After all, even if the two of them personally controlled this set of sword formations and were the owners of this set of sword formations,

in the final analysis, since they got this set of sword formations, they had never used it.

Even they had never personally witnessed the power of this sword formation.

And they also want to see what is the difference between the imitation made by the eldest master himself and the set of original sets that are naturally raised?

So the two of them are completely ignorant.

Regardless of whether he might have any other impact after liberating the power of this sword array, he pushed the power in it regardless of it.

The four long swords that were suppressed in the four directions of heaven and earth, and the four poles of the southeast, southwest, and northwest, became very huge in an instant.

The original size was already the size of a hundred-year-old tree, but now, each of the four long swords was the size of a hill.

And from it, the pure sword qi that escaped from it also became more intense.

Whether it was the condensation of the sword qi or the power of the sword qi, it was many times stronger than I didn't know before.


This will be Xiaobai's voice, and he is also pushing the power in it.

And with the two voices and different movements of the two of them in front of each other and Xiaobai, the four long swords were also slowly floating.

Although, compared to their huge size at this moment, the speed at which the four long swords floated up was negligible, it was not such a simple matter to fall among the fat remnants trapped in the formation.

Those four long swords continued to rise, even if it was only a slight distance, countless sword qi rushed out of them.

After only a few breaths, thousands of sword qi raged rampantly, becoming four long rivers of sword qi, intertwined and shining, rushing towards the fat relict family in the center.

The eyes of the Great Saint of Fat Remains, broke.


Then it turned into a fiery red streamer and flew towards that place as quickly as possible, trying to block this attack for the compatriots in the clan.

At this moment, five thousand miles southeast of Taihua Mountain, a figure stood above the white clouds, leisurely and leisurely, looking very dashing.

It's a real getaway.

He is constantly moving towards the northwest, and in the eyes of the surrounding onlookers, this moving figure is naturally very dashing, but the senses brought are also very slow.

However, if the bystanders carefully observe and analyze, they will realize later: where is this slow?!

In just an instant, you can move thousands of miles, and it seems effortless and very easy.

Such magical powers are by no means something that ordinary people can have, so the old figure in front of him is by no means mediocre.

On the contrary, I am afraid that it is an extremely strong senior Gaoshi.

Such a faction, such an act, who is not Hongjun?

Hongjun is going to rush to the Wutong Forest, so he also needs to rush over as soon as possible along the way.

However, he rushed to the Wutong Forest, not just to visit friends, but to provoke the Phoenix clan to lead the birds to join the war of the three tribes at the right time.

After all, only in this way can a war between the three innate races break out on the entire Flood Barren Continent.

And what he wanted was also such a picture, if it was just the walking beast and Linjia fighting each other there, what could he do?

"There are still nine million miles away from the Wutong Forest, and at this speed, I am afraid that it will be possible to reach it in the moon."

Therefore, in order for him to carefully plan several guild plots, he had to reach the Wutong Forest at the right time.

Otherwise, if you arrive early, the Phoenix family is not easy to mess with, nor is it so simple, and they will naturally detect the abnormality.

This may affect your own plans.

Therefore, even if Hongjun's speed at this moment could be faster, he was still slowly moving forward at his current speed.

In fact, his style also made some people with superb eyesight feel that Hongjun was not simple.

Therefore, along the way, there were also many bold Hong Barren creatures who came to Hongjun to ask for advice.

And Hongjun also had a plan for himself later, so he didn't refuse, as long as he wasn't too stupid in talent, as long as he wasn't too unbearable with his heels and too low in fortune, he explained them all one by one.

All dialed their doubts.

And when these flood creatures disappeared, the doubts in their hearts disappeared, and then when they asked Hongjun's name, Hongjun just cleared the dust and smiled slightly.

"The flood is great, and it has its own destiny. If there is a cause, you will know later, why bother asking my name now? Then

he left very freely.

Hongjun thought about the picture at that time, and while stroking his beard, he nodded slowly.

"At that time, there were no flaws left, and when the time comes, when my strength recovers or even rises, I can preach to the flood wasteland, and then everything will be fine."

While recalling his previous words and deeds, Hongjun also imagined his future plan, but it was very appropriate, and he did not find any omissions.

And at this moment, an extremely strong spiritual power fluctuation suddenly erupted in front of him.

Dao Dao sword qi raged rampantly, and a wave of killing intent leaked out from there, and the figures of the four long swords slowly appeared in all directions after that.

"Wait, this is..."


originally ancient heart seemed to have been thrown by a boulder, and suddenly, the calm heart lake instantly became shattered.

Even according to his current demeanor, he couldn't bear it at all.

"This breath is, this breath is..." Hongjun sensed a familiar breath and meaning from it.

"So sharp, so incomparable, shattering all the blocked breath, this, this must be Pangu's heaven-opening axe!!"

Hongjun's eyes couldn't help but brighten.

How could he be unfamiliar with Pangu's breath, and he was naturally no stranger to the breath of Pangu's Heavenly God Axe.

And although the breath coming from his eyes was a little strange, he could be completely sure that this was the Heaven-Opening Axe.

"Yes, yes," Hongjun's face was full of joy.

"Even if Pangu God Falls, it is impossible for his axe to break and disappear together!"

Hongjun suddenly moved his mind, if it was other Flood Desolation Supreme Treasures, he didn't necessarily want it or not, but since it was Pangu's Heaven-Opening Talisman, he had to ask for it anyway.

Just want to move forward, pinch your fingers, the Heavenly Dao has its own feedback, the Heavenly Machine Induction, it turns out that this treasure is still related to himself!

It should fall into your own hands.

Hongjun is even happier.

"Go and see what is going on with my Sky Opening Axe now!"

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