’s release.

Hearing this news, everyone was excited, even Qin Feng couldn’t calm down!

Everyone firmly believes that after tomorrow, the comic world will be shaken by the appearance of “One Piece”!


Collectible !!! Fresh flowers!!! Tickets!! Tipping !!!

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