Reborn In DC

Chapter 49 - Darkseid (Part 2)

"Is he alive?" The Flash asks his teammate but the one who answers him wasn't them but Grey.


"Do you need help?" Green Lantern offers him.

"No," Grey said as his skin started healing.

"Listen if we team up we might be able to defeat him," Powergirl said as she landed next to the heroes

"I don't need your help"

"You already lost, you had your ȧss ended by him. you can see that you have no chance of winning..." Powergirl started yelling

"Hahaha" Grey suddenly started laughing. All the time they were talking Grey was just looking at the sky now he turns his head looking at the superhero " You guy better step back." As he said so in a huge explosion Gine landed not far away from them.

"Listen if we work togeth..." Powergirl sentence was cut by Grey

"Shut up" He yells "Gine" He calls out in a gentle voice.

Immediately Gine appeared in front of the group of hero


"Sit this one out."

"What even with you working together you were already losing" Powergirl kept talking in the back.

"Sure, I was getting bored already, I thought he would have been a challenge the way you hip him up."

The group of the Heroes and the people watching were left flabbergasted; What type of people were clearly losing but still thought they could win.

"Yeah, that was my fault" Immediately after he said so lightning landed on him. As the light fades away it reveals a completely healed Grey, both his cape and armor fixed.

Darkseid who saw Grey standing saw it as a provocation. Full of rage he flew at his fastest speed toward Grey but he also did the same, in a blurt of blue lightning Grey ran toward Darkseid. Reaching each other Darkseid punches but Grey dodge it while uppercutting him.

Even though he was shocked both in the fact that now grey was faster and stronger than before he managed to stop his fly but before he could do anything he was hit by a giant lightning strike, sending him flying back down

Getting up from the crater he created Grey was already standing in front of him.

" You recommend that you give up, you have to chance of winning"

Enraged by the fact that a lowly mortal shows pity toward him, Darkseid punches toward Grey.

But in a blurt of light Grey was already behind him "I seem that I have to prove my superiority.'

Hearing Grey voice behind him Darkseid turns around wanting to hit Grey but in that brief moment, Grey concentrates on Ki, his lightning and the power stone he created a blade around his hand. With this blade, he cut one of Darkseid's arms.

But Darkseid wasn't a joke, even though he lost his arm he still had the mind to throw a punch.

But Grey was already far away.

"Give up"

"You dare humiliate Darkseid," He said in his deep voice as he then proceeds to attack Grey with him, keeping his distance away from Darkseid.

But with every punch, Darkseid was getting more enraged while with every punch dodge Grey was getting frustrated.

"Enough" he yells while pushing Darkseid away with a ki blast

"So be it, if you are not going to give up it's your death." Suddenly Grey's upper armor turns into a liquid, detaches itself from him, turning into a grey ball in the air while his helmet changes into a silver mask.

Through his years he spent sparring with Gine even though they fought a lot pushing each other to get stronger and to develop new techniques. Grey mostly uses tech or tactic to match Gine. But fighting with Darkseid Grey saw it as a way to go all out. So he wasn't about to use tech or tactics. So he pushed his power to the max.

In a huge lightning strike, Grey grew taller and became more buff with the power of his ki, while he turned into lightning with his skin turning blue and lightning crackling all around him.

"Let see for along you can confront my full might,"

Not wanting to be outdone Darkseid fired his Omega beam but Grey did do anything and kept walking toward him. The Omega dean hit Grey with its full might but Grey wasn't affected by it with his ki and lightning shield.

In a student burst of speed, Grey appeared in front of him, through his years of experience, Darkseid immediately punches only to discover that his arm when through Grey "Like I said no holding back" Placing his palm inform of Darkseid ċhėst, he fires a ki blast, sending Darkseid flying back.

Just as an angry Darkseid manages to get up, he gets hit by a lightning strike forcing him back to the ground. But Darkseid didn't give up so easily. As soon as he stood up a lightning strike was already coming down on him but he fires his Omega Beam blocking it but as he did so he receive a punch from Grey but this he was prepared, he immediately counter but his fist when to Grey not even affecting him while he receives a massive electroshock.

"This is just bullying at this point." Teleporting away Grey appeared in the sky, "Let finish this" He announces as he brings his hand together and starts gathering his powers.

While Darkseid was a prideful being he knew that he was over his head and even though he didn't want to he knew he had to escape to survive. At first, he questions whether to leave or stay. But upon feeling the amount of energy Grey was gathering he made up his mind. So he activates his boom tube, immediately walking through it. But as he disappears and the boom tube close behind him a Boom tube opens not far away in which Darkseid walks out "What?" He yelled out. Of course, he tried a few more times but there was the same result.

You see Grey had infected Mr. Miracle Mother box for two reasons and one of them was to understand it with the goal of being able to hack them and right now he was doing just that, having hacked Darkseid Mother Box stopping him from living.

While it took a minute for Darkseid to come to the realization that he couldn't leave, it was enough time for Grey to finish gathering his energy. Pulling his hand away Grey formed a Grey spear with Lightning flashing all around it " Let see if you can survive this Grey announced as he threw the spear.

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