Reborn In DC

Chapter 39 - Demons (Part 4)

"Boom" With a huge explosion Marcus was Blasted out of the building, going through a building, landed heavily on the ground and finally, he hit a car. Finally stopping him.

"I thought he was stronger," Arrow said sarcastically while trying to hold the normal demons back.

"Relax," Marcus said as he got up. "This armor is built mostly for speed. I use it to get here as soon as possible to help you guys out. A more appropriate armor should arrive soon." As he said so he had to fly up to evade the punch of the giant demon. He then proceeded to fire both of his repulsors at the demon's face trying to distract him. With the rest of the team backing him up.

Right now the city is in flames, everyone has been evacuated and the demons kill only leaving the Giant one to kill. But right now they were struggling to keep him contained. Suddenly while they were fighting the demon suddenly gained a boost of strength. With a sweep of his hand, he sent Marcus flying down and then proceeded to step on him. But at the final moment, Iron Man manage to fly out of the crater.

"We really are losing this fight," Arrow said as he zipline, followed by Black Canary and Zatanna teleporting next to him, next to Marcus. who right now was half-kneeling on the ground holding his right arm.

"Not anymore," Marcus said as he got up. "I am going to make him pay for breaking my arm." With that suddenly the demon that was in the distance rampaging was hit by a barrage of missiles, enveloping him in flame.

As the flame cleared up, the demon was suddenly uppercut by two armor at the same time, causing him to fall down.

"I am going to finish this." Marcus then proceeded to fly toward the Demons who by now started to get up. Flying overhead the other Iron Man armor proceeded to form a circle around him With all of them powering their arc reactor.

At the same time, they proceed to fire their unibeam.

"Jarvis full power."

And with that, a giant white light.

As the light started to clear Green Arrow stopped covering his eyes and it took him a few seconds to get adjusted with it.

"What the f**k was that." He asks in confusion.

"I don't know." Black Canary responded while still looking toward the direction of the explosion.

"Let get closer" Zatanna still in a daze, not understanding what happened teleported them closer to the explosion. Appearing in the explosion radius they could clearly see the destruction and most importantly the dead body of the demon.

Even though his lower body was relatively intact, his head was another story.

"Separate we have to find him" with that they started search throughout the area for Iron Man.

"I found something." Black Canary cried out. Hearing this, the rest of the team got to her location. Arriving there they find the first Iron man Armor Marcus uses.

"That one of his armor, right?" Black Canary asks.


"Eh, do you think he's going to make me one if I ask." Green Arrow asks with simile

Ignoring Green Arrow, Black Canary started speaking with Zatanna. "Seeing the state of this armor, which right now is in pieces, do you think he survived?" Zatanna asks.

"I hope…"

"Eh, guys look at this" Green Arrow interrupted them, pointing at the armor. When they look back at it they saw the pieces of the armor flying up and reforming the armor. After it was done ȧssembling the armor flew toward another direction.

"Follow it," Black Canary said as she started running after the armor. After a few minutes of running the arrive at a surprising scene which was both Iron Man armor the previous one and the War Machine was furiously searching through building debris.

"What are they doing," Zatanna asked confuse

"I think they're searching for him."

"Should we help out?" Zatanna asks.

"Yeah," Green Arrow said as he tries to get close. but immediately the machine gun of the War Machine turn toward him.

"Nah let's watch to see where this is going."

After a few minutes of digging the Armor finally found the pass out Marcus inside the half-destroyed Shotgun who had no energy left. Even though the Shotgun was an armor of great speed to reach such a requirement there were a few sacrifices. Like it's firepower, the huge amount of energy it uses and most importantly it likes defense. Which means that the armor wasn't built for those types of fight.

"Should we transport him to the league for treatment," Zatanna asks.

Black Canary and Green Arrow were talking about it when they suddenly heard the sound of an engine. Looking up they saw the quinjet fly down. After it landed the Iron Man armor quickly proceeded to transport Marcus inside with the door closing after them. They placed Marcus on one the medical bed of the Quinjet and after a few seconds flew away at full speed.

The team was left on the ground watching the quinjet flying away.

"I think he got it," Green Arrow said.


Jennifer was inside of the Quinjet. For the past hour, they have been flying at full speed. Sometimes she watches the clouds going by or she looks at the passed out Marcus on the medical bed.

"His he going the be alright," She asks, wary about Marcus.


"Have we been flying for a long time"


"So are we there yet?"

"We should arrive in a few."

Hearing Jarvis, she watched the sky in silence. Suddenly a few minutes later she saw a giant flying ship appear out of nowhere.

After a few seconds, the Quinjet landed on top of it. The platform on which the jet stopped quickly started going underground. Stopping at its destination, the door of the quinjet opens immediately the medical bed levitated out of the quinjet. She was sitting there not knowing what to do when she suddenly heard Jarvis' voice "Please follow '' after hearing him it, she walked out of the quinjet following the Bed. She was immediately presented with a bustling environment with a lot of people moving around.

"This is?"

"This is the helicarrier, the HQ of Shield" Lucy announced as she walked next to her.

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