Reborn In DC

Chapter 20 - Legendary Saiyan (Part 1)

Doom Doom

Two explosion sound resounded throughout the forest, with smoke cloud rising. In one of those craters, a black armored hand pierces the ground, pulling out the rest of the body. Standing up Marcus look at his surroundings.

"Are you alright" Marcus ask Lucy who also got out of her crater and walk next to Marcus "Let go. "

They both flew toward the base. After a few minutes, they arrive at their location, looking at the base Marcus immediately saw that something was wrong, even though the force field was activated, surrounding the base and protecting it the base was half destroyed with smoke coming out in some places and only one robot working to fix it.

After flying in Marcus immediately start to gather information to know what had happened and the result surprised him. He discovers that Gine was the cause of all of this.

"We have to find her," Lucy said with a rare look of seriousness.


"Yes, sir"

"Please start searching for Lucy location, at all cost"

"Yes, sir"

"Damn... Lucy help me reconstruct the base"


an hour had already passed, during that time Marcus and Lucy had fixed most of the base basic system, and the rest of robots. Right know Marcus was out of his armor he was in the med bay fixing the healing chamber while doing so, he receives a message from Jarvis.

"Sir I have managed to locate miss Gine I have already transfers her location to you"


Immediately Marcus got up and inform Lucy, getting in his armor a different one this time (mark 45) he flew out of the base with Lucy quickly following after him they were flying to Gine location.

After 15 minutes of flying at full speed, they arrived toward there objective. They landed on a mountain and looking in the distance

In the direction, they were looking at they could huge explosion and smoke being the sign of a huge fight. After further research Marcus was shocked.

"Is this a different Saiyan form"

"No, this is a legendary Saiyan" in front of them Marcus produces a hologram in it you could see a giant humanoid monster more precisely a cyclops he was more than 30 meters tall with a giant club in his hand and he was fighting none other then Gine. the thing is she was different. Now she was more than 2 and a half meter tall with muscles all over her body and more importantly, she had green hair.

"She went full legendary."

"What do we do now?"

Nothing, I don't feel like fighting a legendary Saiyan, we are going to wait for her to get fatigued and canceled her transformation.

After saying this the look down at the fight. The fight was caustic, the size of the Cyclops wasn't a joke with one swing of his bat he could probably destroy a mountain but a legendary Saiyan wasn't a joke with pure strength alone she managed to dominate the fight, going on a rampage.


As the fight came close to an end, Gine started going more berserk fire ki blast everywhere and one was coming directly toward Marcus and Lucy. Even though he fears the power of a legendary Saiyan. Marcuse decided to test his strength, stepping in the trajectory of the ki blast. He gathers is ki and prepares himself taking the attack head-on. After a few seconds of struggle, he manages to deflect the ball ki to another direction.

"Wow, that was great," Marcus said as he turns around to see the damage of the ki blast he reflected. At this moment he heard Lucy yelling at him.

"Watch out"

What Marcus didn't know was that when he had activated is Ki reflected the ki blast Gine felt it. Looking toward Marcus' direction Gine saw him immediately deep down a feeling of hatred light up inside of her 'he left you' This feeling of hatred was growing stronger and stronger. 'He did come back' 'he left you alone' it was at this moment a taught dominate her mind.


With that, she flew at full speed toward him

Marcus was in the process of turning around when he heard a voice full of killing intent

"Kill "

Marcus wasn't dum in that slip second after hearing the voice he knew he was in trouble he immediately active his helmet and force field but it didn't stop her. Her hand that was coming directly for his head, breaking the force field and easily grab Marcus holding him up.

Marcus quickly tries to talk some sense into Gine but she didn't even listen to him, only looking at him with a murderous look.

Marcus tries to get free punch her but she didn't even flinch. She than slam Marcus in the ground in her right hand she started forming a ki blast ready to fire it at Marcus

"You abandoned me" but she gets to fire her Ki blast since she got tackle by Lucy, flying away with her.

Knowing that Lucy could not fight Gine by herself he quickly got up and flew after them. Halfway through Lucy receive a massive punch causing her to fly in a different direction.

"Damn it" Marcus stop flying and levitated in mid-air. He did want to get close to Gine he knew for a fact if he starts a close-quarter fight with her he would get slaughter.

So while levitating he activates all of his weapons and fires it at hovering Gine. her in response didn't even care and flew toward the barrage of bullets, laser beam, and missile. On contact, there was a huge explosion but all of that didn't stop her from flying toward Marcus. Just went she was close to him she received a massive laser beam from her left side.

Lucy can you distract her, we are not going to win this fight with strength only I need to take action."

"I can get you 10 minutes."

Marcus flew for a distance and landed he quickly got out of the armor and took some box out from his personal space using those materials he starts creating a portal.

5 minutes in Marcus suddenly receives a message from Lucy.

[Damn it, she went past me] The thing is Lucy's body as said before was incomplete so during the fight she glitches, shutting down her flying system.

Receive the message Marcus look in the direction of the Lucy he could see Gine coming at him with a enrage look coming straight at him

"Fuck it, I didn't even finish" he quickly put the armor on and look at Gine.

[Lucy will take care of the rest, I will take care of her.]

'I have to all-out' immediately the armor light up with neon-like blue light running all over, with blue lightning surrounding it.

Marcus flew directly at Gine when they got close, they both punch at each other.

After struggling Marcus finally manage to stand up retracting his helmet,

coughing a mouthful of blood, his face

showing shock, looking at his hand he could see that it was fractured in different places and dislocated.

Looking back at Gine, he saw a smug smile on her face, which got on his nerves.

Standing up he activated his helmet, with cracking sound, his arm when back in place. All over his armor, all types of symbols started appearing while the sky turns black with lightning flashing every moment.

Around his armor you could see lightning and more importantly he release is ki at full strength.

"Jarvis we're going all out send the Hulkbuster and activate protocol red "

He then flew at full speed at Gine.


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