Reborn In DC

Chapter 22 - Legendary Saiyan (Part 3)

Seeing this, Gine smiles and a dash straight at Marcus. Marcus didn't even hesitate and dash at Gine turning into a silver figure. In a moment he was already in front Gine. They punch, their fists meet in the middle. On contact, a huge shock wave was produced destroying the forest and creating a crater we're the stand, but they did stop they keep throwing a punch at each other. With every punch creating a giant shock wave.

And even if a punch manages to hit them they didn't stop, they didn't care about defense, only focusing on the attack. Every punch Marcus took from Gine would create a huge hole where it hit him, but it would quickly close up, while Marcus didn't stop his attack. Even though Marcus punch wasn't as lethal as Gine they still injured her.

In a minute they had exchange hundreds of blows. Proving the superiority of her Saiyan physique with every attack she would adapt, getting stronger, faster and even more savage with every hit. But Marcus wasn't playing around, he uses everything he could, going all out.

The sky was getting darker and darker with thunder cloud spreading as far as the eyes could see, with lightning thundering, every stray lightning bolt that landed on the ground would create a crater. His ki was so savage and tyrannical that even as a stray rock that gets in contact with it would immediately get disintegrated. While his magic was so powerful and vast that for a millisecond it created a temporal storm. Which by itself was rare

And such rare event it could get powerful magicians' attentions and one of such a being was Doctor Fate.


In the middle of an ancient style room, was Doctor Fate, gently levitating. Suddenly is eyes radiated with light. He had just discovered a temporal storm, a very rare event even for him and it can only be produced by powerful magicians. Upon analyzing it he discovers that he didn't know this magic signature. As the protector of fate, he had to know what had happened and who did this, if it was an evil sorcerer with an evil agenda. So Doctor fate was preparing to teleport there when suddenly he felt that the entire place was seal by a powerful magic and that the defense that he had set around this place was getting destroyed, pretty rapidly at that.

He suddenly felt the wind blowing behind him, as the room gets illuminated in blue light. Turning around he saw a blue portal and inside this portal, he could fill a devastating amount a magic power pouring out, he felt like his magic power was like an ant in front of an elephant, no in front of a huge mountain. He could feel the energy getting closer and closer

"Who are you'

"You can call me Grey and I think we have to talk."


A few minutes later Marcus finally reaches his limit but he did everything to keep up, even though he is getting completely dominate at this point in the fight. As the fight continues Marcus first runs out of magic power, which quickly drops his battle power. But he was still fighting, that is until he got a ball of ki exploded is belly breaking is Ki and sending Marcus flying.

"Marcus the trap is ready, you proceed with step one at any time."

Now having run out of both magic and Ki Marcus knew he couldn't fight with Gine anymore and having heard Lucy green light to proceed with the plan, so he started flying away from her at full speed in the direction of the biggest mountain in the surroundings.

Marcus was halfway through went suddenly, he got hit by a Ki blast. This attack destabilizes him sending him plummeting down. Marcus manages to slow down his fall and was ready to fly away when suddenly he felt a hand grab his feet. Looking down he saw Gine.

She then when full berserk on him, throwing him on the ground which created a huge crater she landed on top of him making the crater even bigger, she smashes his face on the ground, she then drags it across the ground. She then spun him around and throw her toward the mountain at full strength which was immediately followed by a ki blast.

With a loud boom, Marcus crashed on the side of a mountain, forming a huge crater. Laying there, Marcus cough a mouthful of blood and even a few teeth. Before he could do anything there was already a green pillar of ki coming down on top of him. It was fire by Gine that had flown on top of him. As a reflex, he brought his left arm up and formed a protective cover, Magic and Ki shield and even a force field but he wasn't fast enough. Then!


"aaargh," Marcus yells out while struggling on the ground holding his left shoulder having his left arm blow.

Gine slowly flew down with a smug smile on her face and stand on top of Marcus. Squatting down, she picks Marcus up by the neck. Before she could say anything Marcus immediately teleport away, appearing next to Lucy.

"Amazing, she even managed to destroy one of your arms. Haha, She…"



With a tough, the trap Lucy at been setting during Marcus and Gine fight activated.

Suddenly Gine who was standing on top of the mountain was pulled down by a gravity field, magic spell and laser ray that increase her weight, while magic rope and chan came out of the ground and tied around Gine, bring her to her knees while keeping her in place. Gine immediately releases her Ki, struggling to escape.

"You think she might escape." Lucy asked while looking at the hologram scream in front of her showing Gine struggling to get free."

"Shut up and proceed with the plan," Marcus yells out while using the Endo-sym to stop the bleeding.

"HAHAHA, it's already coming, "Lucy said while looking up.

The sky was completely black with cloud covering it when suddenly it was pierced by a bright red laser beam, that directly landed on top of Gine. With a loud explosion and debris falling everywhere the top half the mountain was completely destroyed.

"So that's the Helios," Lucy said in amazement

"Jarvis fire it again, go into overdrive mode," Marcus yells out.

[Going into overdrive, power at 200%]

Immediately after an even more powerful laser beam landed on top of the mountain, destroying the rest of the mountain.

"Can we fire it again?" Marcus asks while looking with shock at the hologram screen were he could see Gine trying to get up despite receiving those powerful attacks.

[No sir, the laser cannon is overheated.]

"So it's my turn," Said with a fierce light in his eyes.

Marcus turns into lightning and appeared in the sky, above the destroyed mountain. The hole in the clouds quickly closes up with even more powerful lightning energy. With every lightning falling a crater will appear, and with every thunderclap, the earth would shake. Holding his right hand up a bolt of lightning immediately landed on it, morphing into a blue spear (Zeus style) while his eyes turned blue with lightning flashing in them.

Lucy who was standing far away could watch all of it happening. Even with her supercomputing power, when the lightning left Marcus' hand, she only saw a silver string of light then "boom" a huge explosion, making the crater even bigger and even where she stood she could feel the feedback of the explosion.

Looking up she saw Marcus falling, apparently, he had passed out. He landed heavily on the ground, with his left shoulder bleeding profusely.

"Damn it, I am the one left to clean their mess."

"Jarvis, please send the Quinjet at soon as possible," Lucy ask Jarvis as she flew toward Marcus.

[Yes, Miss.Lucy.]

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