Reborn In DC

Chapter 41 - Earth 2 (Part 3)


Lois and Power Girl decide to try and find the real Superman. But Batman tells them that he's going to go find Huntress, that he is not going to look for the Shadow of a man and that he needs to find his granddaughter.

Suddenly Superman clones begin to break out of their tubes. Immediately Batman begins to drink his strength-enhancing drug and tells Val Zod to back off showing him Kryptonite. But Power Girls gets mad at him for even having Kryptonite and in response to his drug-addled anger, Val Zod melts the rest of his drugs.



Getting inside Dr. Fate walks in front of Jimmy. He then proceeds to lean in taping his helmet against the mother box. Suddenly there is a massive expulsion of power and then it seems to go in Jimmy Olson but at that precise moment, Grey dropped a nanochip inside him.

The scientist that was there immediately recognized that the helmet of Naboo must be another form of the mother box and that it just procreated with another mother box. That Jimmy is being transformed.


-World army ȧssault team-

Right now, they were on a spaceship intending to meet apocalypse halfway as the plane was flying toward earth. But suddenly they lose the planet from their radars only to have it boom tube onto the moon shattering it. Previously they thought that they had close to a month until apocalypse arrived but now they have mere hours.

Pieces of the moon begin to fall to the planet's surface and realizing that he is the only one that could stop them, the Green Lantern flies into space to block what he can. While telling Sam (who is the avatar of white and his previous lover) and Grundy to find the avatar of blue.


While all of this was happening Jimmy was becoming something totally new and no one knows what he's becoming but at least the famine powers have vanished. As Khalid the wielder of the helmet of Fate came to his senses, he tells Jimmy that he left Hawkgirl and flash in trouble.

Much of the world army begins to recover from their starvation but over their heads, they begin to see the meteors from the moon come crashing down towards them, they realize it's about to get even worse.

And even worse around the world, the powers of the Furies begin to affect the human population. Giving them the rage of war, the horror of pestilence and the curse of walking dead.


-In Chicago-

They are also feeling the effect of the Furies powers. Dick and Barbare Grayson are fighting for their lives and their son Johnny's life with the help of Ted Grant. It's almost as if the people have lost their minds and then Ted Grant looks up to see the meteors and realizes that it is now a party.


-Arkham, the old world army base-

While all of this was happening Constantine who had mysteriously appeared in this world was breaking people out of Arkham to form his own team. Brain Wave, Obsidian, Johnny Thunder and Jeremy. But Jeremy told him that he is not helping because obsidian is the wrong color. To which Constantine apologizes to Obsidian and then proceeds to shoot Jeremy, killing him.

-Over the Sky of Russian-

As the avatar of gray and white was making their way toward the avatar of blue, when out of nowhere the furies arrived. Making the first move K'li cut Grundy in two. While the fury of death (The one Grey and Gine fight previously.) attacked the avatar of blue. Seeing how much trouble they were in, Sam immediately calls for the Green Lantern help. But sadly the Green Lantern was busy blocking various meteors.



While this was happening Batman, Lois, Val and Power Girl all discovered the apocalypse trophy from the fight with superman. It was his family crest. Shedding a tear Lois took it away, putting in it her storage containers for later use.



Hawkgirl and Flash just recover from the power of famine only to discover that the people around them were fighting, being affected by Rage. Immediately the people started attacking.


The avatar of white was almost death only to be saved by the Green Lantern. The Green Lantern started bombarding the furies with the full might of the power of the earth. As they hit the ground Grundy starts to bind them with roots, as cutting Grundy into pieces doesn't do much as he is already dead.


-Above Atlantis-

One of the many pieces of the meteor was falling into the ocean. But just when it was about to hit the ocean a blue monster raised out of it, colliding with the meteor and breaking it apart, as he flew away at great speed. It was the Avatar of Blue, the secret weapons of Atlantis, known as the strongest of the avatar and unknown by anyone he was escaping.



At this moment, the last train was about to leave the Chicago station. Because of this, a huge fight was taking place for the right to get on the train. You may ask why everyone wanted to get on this train. It was because one of the meteors had hit Lake Michigan and a tidal wave was coming toward the city of Chicago.

Watching all of this happening was Constantine and his team. While they were looking at this happening they saw a redheaded woman fighting with the thugs trying to gain access to the train. Seeing this Constantine team asks if they should intervene. But he decides to see how it's gonna play out.

While Barbara was trying to climb on top of the train she was suddenly kicked by one of the thugs, throwing her down only to be caught by Dick. On her face she had a fierce look, deciding that no one is going to stop her from getting her son out of this doomed city. Getting back up she went back in the fight, sucker-punching one of the thugs. But as he falls he shoots her in the stomach.

Seeing this Dick screams out "No" and their son cries out "Mommy"

Watching all of this John silently says to himself " Aw dammit John " As dɨċk is holding his wife in his arms dead.



Meanwhile back at the firepit the device that was telling the team that Huntress was still alive has shut down and Power girl is furious, that she will not lose her sister/ her best friend.

She begins barreling through the building, crushing robots and stomping on their heads.

Suddenly she was called out by Lois, telling her that she found the real Superman.

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