The ball was getting closer and closer, but the ball was still rolling.

Zhang Yu frowned as he saw the ball getting closer and closer.

He suppressed the urge to kick it with all his strength to make it roll farther away.

It's really hard to describe this figure.

The neck... there is no neck anymore, and the belly is all under the fat head.

The face full of acne is so fat that the mouth is slightly pouting.

The acne on the face feels like it will explode at any time.

It's like a line from a crosstalk.

It's thicker than a cylinder, but not as high as a cylinder. Except for the head, it's all waist.

"Xiao Jiang, today is the last day of the exhibition. If you don't sell anything, I will ruin this company. Just do it if you can..."

The voice came before the person, and it was in front of Zhang Yu.

This IQ is actually the boss of the company. There is really no better description.

Zhang Yu's expression became even more unhappy.

"Mr. Huang, this customer..."

When Mr. Huang saw the female sales interrupt him, he snatched the contract from the beautiful sales and looked at it carefully.

He was shocked! Damn! 5 billion!

Then he changed his face immediately, with an extremely flattering expression.

"Boss, I will send someone to prepare these things for you right away."

After saying that, he wanted to drive Xiao Jiang away. Everyone knows that such a big order,

If Xiao Jiang, a small salesperson, is allowed to negotiate, the commission will all become hers.

The shameless manager actually wanted to intercept!

"Can't you see the customer is still here? Where are your eyes?"

Before Zhang Yu could get angry, a sweet cry came from beside him!

Zhang Yu instantly developed a liking for this beautiful saleswoman, hot enough!

But seeing the saleswoman's reaction, he knew there was definitely something wrong.

Jiang Xue turned her back to the fat toad and looked at Zhang Yu with pleading eyes. Zhang Yu instantly understood.

It seemed that if he didn't do something, this little girl named Jiang Xue would be in trouble today.

Being criticized was nothing.

Zhang Yu grabbed the contract and asked unhappily:

"Who the hell is this guy?"

Fat Huang was stunned and responded to Zhang Yu in a vulgar way:

"It's like this, I'm the general manager of the sales department, look at me..."

"I just spent 5 billion to negotiate a contract with a beautiful woman, what the hell are you doing here?"

Seeing that the big customer was offended by him, Mr. Huang kept apologizing,

while motioning Jiang Xue to help quickly. Jiang Xue looked at Zhang Yu with a grateful expression,

then pretended to say:

"Mr. Zhang, don't be angry, I'll arrange it right away, please follow me."

After Jiang Xue handed the contract to Zhang Yu with both hands, she planned to leave this place of trouble quickly.

Mr. Huang wanted to follow, but was stopped by Zhang Yu.

"What the hell do you want to do? Can you stop wasting my time?"

Fat Huang looked at Jiang Xue eagerly, licked his lips,

and left in shame and anger.

Not long after, the fat man came running over again with a big belly.

After understanding, Zhang Yu understood.

The configuration inside the luxury yacht can be upgraded,

Various rooms, various facilities,

Ropes on the ceiling, electric cylinders under the floor,

Wired and wireless spherical equipment and perverted matching toys.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm really sorry about what happened today. As an apology, all these software and hardware configurations are given to you for free. They do not occupy the normal configuration space, and can be installed and used without loss. Only the mobile phone APP remote control is required."

Mr. Wang smiled obscenely and continued:

"The real selling point of this yacht is actually the auxiliary entertainment facilities in this warehouse, and all distinguished rich people like you will choose this luxurious and simple configuration."

Good guy, is this how capitalists play?

It seems that I have to secretly buy some matching things to match them perfectly.

"Mr. Wang, you're joking. I'm also curious about how a rich man should play. Install them all!"

"No, no, as long as it can be installed, I'll provide it for you. As an apology, all the items are free."

After that, the two shook hands and made the deal. Jiang Xue explained carefully that she would do it herself.

Zhang Yu didn't believe this fat man. After everything was arranged, he left the exhibition.

With Zhang Yu's support, Jiang Xue was no longer afraid of this shitty manager.

A resignation letter was thrown in his face. After this order, I won't serve you anymore!

After that, Zhang Yu came to the warehouse. It was really worth renting so many warehouses.

Today, I just wanted to try how much stuff my space system can hold.

Truckloads of various supplies were transported into the warehouse.

Looking at these supplies, Zhang Yu smiled from the bottom of his heart. These are the capital for survival in the end times.

They are also the prerequisites for survival. Arrive at the warehouse to collect supplies.

Arrived at warehouse No. 1, took out the key, opened the door, and saw a warehouse full of rice and flour.


[Host, please give me your instructions. ]

"How can I collect items in batches into the system space?"

The system said a lot to Zhang Yu... After listening to the introduction of the system,

Zhang Yu tried to touch a bag of rice.

But in the end, only this bag of rice was collected into the warehouse. Huh? What's going on?

[Host... please spread your thoughts to the area ahead at the same time. 】

"Oh! You should have said it earlier!"

With the help of the system, Zhang Yu became more and more adept at collecting things.

It didn't take long for Zhang Yu to collect all the materials in a warehouse into the storage space.

Then it was the second, third, fourth...

Only when he came to the last row of warehouses did Zhang Yu nod with satisfaction. It was really convenient.

To Zhang Yu's surprise, collecting items was not as energy-consuming as he had imagined.

It could even be said that there was no consumption at all.

Except that the speed could not be improved due to lack of experience, it felt basically good.

He came to the last few warehouses, which were cold storages.

The meat products inside had been signed for a long time ago, and were quietly hanging on rows of hooks waiting to be collected.

Zhang Yu also learned about the basic situation of the warehouse from the system.

Any items except living things can be collected.

Time in the system space is completely stagnant.

This way, you can ignore a series of issues such as shelf life. In short,

The iced happy water you put in today will still be iced after a few centuries.

Of course, the premise is that you can live that long.


"System? How big is my space?"

The system did not speak, but only displayed a symbol in Zhang Yu's mind.



After putting all the materials in the warehouse into the space.

Look at the time, it's already past five in the afternoon.

Zhang Yu finally came to the warehouse prepared for Lin Wan'er, intending to collect the supplies inside.

After opening the door, Zhang Yu was stunned. He was really completely dumbfounded there.

All kinds of cosmetics, perfumes, masks, skin care products, etc. were neatly placed in the warehouse.

Regardless of the value, the women's products in this warehouse can definitely make all women crazy.

He sighed and put all the space.

After collecting all the supplies, Zhang Yu drove towards the Chuncheng City Center Hotel.

The doorman saw Koenigsegg One coming to the door and hurried over to open the door.

After Zhang Yu got off the car, several security guards and doormen put on white gloves.

Carefully pushed Zhang Yu's car to the parking space.

And surrounded it with cones and barrels for several layers, and then specially called two people to stand next to the car.

For fear of being scratched by others,

Just kidding, this thing is worth a small target, and this big guy really dares to drive this thing out.

Aren't you definitely causing trouble for other traffic participants?

I came to the hotel and booked a presidential suite. I started online shopping while lying on the bed.

All kinds of small umbrellas, threaded, delayed, granular, inductive, ultra-thin, etc.

There are also all kinds of black silk, white silk, colored silk, fishing nets, spider webs,

over-the-knee, rompers, one-pieces, I bought boxes and boxes.

JK, nurses, stewardesses, teachers, as long as it is a uniform, no matter what model,

one store after another was cleared out.

There are also swimsuits, gymnastics suits, latex suits, tights, yoga suits, dance suits,

and all kinds of sexy costumes for Cosplay were swept away.


It seems that some strange things have also been added to the shopping cart by myself.

It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter. There are also many mobile game and online game costumes of the same style,

Buy buy buy!

Anyway, I didn't miss anything I could think of,

even some clothes I had never seen were stuffed into the shopping cart,

I used the fastest Dongfeng Express for everything, and it didn't matter whether it was free shipping or not,

It was done quickly.

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