The two girls were very happy, but they were still very happy.

Hearing this, Zhang Yu was stunned.

In his memory, he did deliver food when he was earning money to support Lin Wan'er's college studies.

While Zhang Yu was searching in his memory world, the two girls took their hands out from behind.

Each of them held a yellow rabbit ear, the kind that was glued to the helmet.

Only then did Zhang Yu realize that it was them.

However, Zhang Yu looked at the clothes on them and his face turned red.

What a shame! The two of them came to thank him for his help back then, but he was greedy for their bodies. What a sin!

The two girls fiddled with the two rabbit ears and continued to talk about their experiences.

Since that incident, they felt the warmth of society for the first time.

After returning home, the aunt who heard the news also carefully checked whether the two were injured.

In this way, the three women became each other's support in life.

Although the two girls used to live in different cities,

their experiences were almost the same.

China has always been in an ambiguous way of dealing with school bullying.

I don't know which one of the thousand-dollar people formulated a set of bullshit "Young Dog Protection Law".

It nominally protects those underage mad dogs, but in fact it encourages their arrogance.

Those underage dogs fight and brawl inside and outside the campus.

Robbery, extortion, and even beating teachers and classmates, causing injuries and disabilities are everywhere.

Because of the protection of this set of "Young Dog Protection Law", criminals cannot get the punishment they deserve.

What makes people feel most desperate is that the juvenile detention center, the only institution that can stabilize society, has been cancelled!

Many criminals committed heinous crimes that would have been enough for adults to be shot eight times, but they were released in court because they were minors. Can you imagine a junior high school student who raped and killed his female classmate on the way home from school, and then threw the body into the lake after cutting it into pieces, but he didn't go to jail? Chinese civilization has a history of 6,000 years, and such a great country can't even deal with a minor who committed a capital crime. It's no wonder that it has been sanctioned and provoked everywhere in recent years. More than half of the countries on Tiannu Star have extended their evil hands to China. The Chinese government is just roaring incompetence because your foundation is unstable. Protests, oppositions, and bullshit negotiations,

This country's status in Tiannu Star is getting lower and lower,

Everyone wants to step on it,

Because you are a soft persimmon,

These past events are vivid, and the relationship between the two girls is inexplicably close,

Until the end of the world, they met Zhang Yu.

After the two told their life stories, Zhang Yu called the system.

"Xiao Xiaoxian"

[The binding values ​​of the two girls have reached the standard, but they cannot be bound this year, the system replied weakly]

"I... I don't mean that"

[Xiao Xiaoxian doesn't want to say more about the host's true thoughts, just be happy]

"No... I..."

[According to the host's brain waves and heart rate, you are now thinking about something that can make you excited]


[Don't explain, I'll give you three words (minor)]

Zhang Yu was completely speechless. He just wanted to ask the system if these two girls were infected with the zombie virus,

But it seems that his system is the same as the other four women,

It has a big misunderstanding of himself!

Will this situation improve in the future?

Or should he just accept the fact that he is a pervert?

After thinking about it, he explained to the two girls some things they need to do on a daily basis.

They are responsible for all the indoor hygiene.

There are fully automatic sweeping robots on each floor.

You can use vacuum cleaners for places that the sweeping robots cannot reach.

The floor only needs to be mopped once a week.

The garbage in each bedroom and kitchen should not be left overnight as much as possible.

It must be collected after dinner every day.

Speaking of this, Zhang Yu emphasized that

Everyone will eat together in the future. Although the two of them are responsible for the sanitation of the villa,

They are also women in the villa, and their treatment is almost the same.

Although the villa is large, there are not many people moving around inside after all.

It will not produce too much garbage, so the work pressure of the two people will not be too high.

Zhang Yu thought about it and thought there should be nothing to arrange deliberately.

After arranging the work of the two people,

Zhang Yu asked them to choose two bedrooms on the second floor.

They both requested to live together.

First, they had become inseparable friends.

Second, it would be convenient for Zhang Yu to call them if he needed to find them.

Although it sounded a little wrong, Zhang Yu did not dwell on it.

Of course, he also accepted it happily. This would save a bedroom.

That is to say, there would be one more beauty living in the villa, but she had not found one yet.

He brought the girls to the suite directly below the master bedroom. Since the master bedroom was directly above,

this room was converted into a suite. The area of ​​this room was the same as that of the master bedroom.

However, the small bedroom at the door could be directly converted into a warehouse for them to store their tools.

Tang Ying had asked the team members to carry two mattresses and toiletries for the two of them to the On the second floor,

Zhang Yu indicated that the two children wanted to live together, and sent back a set of bedding.

Zhang Yu asked them to sit on the sofa in the living room on the first floor and wait for a while.

Then he personally cleaned up the rooms for the two girls.

He took out two identical wardrobes from the system space and placed them by the wall.

He also took out two identical dressing tables and placed them by the wall.

Then there were two computer desks and two gaming chairs.

Two high-end computers and computer peripherals were placed on the computer desk.

He carefully selected some cute bedding from the space.

After cleaning up everything, Zhang Yu looked at the warm room and nodded.

He felt that it was actually quite good to raise these two girls as daughters.

But this idea was stepped on by himself and thrown out of his mind.

Damn, I almost fell.

He looked at the space next to the computer desk and took out two small refrigerators from the space.

He chose a location and placed the refrigerator between the bedside table and the computer desk.

He added some drinks and dairy products,

Pearl milk tea, cola, juice, milk, yogurt, functional drinks and mineral water.

He also took out a large plush toy that girls liked from the space and threw it on the bed.

Although this room is said to be for servants,

This room is actually a proper bedroom suite.

After cleaning it up, it is many times better than the rooms of ordinary people.

It’s just that Zhang Yu said that.

The real servants’ room on the basement floor has been converted into a warehouse.

Finally, he added a snack cabinet in the middle of the wardrobe.

After filling it with all kinds of snacks, he clapped his hands with satisfaction.

Zhang Yu looked around and felt that there was nothing missing.

He opened the door and came to the second-floor guardrail to signal the two to come in.

He had originally thought of giving them a small surprise.

This operation did give the girls a big surprise.

When the two saw so many things in the house, they screamed excitedly.

The sound was sharp and penetrating, and Zhang Yu was also startled.

The reaction shouldn't be so big...

This scream ruined the situation. Tang Ying, who heard the scream, rushed down first!

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