Reborn in 1987: The Story of an Abandoned Girl

Chapter 43 Teacher Tang's New Year's Greetings

Chapter 43 Mr. Tang's new year's greetings

Today, the wang family had a very large number of guests. There were three full tables, and the dishes were very delicious. There were all kinds of chicken, duck, fish, and radish stewed with mutton, Li Haitang's favorite dish in the previous winter.

Wang Li gave Li Haitang a piece of lamb and introduced, "Haitang, eat mutton. This is a rare thing to eat."

"Yes, where did you get the mutton?" The lamb was cooked just right, and it was quite chewy. Li Haitang took a bite and nodded with satisfaction.

Wang Li took a piece of it himself and ate it with relish, "It wasn't bought. My uncle and grandfather raised a sheep of their own at home. They killed it before the new year and brought three jin to our house." In the end, he added, "Last year, my uncle's grandfather's son broke his leg when he went out to work. He had no money for treatment. My father gave them half of the medical expenses. My great-uncle and grandmother are like a penniless iron rooster. I don't know if it's a good idea to send his son three catties of mutton for the new year."

"Hehe, there are some exotic flowers everywhere, and there are always some funny things in life." Li Haitang laughed and teased.

After a boisterous lunch, he sat at the wang family for another hour or so. The relatives of the wang family began to leave one after another. Li Haitang and Wang Li also went to Mr. Tang's house with new year's gifts.

The townhouse where Mr. Tang's family lived was not far from wang li's house, and it was about ten minutes' walk away.

The person who opened the door for them was Mr. Tang's lover, Liu Feng, who was the stationmaster of the agricultural and economic station of the Ping shan town government. They had seen each other at school before, and they all said politely, "Liu Zhanzhang, happy new year!"

"Happy new year! Your teacher was just talking about you. Come in." Liu Feng greeted him with a smile and called out to the inner room, "Mr. Tang, your two proud students are here."

Mr. Tang, who was reading the newspaper in the study, immediately opened the door and walked out. Today, she was wearing a purple embroidered long cotton jacket with a slight contraction in her waist. She was wearing a pair of gray trousers and a pair of black fluffy leather shoes.

"Happy new year, Mr. Tang!" When the two of them saw their teacher, their mouths turned to the back of their ears.

"Li Haitang, Wang Li, happy new year! The teacher is looking forward to the two of you. Sit down and I'll make you some tea." Mr. Tang walked briskly to the kitchen.

Liu Feng took some sweets from the house and put them on the table, "Come on, there aren't any delicious snacks at home. Your teacher made them all up. You two have a taste of them."

"Okay, thank you." The two of them answered obediently.

Liu Feng also sat down beside him and asked, "Li Haitang, how do you feel about studying at the Tam city 1 middle school for the past six months?"

"Not bad! There was a tight schedule in the school, and every day, except for the normal eight-hour break, the rest of the time was studying, which could be said to be from six in the morning to ten in the evening without interruption. Although I'm a little tired, I'm living a full life." Li Haitang told the truth that she had already asked Wang Li about the County one middle school's workload.

"It seems that the three years of junior high school are not as good as the one year of your senior high school." Liu Feng smiled. His eldest daughter also studied in the County one middle school, and her studies were much easier than hers.

"That's true. Now I miss my relaxed junior high school life, but I can't go back." Li Haitang teased with a smile.

Tang Hui, who came out with hot tea, smiled and said, "Li Haitang, if you come to school to be a teacher again, the teacher will be very happy."

Wang li stood up and took the hot tea from the teacher's hand. She smiled and teased, "Mr. Tang, if she comes back to the Ping shan middle school, she will not be a student, but a teacher. Maybe she is here to steal your job."

"Haha! You're getting more and more interesting with your words." Mr. Tang smiled happily. Every year, many students came to pay her new year's greetings, but the two of them were her favorite.

Li Haitang stretched out her finger and flicked it on Wang Li's forehead. This guy was getting more and more careless with his words. She took out a present from her schoolbag and said with a smile, "Mr. Tang, Liu Zhanzhang, I have prepared a little gift for you two for the new year. Please accept it."

"You child, the teacher will not be polite to you." Mr. Tang reached out to take it and put it aside. He smiled lovingly. "The teacher has been paying attention to the two newspapers. He saw that you published three more poems and the second martial arts novel in the second half of last year. High school is very heavy. Can you be busy?"

"It's the first year of high school. Although the class is heavy, it can still hold up. I plan to stop submitting and concentrate on preparing for the exam after I enter the third year of senior high school." Li Haitang had a plan in mind.

Wang Li also took out his gift and smiled shyly, "Teacher, I am not as capable as haitang. I have not fallen behind in my studies while earning a lot of money. This is the pocket money I saved myself, and I bought books for both of you. I hope you like them."

"Yes, we like all your presents. Thank you." Mr. Tang smiled gently.

Liu Zhanzhang looked at the cover of the book, which was published last year, and smiled gently, "I like it too, thank you." After putting the book away, he turned to Li Haitang and said, "Speaking of books, Li Haitang, I need a favor from you."

"Liu Zhanzhang, please speak." Li Haitang immediately put down the teacup in his hand.

"Well, in may next year, there will be an examination at the county agricultural economic station, which concerns the promotion of the cadres of our town's agricultural economic station. The examination materials will be prepared by us. Before the new year, I looked for this book in all the major bookstores in the county, but I couldn't find it. I wanted to trouble you to go to tan city and take a look at it in Xinhua bookstore for me." Liu Zhanzhang had been searching for this book for a long time and had no news. When she saw Li Haitang, she suddenly had the idea of asking her for help.

It turned out to be this, and Li Haitang readily agreed, "Yes. Do you know the name of the book and the publisher?"

"I know. It was published by jingdu agricultural university press in march last year. The book is called" catalog of agricultural reform." The cover is green." Liu Zhanzhang had seen it from a friend in the county.

"Okay. I should be going to tan city around the twelfth of the first month. I'll help you look for it in Xinhua bookstore in those two days. Please leave me a phone number. It's more convenient to communicate directly by phone." Li Haitang took out a small notebook from his schoolbag.

Liu Zhanzhang wrote down the phone number in her notebook and said with a gentle smile, "Thank you."

"You're welcome. If you can't find it in tan city, I asked my friend to buy it for you and mail it to the capital." Li Haitang had corresponded with Jiang Chuheng many times in the past six months, and he was a friend who had a good chat. His family was in the capital, so he could help him with such a small matter.

"Okay, okay, then I'll leave this to you." He breathed a sigh of relief when the examination materials were settled.

Wang Li stared at a pair of big round eyes and said with admiration, "Haitang, you are so awesome. You even have friends from the capital."

Li Haitang smiled and said, "What a coincidence. Do you remember the day on the third day of last junior year when I was not feeling well and the teacher allowed me to go home early and get knocked out by something on the street, the boy who sent me to the health center?"

"Remember, the friend you mentioned in the capital was him. Did you meet him again later?" Wang Li's eyes were full of gossip.

"I met him once when I went to the county to play. He was a military student of the National defense university. What's more coincidental is that he was Instructor of my first year's military training in high school." Li Haitang was still lamenting how small the world was.

"What a coincidence." Wang Li curled her lips and looked at Li Haitang with a gossipy face, but nothing could be seen from her face.

"Yes, he and his friends are top academics. It really fits the saying: birds of a feather flock together. I talked to him when I wrote to him. His friends were basically Huaqing, Huaqing, Huaqing, twitter, nanda, and wuda. Tsk, tsk, I admire them when I think about it." Li Haitang's eyes lit up when he talked about these schools.

The other three people present were also surprised. These universities were the top schools in the country, and it was hard to describe them as top students.

"It will help you in the future to make friends like this. You can ask him for more experience in the college entrance examination." Mr. Tang reminded with a smile.

"Yes." She had her own college entrance examination experience, and it was good to learn more from Jiang Chuheng.

"Teacher, your daughter Liu Qianqian is going to take the college entrance examination this year. I saw her results posted on the red list at school. It's not bad. There's absolutely no problem in getting into a university. What kind of school is she going to choose?" Wang Li met his daughter twice at school, and the other was a quiet and gentle girl, very similar to Mr. Tang's temperament.

"She's going to go to a normal school. She's quiet and introverted, and she's interested in education. We both support her." The profession of teacher is very respected and a golden job. It is very good for girls to be engaged in education.

Wang Li smiled, holding his chin with both hands and talking about his dream, "I also want to enroll in a normal school and become a history teacher in the future."

"Hehe, this is a good idea, and the teacher supports you." Mr. Tang said happily and turned to Li Haitang. "What about you? Which school is the target? What do you want to do in the future?"

Li Haitang said without thinking, "The target school is the Beijing university, and the major is not yet decided. We should choose between foreign languages and economics."

"Bull!" Wang Li heard her target school and gave her a thumbs-up. Her round eyes sparkled with admiration.

Liu Zhanzhang and Mr. Tang also laughed. It was a big goal, but they were confident in Li Haitang. If she really got into the Beijing university, their Ping shan town would be a sensation.

Because of the low enrolment rate, it is rare to have a college student this year, let alone the famous Beijing university in china.

We hadn't seen each other for a long time, and we had a lot to talk about. Before we knew it, we stayed at the teacher's house for two hours. Li Haitang looked at her watch and saw that it was getting late, so they got up and left.

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