Reborn In DC

Chapter 34 - Huntress (Part 3)

"So what is it going to be?"

"You think you are going to escape," Nightwing said.

"Are you going to let people die, if not then yes, I am going to escape." The Punisher said in response.

Not saying anything the member of the Bat-Family all looks at Batman waiting for his decision.


As soon as he said so each one of them chose a bomb and went to it.

"Great choice." The Punisher said as a motorcycle pulled up next to him.

"We will meet again." With that Batman fired his grappling gun, going toward one of the bombs.

"We sure will." He said to himself as he got on the bike.

"Hey, Jarvis," Marcus calls out as he puts his helmet on.

[Yes, Sir.]

"Can you tell me, toward which direction Huntress went."


At blinding speed, a dark figure brooks through the window of an apartment as he gets in the building. Without a moment of hesitation, he moves toward the bedroom getting in there he... found a computer on the bed. The figure slows down, scanning the room after finding nothing he turns on the computer.

As soon as he turned it on The Punisher voice came out of it. " Damn I managed to trick Batman hahaha," His laugh started to resonate throughout the room. But Batman wasn't surprised, he already knew that he was taking a risk since he didn't know a lot about the punisher, he didn't know his bottom line.

Just when he turned around to leave the room he was stopped by the Punisher.

"Ok ok ok, listen I don't want you to have a vendetta against me. so I am going to give you something." Immediately a group of files appeared on the computer screen. "Those are the file of some villain, their plans and a lot of other stuff. So are we good?"

Without saying anything Batman inserts a flash drive into the computer, After he was done he left the room without saying anything.

After a few seconds, he got on the rooftop. Using his earpiece he contacted his Team.

"Did you guys find anything?"

"No Bombs, Just a ŀȧptop that not working," Robin responded

"The same thing," Nightwing said.


"Huntress" Batman calls out. But there was no response. "Alfred get me the location of Huntress."

In one of Gotham many apartments.

In one of the middle floor bedrooms, Huntress woke up from being knocked out. A few minutes ago after getting into the building, she was hit behind the head. Anyway right now she was tight into a chair and in front of her was the punisher sitting on the bed.

So I know you are going to play it badass by not saying anything but I don't have a lot of time...

"What do you want?" Huntress interrupts him.

"To make a deal."

"Why would I want to make a deal with you?"

"Because it would be very beneficial to you

"Even so, I would make a deal with a criminal?"

"We are not that different."

"I am not a criminal."

"You also kill people."

"I don't steal."

"you stole from Wayne's industry to fund yourself."

"How do y..."

This time it was The Punisher turn to cut her off. " Like I said before, not a lot of time. The deal is to help you... and best friend gets back to your earth." Upon hearing him Huntress was visibly shocked. " I can even help you save your plane." The Punisher said with a smile on his face.


"Listen, I'm going to give you time to think about it. When you decided..." He said as he inserted a phone in her belt "Give me a call." With that, he left.

A few minutes later, the room is infiltrated by the bat-family.

"where is he?" Batman asks.

"You guys are a few minutes late" She responds absentmindedly since she was still thinking about what The Punisher told her.


At Marcus's apartment.

Dress as the punisher he parks his bike in the garage and walks in the house. He did care since it was dark and there was nobody on the stress close to his house.

"Damn, this time I almost got caught." He yells out as he throws his jacket on the couch while also taking out his sword and guns, placing them on the table."

"Yeah, it was sad to look at," Lucy said.

"Thanks, for the help anyway. I will need more and better equipment." he then proceeded to take the serum out of his bell and through it toward Lucy, which she caught perfectly." Can you give this to Grey next time you visit him,"



A few months have already passed. During this time a lot of things had happened. During this time Grey industries have made a complete turn over from the public eyes with them stopping making weapons and investing more into more useful inventions ( and making more money.) while also investing in charities. But more importantly there popularity grows with the help of Iron Man.

After his fight with the terrorist during those past months, he has been running around saving and helping people...while also looking badass. But that wasn't the only thing the world got a new supervillain, one that was very active for the past month, With no hero coming close to catching him.

Anyway, tonight Marcus dressed as The Punisher and was standing in front of a warehouse in Gotham. of course, he just bought it a few days ago. As he was waiting he took out his phone and started playing video games. With a "whoosh" sound a female figure landed in front of him, then a few seconds later a purple bike also stopped in front of him.

"You guys finally arrive." Marcus said while not looking away from his phone screen.

Walking in front of Marcus. Power girl said in all seriousness. "Can you be serious."

"I waited for you guys, but you guys were later. Now let me finish my game."

After a few minutes, He finally stops playing. Look in front of him he could see both Power Girl and Huntress looking at him. " Follow me," Marcus said as he got in the building with them walking after him. Getting in they could immediately see a giant machine in the middle of the warehouse.

"Is that it, the machine that can send us to our earth?" Power Girl asks.

"Yeah," Marcus answers lazily.

When are we going to ask" This time it was Huntress who questioned him.

We have to wait for a few people." As soon as Marcus said so a blue portal opened in front of them. After a few minutes, Grey steps out of the portal equipped with the grey Iron Man Infamous armor with the cap and all. Then Gine also comes out, she was wearing the same type of armor but it was dark, with no helmet or cape and it was more feminine.

" Who are they," Power Girl asks, being wary of them.

This Grey and Gine." Marcus introduces them. " They are going with you and are going to help you save your world."

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