(Did you eat yesterday's box?Today is the day of the pancake stall eggs, don't forget to urge more small flowers)

Tian Ling was a little embarrassed, and pulled Zhang Tiejun's sleeve: "Well, I came by myself." He was at my house in the morning and I couldn't go.

Zhang Tiejun tugged at the corners of his mouth: "It's really sticky, it's quite a big man's family."

"He doesn't stick to me, he's going to stick to you?

Tian Ling patted Zhang Tiejun and pulled him inside: "I want to buy winter clothes to see if you look good."

"You don't want to buy summer now. Zhang Tiejun threw away the cigarette butts, and the two of them entered the mall: "Here are the clothes, and the other side is the shoes and hats." "

In September, the Northeast has started selling winter clothes.

There were too many people, and as soon as they came in, their ears were about to explode, Tian Ling subconsciously took Zhang Tiejun's hand and hid behind him: "So many people?"

"Let's go, it's in the middle." There will be more people in the future, and it is best to come to buy things in the morning and evening, and don't crowd them during the day. Zhang Tiejun took Tian Ling to his stall. Tian Ling is too thin and small, and it is easy to be squeezed out of the crowd.

It is less than one meter six or eighty pounds, but the murder weapon is not small, and it is enough to have a palm.

Zhang Tiejun's stall is too conspicuous here, the guardrail in front, the open space, the head, the ceiling, the bright lights, the same clothes hanging here are more classy than hanging in other people's homes.

At this time, the business was still the most simple, there was no difference between the shopping mall and the stalls, and everyone's model was actually about the same, so Zhang Tiejun was suddenly tall here.

However, it is not so easy for merchants here to learn, and one or two stalls will not be effective.

"It's just this one, it's on both sides, it's okay, right?"

"It's good-looking, it's different from other people's homes, you have to be a lot brighter here."

"Well, I paid for it. Come in and see which one you like. "

Are you sending me?" Tian Ling's eyes roamed back and forth on her clothes.

"Okay, I'll send you.

"Give me clothes and don't pay the rent, one hundred and twelve and one cents are not less, I let you have no memory."

Zhang Tiejun laughed, I'm afraid that this one hundred and twelve stalk will not be able to pass.

"Brother. Xiaohua came over and looked at Zhang Tiejun and Tian Ling. What's the situation?"

"My friend, she's too small to pull for fear of being lost." All right. Your name is Sister Tian. Tian Ling This is my sister, called Xiaohua.

Xiaohua understood, this is not a sister-in-law.

Tian Ling said hello to Xiaohua with a smile and remembered the person.

"You go and get busy with yours. Zhang Tiejun sent Xiaohua away and accompanied Tian Ling to look at the clothes.

After watching it for a while, Tian Ling pulled Zhang Tiejun. The two of them kept holding their hands.

"What are you doing?" Zhang Tiejun looked at Tian Ling, lowered his head and put his ear to her mouth, otherwise he wouldn't be able to hear what she said clearly. She is half a head taller than Zhang Tiejun, and I don't know how the two of them found it.

"I'd like to buy one with a fur collar, one coat like a fur coat, or a half-coat, do you?

"What's that like? Just buy a leather coat."

"I can't afford it, I don't have the money. That's what it looks like.

Zhang Tiejun pulled Tian Ling out and went to the thrift counter at the back. The second brother looked at this side for the time being.

These old goods are carefully selected by Zhang Tiejun, and the price of the goods is a little higher, but they are all high-quality products, whether it is the style or the workmanship materials, they are particularly good, and they are not cheap.

Tian Ling said that the leather jacket is available here, and it sells for more than a thousand. The new ones are almost between one thousand eight and two thousand two.

Don't say it, Tian Ling is still quite good at choosing clothes, her figure looks like she will be very beautiful in this kind of slim coat with a fur collar, and she will show her figure very well.

"Second brother, give me that, the second piece in your left hand. The second brother was greeting customers, and Zhang Tiejun called him.

The second brother turned his head to look over, saw Tian Ling stunned for a moment, looked at Zhang Tiejun, turned around and took off his clothes and handed them to Zhang Tiejun: "Tian Ling wants to buy

it?" "Are you selling it here?" Tian Ling also knew the second brother, and knew that he was a bastard and could fight, so he was stunned for a moment.

"Can't I sell it here?" The second brother is now proud of the spring breeze, and it is inevitable that he will be stunned when he meets an acquaintance.

"You're amazing, it's quite unexpected. "

What, Iron Army, I'll watch. Later, when I do it myself, you will praise me again. "

This is yours too?" Tian Ling looked at Zhang Tiejun.

"Hmm. You try. Zhang Tiejun handed the coat to Tian Ling.

Today, September 1st, it's not cold, but the temperature difference between morning and evening is a bit big, and it hasn't cooled down at three o'clock, and Tian Ling doesn't wear much, so the coat can be put on directly, which is more convenient.

In the winter, it is more difficult to buy clothes here, and the left layer and the right layer have to be tried on for a long time. At this time, there was no fitting room, so I could only crowd in the crowd.

Some shy little girls can only look at the size and buy it back directly, and then run back to change, tossing back and forth, it is really not suitable and there is no way to do it, and you can't return it if you buy it.

Tian Ling looked at Zhang Tiejun, took the coat and put it on his body, touched it a few times before and after, and buttoned it for Zhang Tiejun to see: "Okay? I feel a little loose."

"Yes, you have to wear something else in winter, and it's not appropriate to be thin." That's it, I really didn't notice that there was such a small coat, and it was a coincidence. "

Tian Ling's body shape is not easy to buy clothes in the Northeast, basically about to belong to the children's clothing series, it is difficult to find suitable clothes, or you can only buy it back and find a tailor to change.

In this year, there are not many slim clothes, most of them are relatively wide and the size is also large. She looked more like a southerner. Her younger brothers and sisters in her family are not small, and they don't know how to come out of her.

"Is it pretty?"

"Pretty, this is it." Zhang Tiejun nodded, took out his wallet and paid. He also has to pay for it himself, otherwise it will be difficult to reconcile.

The second brother took the money and gave a look: What's the situation?"

Zhang Tiejun explained and asked Tian Ling: "What else do you want to see?" In addition to those two rows and this, I also have underwear, and there are several counters over there that are also mine, and they are sold differently.

Tian Ling shook her head: "Don't look at it, I just came over to take a look after what you said, and I wasn't ready to buy clothes." Just come and see. "

Okay. Zhang Tiejun nodded: "I'll get you two more sets of underwear and we'll go out, it's too noisy." I'm not feeling good here.

"Me too, bothering Barra.

Zhang Tiejun pulled Tian Ling to get two more underwear, and the two of them came to the ground from the middle passage, and as soon as they came out, they felt that the sky was so blue and the air was so fresh, and they all let out a long breath.

Zhang Tiejun had a claustrophobia in his previous life, and he instinctively resisted the underground environment, and there were so many people, it was too crowded and noisy, and the whole person was very annoying.

"If this is the wrong size, can I come back and change it?" Tian Ling asked with her underwear.

"Wear it with confidence, it's the right size.


do you know?" "I've touched it, how do I know, how do you say I know?"

Tian Ling blushed, and she didn't remember when Zhang Tiejun touched her for a long time. I really touched it, but only once or twice, and it was a matter of the previous life. Her size was visible to Zhang Tiejun.

"Let's go, I'll go up and clean up and we'll go back, and then it'll cool down later." When he came outside, Zhang Tiejun didn't pull her and touched her.


"Upstairs. Zhang Tiejun pointed across the road, reached out and took her arm and walked over.

It wasn't until upstairs that Tian Ling reacted: "What are you bringing me here for?"

"I live here, take something." Stupid. I've had a few rooms here for two months. He went over and opened the door of his room: "That room is where my sisters live, that room is Xiaoli them, this room is the goods, I live in this room." "

How much does it cost to get a room in this room?

It's expensive, right?" "It's more than two hundred, it's okay, it's close and convenient." "He kept the keys to his motorcycle in his room and was going to ride it back today.

"Where do

you live by yourself?" "Well, who are you going to live with if you don't live by yourself?"

I can't...... Usually that's fine, but nothing else. I'm scared. "

I'm scared, like I can do anything to you." Zhang Tiejun found a thicker piece of clothing: "You can just wear a leather jacket, and you won't have to find clothes."

"What are you doing? Zhang

Tiejun went over and hugged Tian Ling and kissed her on the mouth, this girl is still so cute, and it is difficult to match her appearance with her age, it is a very strange feeling.

This kind of kissing and hugging Tian Ling does not resist, and she likes it very much.

To say that the relationship between the two people is not clear, it is quite weird, and it lasted for a long time, at least five or six years, starting from Zhang Tiejun's second year of junior high school until Tian Ling got married.

The entanglement of two lifetimes has made a breakthrough today, and Zhang Tiejun ate a few bites of steamed buns. Well, it tastes good.

"Let's go, something will happen if we stay any longer. Zhang Tiejun took two sips of Tian Ling's body fragrance and pulled her out: "It's better to take your time, don't get you to hate me again." It's good to be like this right now.

Tian Ling didn't know what she was thinking, so she followed Zhang Tiejun downstairs with a blushing face.

"What's the car at this point?"

"There's a car." Shall we eat first? Are you hungry?"

No, it's only past four o'clock.

"Then let's go back, let's ride back." Zhang Tiejun took her from the first floor of the hotel to the backyard.

"Where is this?"

"Yard, my motorcycle is in the garage, and I need to refuel it." Can you be scared when you go back on a motorcycle?"

What brand of motorcycle did you buy?"

Yamaha, it's still quite comfortable to sit on, but it's going to be cold, so you can put on your leather jacket. "

It takes at least 40 minutes to ride back to the concentrator from the city, and a long part of the road in the middle is on the mountain, and the temperature will drop from four, half past five o'clock, and Tian Ling's small physique can't bear it at all.

put the bags and things of the two people in the tail box, and Zhang Tiejun took down the BB machine. I'm afraid of losing.

Let Tian Ling put on the leather coat and buckle it tightly, Zhang Tiejun asked the doorman to fill the motorcycle with gas, and the two of them came out of the hotel courtyard and set off to go home.


"Don't be afraid, this car is really comfortable to sit on, like a sofa, so handsome." How much does this car cost?"

"Tens of thousands, I spent more than 50,000, and the market wants 70,000 or 80,000. "

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