The two of them were so close that they had to face each other.

At this moment, Zhang Yu suddenly had a bad taste in his mouth.

He slowly walked towards Wu Qian, who was leaning against the tree,

stretched out his hand to touch her, and lifted her chin with the index finger of his other hand.

This simple action made Wu Qian blush like a monkey's butt.

If her face was hung on the tree, passing drivers might slam on the brakes.

At this moment, Wu Qian suddenly closed her eyes and pouted her lips slightly.

Oh my god! Is he going to kiss me?

What should I do? Should I pretend to resist or pretend to be reserved?

What if he sticks out his tongue? This is how it's played in TV dramas, right?

Will I get pregnant if I kiss?

Zhang Yu didn't know what Wu Qian was thinking at the moment,

but judging from her performance, this little girl's inner world was definitely turned upside down.


Zhang Yu knocked her head unhappily.

"What are you thinking about? Hurry up and change your clothes. We have to leave!"

Zhang Yu took out the winter clothing set prepared in advance from his backpack and handed it to Wu Qian.

Then he took out the recurve bow and quiver from his backpack.

Although this thing may not be legal, it is much better than firearms.

When Zhang Yu assembled the bow and arrow, Wu Qian was also dressed.

Don't tell me, Wu Qian wearing this outfit gave Zhang Yu a sense of beauty of a motorcycle girl.

Who said that nakedness is beauty? This kind of close-fitting package gives people more room for imagination, okay?

The petite body was completely wrapped in the tight winter clothing.

The slightly raised upper body and flat abdomen explained her perfect figure.

Big is not necessarily the best, only the proportion is strong enough.

Zhang Yu almost drooled when watching.

Shaking his head, he picked up the helmet and put it on her head.

After introducing the functions inside the helmet, he took her hand and walked out of the woods.

Zhang Yu wanted to find a safe place to release the snowmobile,

but he didn't want Wu Qian to discover the secret of the space, so he could only leave the school on foot and then think of a way.

However, as he walked, Zhang Yu found something unusual.

There were several people gathered at the door of the men's dormitory. They were lying on the door and looking inside.

Wu Qian recognized them, and just when she wanted to say hello,

Zhang Yu pulled her hard.

Wu Qian's body suddenly paused, and her mouth, which had just opened, quickly closed.

Zhang Yu pointed at the bodies of those people and communicated with Wu Qian using the intercom in the helmet.

"Don't talk! They are wearing short sleeves in such a cold day!"

Wu Qian suddenly realized, yes!

How did they survive in such a low temperature wearing only short sleeves?

Unless they are already dead and turned into monsters like Li Nan.

She was already a little timid, she had just seen what humans looked like when they turned into monsters.

But Zhang Yu pulled her slowly towards the gate,

When the two came to the door, Zhang Yu signaled Wu Qian to get through the gap in the iron gate,

Just when Zhang Yu wanted to follow closely and get through the gap,

An explosion-proof armored vehicle stopped beside him,

The driver of the car honked the horn at the two,


The horn of the police vehicle was loud and special, and it had strong penetrating power,

Zhang Yu cursed inwardly!

Shit, is this mountain artillery trying to kill us?

At this time, the armed personnel in the car had already got off the car one after another, and they were holding police guns in their hands.

Zhang Yu also quickly got out of the gap.

Hearing the roar of the zombies inside, he turned his back to the armed personnel and took the bow and arrow from his back.

He drew the arrow and put the arrow on the bow while shouting to the armed personnel,

"Get ready for battle!"

The captain who had just got off the car was stunned, and then ordered everyone to pull the bolt and load the gun.

Aim in the direction Zhang Yu was facing, but they didn't see anything.

They just looked at Zhang Yu, who was holding the bow and staring at the inside without moving.

Everyone was highly nervous because of Zhang Yu's shout.

Just when the machine gunner on the armored vehicle wanted to say something,

A large group of people rushed out of the campus. They ran forward in a strange posture,

Like a drunkard trying to keep his body balanced,


Zhang Yu shouted!

At the same time, an arrow was shot at the zombies in the front.


The arrow went straight through the heart of a zombie, but the zombie did not fall down.

Instead, it just let the arrow pierce its body and continued to charge forward.

The team members who were still confused at first were shocked when they saw this.

The situation was clear in an instant.

They started shooting frantically.

"Da da da da!"

At this time, Zhang Yu protected Wu Qian and retreated while shouting to the armed team members!

"Shoot alternately, cover the retreat!"

As soon as this sentence came out, the armed forces did it directly. They knew that

This man in the helmet was not simple.

Although they didn't know why he was shooting at the crowd,

but they all saw that the man didn't fall down after being shot in the heart.

They originally came here to rescue, but the people here seemed a little strange.

There was no time to ask more questions. They fired alternately, changed bullets and fired again in an orderly manner.

The machine gunner on the roof of the explosion-proof car also fired at those who rushed over.

They fought and retreated, and came to a small alley.

Zhang Yu signaled everyone to retreat into the alley.

Facing a larger zombie tide, they could not just stand up.

They had to move from the open battlefield to a narrow place to block it.

In this way, everyone did not have to deal with enemies from all directions.

The road Zhang Yu chose was just big enough for two cars to drive side by side.

The zombies in front were also blocked in the alley. At the entrance,

Zhang Yu signaled the personnel who were changing the ammunition to open the door and get on the car, and the person who had just changed the magazine took over,

In this way, they took turns to cover each other, and everyone climbed onto the explosion-proof armored vehicle.

Zhang Yu first asked the machine gunner on the roof to fire continuously to suppress the advance of the zombie tide,

Then he asked the driver to leave this place as soon as possible,

At the same time, he asked the two soldiers in the back row to fire at the zombies from the shooting holes together,

In this way, Zhang Yu commanded everyone to escape from this place safely,

After driving for about 10 minutes, seeing that there were no zombies following, Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

It's OK, they won't follow us again.

The vehicle slowly stopped.

Zhang Yu looked at the captain:

"Sorry, I took your command."

The captain did not mean to blame Zhang Yu:

"What happened here?"

At this time, Zhang Yu realized that the captain was actually a woman.

Since everyone was wearing a full set of equipment and tactical masks,

it was impossible to distinguish the gender of these people.

"Corpse! Have you seen Resident Evil? It's like that."

Zhang Yu took off his mask, lit a cigarette and smoked it.

"It's very rude to smoke in front of girls."

At this time, the machine gunner retreated into the car and joked.


Zhang Yu was stunned. Why are there so many female soldiers in this team?

"Are you both women?"

Zhang Yu pointed two fingers at the two people and asked in disbelief.

"We are all women."

The captain solemnly introduced himself to Zhang Yu.

"We are the women's squadron of the Chuncheng Armed Forces!"

After saying that, she saluted Zhang Yu.

After exchanging a few pleasantries, she asked Zhang Yu everything she wanted to know.

She also asked about Zhang Yu's background, because she didn't believe that

an ordinary citizen who had not received professional training could command operations so effectively.

He responded quickly, issued clear instructions, and achieved efficient combat results.

Zhang Yu was originally going to laugh it off,

but at this moment, a roar came from the back.

Everyone was startled.

What is it?

It's coming!

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