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As soon as Wang Zu’s basket legs were soft, he knelt on the ground and said bitterly: “No, play this again!” Can you consider my height? Their height is obviously not on the same level as mine! ”

Director Cao Zhen said with a smile: “You should be able to get it when you jump up this time.” This time reaching is not the ultimate goal. The ultimate goal is to deliver it to your partner! If your partner doesn’t get it, you’ll be punished! ”

Lin Zhiling immediately asked, “What is the punishment?” ”

Cao Zhen pointed to several barrels hanging there. Laughing and saying: “Yesterday let you play with mud, you are not happy.” Play something clean today! It was filled with flour. If the first team gets the heart, the female guests of the rest of the team will be baptized with flour! ”

Deng Chao immediately said righteously: “You are wasting food!” ”

Cao Zhen ignored Deng Chao and continued with a smile: “I just briefly introduced the first step. There is a second step! ”

When they heard that Cao Zhen was about to say the second step, everyone was quiet.

Cao Zhen pointed to a sports car parked not far away. A huge barrel also hangs from the sports car.

Cao Zhen smiled and said, “When you complete the first step, you will immediately go where to accept the challenge of the second step. The specific projects and rules will be told to you later! Let me reveal to you in advance, the bucket of the second round is ice water! Also known as the ice bucket challenge, which has been very popular recently! ”

When Qin Feng heard the director’s words, his mouth twitched and said: “The first step is flour, and the second step is water!” If any group doesn’t make the top three, it will… ”

Hearing Qin Feng’s words, everyone made up the picture, first a body of flour, and then a bucket of ice water poured down from their heads. Yesterday I became a clay man, today I will become a face man.

The six teams of couples who finished the picture in their brains all shivered. This director is also too dark. Just rectified him yesterday, and today he will give revenge back.

The ones with the worst faces were Lin Zhiling and Qi Wei. Wang Zubasket is short. The combat effectiveness of Zeng Xiaoxian’s scumbags. The two beauties were already desperate before they started the game.

The male members also performed differently, Qin Feng and Li Chen were both calmly waiting for the start of the game. Deng Chao said with a bad smile: “I really look forward to what kind of picture the beautiful change-changer is.” “Wang Zulan and Wang Baoqiang, a pair of brothers and brothers, cheered each other up there. Zeng Xiaoxian stood there as if he was fine, smirking.

At the same time that director Cao Zhen announced the task and competition rules, the square dance aunts on the other side had also arranged the shiatsu track and obstacle bar.

Director Cao Zhen said with a smile: “The running men are ready to run, and the female guests stand on the platform at the end.” ”

According to Cao Zhen’s instructions, the members of the six teams went to their respective positions and stood up. Six beauties stood on the stage at the end. Above their heads was a barrel containing white flour.

The male members came to the starting point. The pressure plate is ready to run.

At this time, director Cao Zhen smiled and said, “Are you kidding me?”

Deng Chao asked suspiciously, “What’s wrong?” Ready to run! ”

Cao Zhen said: “Running on the shiatsu board, you are all still wearing shoes? Take off your shoes and socks! ”

Hearing Cao Zhen’s words, the six male members were stunned. Lying groove, barefoot on the shiatsu hurdle? Director, can you be ruthless?

In desperation, the six male team members took off their shoes and socks.

Deng Chao just took off his socks and shoes and stood on the Shiatsu plate. As soon as his foot landed on the acupressure plate, Deng Chao felt as if he had been electrocuted under his feet. He rubbed his feet and brought his feet.

Zeng Xiaoxian is even more exaggerated. When stepping on the acupressure board, first the face was extremely rich convulsions, and then he jumped away with a scream.

Qin Feng and Li Chen couldn’t help but scream when they stepped on the Shiatsu plate. It hurts too much. It’s hard to walk on it, and we have to run hurdles, is this going to kill our rhythm.

Compared with everyone’s reaction, the calmest is Wang Baoqiang. Wang Zulan looked at the calm Wang Baoqiang and asked, “Baoqiang, aren’t you in pain?” ”

Wang Baoqiang smiled and said: “I practiced in the Shaolin Temple when I was a child, and this is all a small meaning!” ”

Hearing Wang Baoqiang’s words, several male members gave a thumbs up to Wang Baoqiang. Cao Zhen saw that several male members had taken off their shoes and were already adjusting to the shiatsu board. He whistled and motioned for the male members to take their places.

The six running men endured the pain under their feet and stood in their respective positions. Then concentrate. Get ready to run.

As the director’s whistle sounded, six running men ran forward at the same time.

Qin Feng rushed forward like a cheetah, and Li Chen, the capable man, followed closely unwillingly, while the other four running men ran at about the same speed. And screaming while running. The onlookers also burst into laughter.

Qin Feng and Li Chen stepped over the last column one after another and came to the place where their hearts were hanging. Qin Feng jumped high and firmly grasped his heart in his hand.

Seeing that Qin Feng caught his heart, he screamed and stretched out his hand to prepare to receive the heart. And at this time, Li Chen also arrived. He hugged Qin Feng’s desperate fighting heart.

And when the other members saw Qin Feng and Li Chen fighting desperately there, they also gritted their teeth and quickened their pace. Stepped over the last hurdle and joined the tearing team. At this time, only Wang Zu basket has not completed the hurdles. I saw Wang Zu basket running in front of a bar, first standing gently, and then slowly stepping over.

Wang Zubasket’s performance was worse than Zeng Xiaoxian’s, and Lin Zhiling stood there already covering his eyes and did not dare to look at Wang Zubasket.

At this time, Qin Feng was surrounded by several other people, and Li Chen even hugged Qin Feng behind his back. Qin Feng held his heart in his arms. Deng Chao and Wang Baoqiang tore one of Qin Feng’s arms. Zeng Xiaoxian fought hard for that heart in front of Qin Feng.

Several female guests stood there screaming, but unfortunately they were completely unable to go up and help. At this time, Wang Zubasket also went to the place they fought for and joined the battle group for love.

Qin Feng faced the bag of the five people, while struggling to break free from Li Chen’s restraints. Without Li Chen holding Qin Feng’s arm, it would not be difficult for Qin Feng to dodge Deng Chao and Wang Baoqiang.

Facing the bag of five people, Qin Feng’s pressure also increased. The arm was gradually separated by Deng Chao and Wang Baoqiang.

Zeng Xiaoxian and Wang Zulan waited with wide eyes for the love heart to fall, and stepped forward to pick up the leak.

Qin Feng knew that he was about to be unable to hold on, took a deep breath, slammed away the arms of Deng Chao and Wang Baoqiang, and threw the love heart into the air.


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