Norlan showed the erudition of a good host: “Angels generally appear when people are in trouble, bringing warmth to people. The wings of an angel represent flying to heaven, flying to yearning, beautiful and light. Transmission legends and depictions from ancient times to the present day that angels without wings are not true angel incarnations in the strict sense of the word. Angels are messengers of God. They are everywhere, whenever and wherever they give spiritual sustenance and beautiful fantasies to the suffering people. In foreign New Age music or the style of rain and hunger, it is more popular to name songs after angels. Because the word angel means to express the soothing, nurturing atmosphere of music. Qin Feng, your song is named after the wings of an angel. It’s already a relatively soothing and heart-warming song! ”

Qin Feng heard Nuo Lan’s tirade, and these were not the contents of the speech at all. Qin Feng smacked his tongue secretly as he listened. It is worthy of being the first pillar of the radio! Very knowledgeable! In contrast, Qin Feng felt that Zeng Xiaoxian was extremely lewd.

Qin Feng said with admiration: “Nuo Lan, your erudition is admirable!” As for what kind of genre my songs are! Let’s enjoy it after listening! ”

This performance is different from “A Thousand Miles Away”. That song was prepared in advance, and the accompaniment was prepared in advance! This time it was the song that Qin Feng decided to sing temporarily, and there was no preparation on the radio side. Qin Feng could only sing a cappella.

Qin Feng asked the staff to send a guitar. Test it yourself first. And at this time, the radio station once again entered the commercial.

Groove! This advertisement is really a lot! Do you want this! I endured it in order to listen to the song!

At this time, Metro Line 1 had reached its terminus, but the staff found a very strange thing, that is, many people did not get off the train. Listening to the radio on the subway. Many of them have sat down and are still sitting back. This is also a strange event that has never been encountered before!

Inside the apartment, Lu Ziqiao took a dozen toilet papers and handed them to everyone, saying, “Do you have anyone to use it?” ”

Hu Yifei looked at Lu Ziqiao a little surprised and said, “Ziqiao, what are you doing with toilet paper?” ”

Zhang Wei looked at Zi Qiao with a look of disgust and said, “Zi Qiao, you won’t want it?” Oops, you actually have such a heavy taste! Listening to Qin Feng’s songs, you can do this, lying in the groove you are too good B! ”

Lu Ziqiao heard Zhang Wei’s words and became angry: “Zhang Wei, I’ll spray you to death with a mouthful of salt soda!” Have you secretly drunk Teacher Zeng’s fake milk powder! What I said made you wipe your tears! ”

Zhang Wei patted his chest and said, “Oh, I thought you were going to do something!” It scares me to death! ”

Lin Wanyu looked at everyone blankly and asked, “What do the two of them mean?” Why didn’t I understand a word! ”

Hu Yifei also looked confused and said, “The devil knows what they say!” As soon as the words fell, Guan Gu covered his stomach and laughed and said, “Haha, I know what they are talking about!” ”

After Sekiya finished speaking, he felt that something was wrong there. Everyone also looked at him with a puzzled expression.

Guan Gu thought for a long time before he realized that he seemed to have scolded himself just now. As soon as Yifei finished saying that the ghost knows, he went on to say that he knew.

Everyone also reacted and laughed. Guan Gu looked depressed.

Hu Yifei asked curiously: “Guan Gu, what do they mean by the two goods?” ”

At this time, Lu Ziqiao hurriedly rushed in front of Guan Gu and said: “Guan Gu, you can think about it, you must know that the outbreak of Hu Yifei is not something we can stop!” ”

At this time, the sound of guitars sounded on the radio. It turns out that advertising time has arrived. Qin Feng was already about to sing.

Hu Yifei also stopped pursuing what Lu Ziqiao and Zhang Wei said. Everyone listened carefully to Qin Feng’s new song “Angel Wings” together

“Where the fallen leaves will go with the wind, only leave the sky beautiful. Zeng Fei’s flying voice. Like angel wings. Crossing my happy past. Where love has been, vaguely lingering with the fragrance of yesterday, the familiar warmth, like the wings of an angel, across my boundless heart. I believe that you are still here, never left, my love is like an angel guarding you, if life ends here, there is no me again, I will find an angel to love you for me! ”

Nuo Lan couldn’t hold back any longer, and tears quietly slipped out of her eyes. It’s not just Norlan. The audience listening to the program in front of the radio also heard the rich emotion coming out of the song. Touch the right chord. People can’t help but burst into tears.

In the TV station’s room, Yang Kun cried, and Liu Huan’s nose was also sour. Everyone was quiet.

When Qin Feng’s singing voice fell, there was silence. Can’t help but be a live broadcast room. On the subway, on buses, in cars speeding on the road, there is silence wherever the radio is listened to.

It took a long, long time for everyone to react. Can’t help but sigh at Qin Feng’s talent.

Liu Huan sighed and said: “Qin Feng, he is really writing songs with his heart and singing with his heart!” That’s nice! Liu Huan no longer knew what kind of words he used to describe Qin Feng.

Harleen also sighed and said: “This song reminds me of the same deep love and the same passion sung by Jin Zhiwen’s “Crazy for Love”! I really want to know the story behind this. Although this song is not as moving as “A Thousand Miles Away”. But the expression of this song in this aspect of love is more direct and more deeply rooted than “A Thousand Miles Away”! I haven’t heard such a song for a long time! Qin Feng! So many surprises for us! ”

Nuo Lan took the tissue handed over by Qin Feng and wiped his tears. He said with emotion: “Qin Feng, thank you, let us feast our ears today!” Can you tell this story? ”

Qin Feng shook his head lightly and said, “That’s a romantic and poignant love story. The story is too long, I can’t finish it today! My new book, Will There Be Angels Who Will Love You for Me, will bring this poignant love story to everyone! ”

Nuo Lan said with a little pity: “It’s a pity, I can’t wait to read your new book now!” Will your new book be published online this time? ”

Qin Feng said, “No. This new book will be published directly in cooperation with the publisher! Will publish the book in the near future! ”

Nuo Lan smiled and said, “Okay then! Be sure to notify me when the book is published! I’m really looking forward to this story! ”

Qin Feng smiled and said, “It will definitely be!” ”

Nuo Lan said: “Dear listeners and friends, I want to say goodbye to everyone at this time! Thank you Qin Feng for coming here today to share his experience with everyone, so that we can hear such beautiful songs! Thank you all for listening! See you at the same time next week! ”

With Nuo Lan’s closing remarks, this issue of “Star Interview” ended perfectly.

But its impact is far from over.

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