Ge Yusen’s singing voice is very powerful. The treble is also very high. The four instructors who listened were also excited and twisted their bodies along with the song.

Wu Mochou sang a very different song “Itch”. And the song she sang made everyone have the same feeling as the title of the song, that is, itch. There is an itchy feeling all over the heart, and the feeling in the heart is like a cat’s paw. Wu Mochou’s voice pays more attention to the penetration of the sound.

Today, the audience of The Voice is even more excited, Qin Feng has not yet appeared, and the atmosphere of the scene is already about to explode.

The network managers of Shanghai TV stations were also stunned when they saw the ratings soaring.

Finally, Wu Mochou finished singing. The four mentors made a brief comment. Voting begins.

In the end, Wu Mochou, who has a unique style, successfully advanced.

Then there’s tonight’s highlight, the final spot in the Final Four. Qin Feng VS Li Daimo.

Li Daimo, a player, his style is very similar to Qin Feng’s style. They all take the tender love song route.

It can be said that Li Daimo and Qin Feng are the two most able to sing love songs among all the students of The Voice.

Qin Feng’s strength was beyond doubt. Now everyone is looking forward to how Li Daimo will perform in the face of the strongest musical talent in the good voice.

Li Daimo sang the classic song “Without You” by the famous singer Mo Wenwei. Li Daimo’s voice is very infectious, and he sings very emotionally and devotedly. Sure enough, he is a good love song.

Li Daimo’s singing won warm applause from the scene. Many of them were strangling, and Li Daimo encountered Qin Feng.

In fact, everyone did not expect that the good voice of the first session would meet such a perverted trainee as Qin Feng.

The audience was ecstatic when they heard every song of Qin Feng. However, many trainees were eclipsed in front of Qin Feng.

Overall, the quality of this good voice is very good, but because of Qin Feng, the attention of other students is greatly reduced.

When it comes to the good voice, people’s first reaction is Qin Feng. This is also a hidden pain in the hearts of all students.

Qin Feng was the last to appear, and Qin Feng had just stepped onto the stage before he spoke. The audience at the scene was already standing up excitedly and shouting Qin Feng’s name loudly.

At this time, the footage of the scene swept from the faces of Baby, Deng Chao, Sun Li, Li Chen, Wang Baoqiang, and Wang Zubasket who came to help Qin Feng.

Everyone had very excited expressions on their faces. Enthusiastically clapping his palms. The four mentors also applauded with smiles on their faces.

After almost ten minutes, the audience quieted down. Everyone knows that the following is Qin Feng’s performance moment.

Qin Feng signaled to the band. A beautiful accompaniment sounded at the scene. As soon as everyone listened to the accompaniment, they knew that Qin Feng was going to sing a new song again. Everyone’s hearts began to look forward to it. Includes four mentors.

Qin Feng slowly sang,

The rain still doesn’t stop,

Wake up your decision

Say to give up and give up the relationship

We are destined to separate here

You, turn away

Leave me with no memories

I want to chase away but tears blur my eyes

Give a little more courage

Let my tears flow

Qin Feng’s songs are as sensational and moving as ever, and it seems that every song tells a poignant love story. Everyone knows that Qin Feng is creating with his heart and singing!

The four mentors were also immersed in the beautiful music and listened to the emotions contained in the music.

Qin Feng stood on the stage and sang quietly

Anything can be, I am willing to guard you until dawn

Let every corner have my heart

That’s what I want to be strong

There is so much life and love

In my world I only have you

I just want to give you unique surprises

You ignore it

I just want to give you unique surprises

You ignore it

After Qin Feng finished singing this song, all the audience at the scene clapped their palms excitedly. The same goes for the four mentors.

The friends of the backstage love apartment are also excited.

Qin Yumo lay on his stomach in Hu Yifei’s ear and said, “Yifei, this song of Qin Feng is sung to you!” ”

Hu Yifei said shyly: “No.” ”

Qin Yumo was jealous and said, “You still deny it. You can listen to the lyrics and say anything, and guard you until dawn. Is this still sung to others? ”

Hu Yifei did not answer Qin Yumo’s question, and his happy mood overflowed.

Four mentors and a panel of 100 judges also gave final scores. Qin Feng successfully advanced to the semifinals.

The four finalists of The Good Voice pressed 1 Guan Jiji Wu and Qin Feng.

Just when everyone thought that the good voice of this issue was over, an unexpected situation happened. Pingji actually gave up the qualification to continue participating in the competition.

The reason they gave was: “Their level is not of the same level as Qin Feng. They were convinced that Qin Feng would be the champion. So there’s no point in going on in the game.

After their withdrawal, Wu Mochou also withdrew.

Obviously, everyone was pleased and convinced that Qin Feng would be the champion.

This situation made the program team and the four mentors unexpected. Now all three of the semifinalists have withdrawn. This game simply cannot go on.

The audience who were preparing to leave also stopped and prepared to leave. If all three players drop out, then this is likely to be the last Good Voice game. How could everyone leave at such a critical moment.

Qin Feng never expected this situation.

The four mentors and the producers of the director group also held an emergency meeting backstage, which has never been the case in previous talent shows in China. Other talent shows are fought to the end, and the trainees fight for the head and blood.

It’s good that the four finalists of The Voice actually have to give up their qualifications to continue the competition. This is estimated to be the first of its kind in the world.

After half an hour of deliberation, the four mentors and producers decided to give the champion to Qin Feng. Then the remaining three players are no longer in the game. The Voice ends there, but the awards gala is due for next Friday. The reason is simple, who will be prepared for such a sudden occurrence.

And the director team designed the championship night, and invited many guests to help, which is good, it ended early. In order to fight for ratings, the director team had to make this decision.

When the host Hua Shao announced the result, everyone on the scene stood up and cheered for Qin Feng to win the championship.

The four mentors also sent their blessings to Qin Feng. Mentor Na Ying even ridiculed Qin Feng and said, “Qin Feng, every song you create is a poignant love story!” Next time you write a song, be sure to write a happy love song! Otherwise you’ll cry every time you listen to your song! ”

The good voice of the whole country came to an end. However, Qin Feng, the champion of The Voice, has become a new generation of popular kings.


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