Reborn Entrepreneurial Giant

Chapter 246 CUHK Speech

"Entrepreneurship is a very simple thing. How to be successful depends on how you define it. Because you will face countless choices from the very beginning, and many times you may not be able to reach the goal you want to achieve."

Qu Li went to CUHK to contact the teacher and was recognized. He was invited by the student union to give a speech, but he wanted to refuse because he hadn't prepared well and not everyone could improvise. But all the youthful girls surrounded him, their eyes were extremely terrifying.

I ate lunch in the canteen of CUHK and found a lecture theater. They went to inform that Qu Li had borrowed a computer to find materials and make some preparations. At three o'clock in the afternoon, the speech began, and the theme was innovation and entrepreneurship.

"One is to start a business after discovering a need, and the other is to create a need, which corresponds to Jumei and Honor respectively. First, let me make a point: I am not inspired by Qiaobusi and the iPhone when I do Honor..."

"The demand for shopping has always existed, so I don't need to explain it. But we had no experience at the time, and we didn't have the funds to rent a shop. Only Taobao, a newly established e-commerce platform, allowed us to do business at home and sell our products across the country. .”

"This is equivalent to a 24-hour wholesale market for the country's 1.3 billion population. We don't pay rent to sell goods in it. Of course, if there is such a good thing, we will seize the opportunity."

"Because I am familiar with it, I chose to do clothing e-commerce. I knew that if I want to make more money, I need to have a brand, so I established Xiangyun and Danlin very early..."

"Later, venture capital was introduced, and we have grown together with Jumei until now, and have a new understanding of e-commerce: the time to build a brand in the information age has been greatly shortened, and the price is that negative information will also be magnified..."

"So, it is conceivable that the next ten years will be an era of great entrepreneurship. Any entrepreneur with a dream, as long as they make a good product and do a good job in network marketing, they may create a widely-known brand in a very short period of time."

"The emergence of the Internet and e-commerce has lowered the threshold for starting a business. Entrepreneurs who realize this and take action sooner will enjoy the first wave of dividends. With the increase of successful cases, entrepreneurs will continue to increase. The difficulty of starting a business It will also increase, and at that time we must strive for sustainable innovation capabilities..."

"What is innovation? I don't think I need to explain too much. As long as you are willing to do things down-to-earth and don't want to get rich overnight, there are too many opportunities in the middle-aged market, enough for you to achieve financial freedom and live a relaxed life."

"For example, I just checked on the Internet that the price of a branded desktop computer is about 10% higher than the market price of various computer spare parts. What does this mean? Has anyone thought of it?" Qu Li began to interact

"We can assemble our own computers and sell them online..."

"There are many similar things. One thing you may not be aware of is that the manufacturing of Zhongying is the best in the world. Except for a very few high-end products, as long as you can think of and see them in daily life, you can basically manufacture them. come out.

After having a certain strength, it is entirely possible to set up a design and marketing company and entrust it to a company with production capacity..."

"Entrepreneurship and innovation are very simple. Because of the simplicity, the elimination rate is extremely high. Even if you listen to me and start a business now, one out of 10 people will be successful..." Qu Li was not prepared enough. Basically, the ten years after 2009 can be said to be the explosive period of domestic entrepreneurship. Later, there was a saying called mass innovation and mass entrepreneurship. Without a mature e-commerce environment, it is impossible to realize. A typical example is the Xiaomi ecological chain enterprise.

"Why are you saying this?" Someone asked maliciously during the questioning session.

"The rise of a country is bound to be accompanied by the rise of brands. For example, the kimchi country is now in the stage of accumulation and development, and their culture and products are extremely impactful. How to prove the revival of Chinese women? A hard indicator is the rise of domestic products. I am proud to use the Zhongguo brand, but the premise is to have excellent domestic products..."

"Excuse me, how can we replicate your success?"

"Copy, did I hear correctly?"

"Yes, is there a way we can replicate your success?"

"Everyone is a unique existence. I don't know if the success you are referring to is wealth or career. Don't even think about personal feelings. My girlfriend can't be given to you."

"Hahaha..." The scene laughed

"I'm talking about career!"

"Then you should stop dreaming." Qu Li said quietly, very hurtful.

"Ha ha……"

"I'm sorry, but the possibility of you wanting to defeat Jumei in the field of e-commerce is not impossible, but it is very small. The country's adoption of the Four Thousand One Plan this time is a great benefit to the e-commerce industry, because it will improve domestic information. Infrastructure and logistics infrastructure. Domestic e-commerce will soon usher in a period of rapid development.”

"Taobao is the leader in the C2C industry, and Jumei is the leader in the B2C industry. We have first-mover advantages, talents and capital advantages..."

"The success of a person or a company depends half on luck and half on the strength of the team. If there is a shortcut, it may be to insist on doing the right thing."

"What's the hard but right thing to do?"

"For example, Honor mobile phones. It will take us five or six years to surpass Nokia and become the world's most sold smartphone brand..."


"Now everyone understands what is difficult and right? I know you don't believe it, but do you know what a successful entrepreneur is? Hope is born out of despair, and the impossible becomes reality..."

"Since you are so confident, why did you resign as CEO of Jumei and Glory? Is it to facilitate you to shirk responsibility?" After a long silence, some people still couldn't understand Qu Li's arrogance.

"I said before that half of the success of a person or a company depends on luck, and I added a sentence later: what is gained by luck will eventually be lost by strength.

The Honor mobile phone has not yet become the world's number one, I just want to build a car, the development speed of the company can't keep up with my inflated desire and ambition, at this time, I can only believe in the strength of the team and admit the limitations of my ability..." Qu Li also said I closed my eyes before I finished speaking

"Didn't you get kicked out by the board of directors?" Some people thought that Qu Li was pretending to be coercive.

"My shareholding ratio is more than one-third, and I have a veto power. No one can drive me out of the company." After Qu Li finished speaking, he didn't want to continue. There will only be more criticism to be encountered.

Some people wanted to ask Qu Li about movies, songs and feelings, but he was really not interested, and the first university speech in his life ended in such a hurry.

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