Reborn In DC

Chapter 51 - Taking over

After a second of flying at full speed, she finally reached him. Grabbing him by the arm she pulled him closer, forming a Ki cocoon around them. Immediately after she turned around and flew back to earth as the little amount of energy his armor had left was quickly running out.

After landing next to Lucy, she gently placed him on the ground. "Don't just stand there, do something."

"You know that he is alright"

"Do something!"

"Ok ok," Lucy said as she walked next to Grey. She proceeded to place her hand on top of his ċhėst and release a huge amount of electricity. Then in a sudden flash of light Grey disappears, appearing a few feet away from them.

"Why did you do that ?" Grey said as he looked at the burning mark on the ċhėst plate of his armor.

"Like I tell you he is alright."

"At least I was more worried about his well being than you."

"I knew he wasn't going to die that easily"

"Yeah, yeah I will remember this by the way. Bring the ship down" He said as he ripped apart his armor, dropping the piece on the ground cracking it.

"Sir, yes sir"

"While you do so Gine and ... oh we have companies" No far from them the heroes landed.

"If it isn't my old friend Powergirl, Huntress, and some new acquaintances.

"I thought you were here to help." Huntress yell "You could have stopped all of this."

"As he said before we were here for the fight even though he had most of the fun."

"Yeah, like she said. By the way, I better inform you of this now. We are taking this planet and its inhabitants over."

"You, what," Batman said as he stepped forward.

"Unlike Darkseid, we are not killing the people or destroying the planet. Better us than Darkseid.

"That wasn't part of the deal" Huntress yelled.

"The deal was that we bring you here and help you save the planet>"

"But now …"

"And we did just that. You never ask if we were going to take his place."

"We cannot let you do this."

"So you think we care about your approval."

"You want to enslave the people of this planet."

'" yeah, but not really."

"I am not going to let this happen," The Green Lantern said as he slowly started to floating with green energy surrounding him

"So what do you want to fight us?" Grey said smiling, seeming excited about the fight.

Seeing this Batman squinted his eyes "They are weakened by their previous fight" He whispered. "This is the best time to fight them."

"Having heard him, Powergirl knew that their fight was unavoidable. It was true that they were weakened as Grey had spent all his power and even lost his armor. So eyes turning red she looked straight at Grey " Back down or we will have to fight."

"So it's a fight."

"Do I have to stay for it?" Lucy said, seeming annoyed by it.

"No, I can take care of them."

"What about me?"

"They are not your opponent but I got a job especially for you. Lucy will give you the information."

"Better be challenging." With that, both Lucy and Gine departed.

"Oh, don't worry about them. You guys are going to have to go through me first, as an incentive, if you manage to defeat me we will stop our takeover. What about it?"

"Your words'' Huntress announced as she fired an arrow at him. Inches away from his face, he grabs it then throws it back at her.

Seeing this he brings his hand up blocking it as he looks away from the red light he was suddenly tackled into the ground by Powergirl creating a crater. She then dragged him across the floor living a huge gash behind.

Placing his hand on Powergirl he electrocuted her, paralyzing her for a brief second taking advantage of this she got loose from her. Grabbing her by the arm he then spun her around then threw her away.

As he stood, admiring his work, Val-Zod landed next to him and threw a punch. Only for him to discover that it went straight through.


"Oh yeah, physical damage doesn't work" He then blasted Val-Zod away with a powerful Ki blast.

But out of nowhere, he was suċkėd into a tornado. Flexing his ki, disrupting the tornado causing it to fade away, sadly as soon as he says so he was tackled by both Kryptonian.

But as they were about to reach the ground Val-Zob was struck down by a lightning strike while Grey turned into lightning appearing behind Powergirl and smashed her into the ground. As he got up and was about to attack her a fist when straight through him in that millisecond a dozen more when through him. Matching the speed of the flash exchanging a few hits, ending with the flash a mile away from him. Turning into lightning he appeared in the air evading the sudden attack of the green lantern. As he stood mid-air he slowly got surrounded by the Kryptonian, Hawkgirl Green Lantern, Red Tornado, Doctor Fate, Fury and more

"It seems that I have to get serious," he announces as his eyes turn white with lightning in the corner of his eyes.


"Who are you?"

"We came here to make a deal,"

"What type of deal?" The White asks.

"It's obvious that the planet is dying. We are offering you a way to fix it but at a price."

"And what is that?"

"The ownership of this world."

"You, you are just like them."

"Even so you got nothing to lose and everything to gain."

"And if you refuse we can still kill you and find another way to take care of the planet."



"What do you want from us?" The Green asks.

"Oh, so you accept. Let's take care of the green first."

"Got it" Gine answers as she walks behind the green

"So what am I supposed to do?'' she asked worriedly.

" Healing the earth."

"How I am supposed to...hmm" she suddenly mȯȧnėd as she felt a huge amount of energy pouring into her. "What is this?"

"Just concentrate on healing The Earth."

"1,2,3,4 hmm it seems that we are missing one of you."

"Yes, The Blue. Sadly he was the casualty of the fight, killed by Darkseid Deathspawn"The white answered

"Sign, more work for me to do. By the way, can you cut the power of your avatar?"


Next chapter in two day. Also please check out my friend Isseisenpai fanfic "Back to the DC world?" I help him translate it. i hope you guys like it and support him. Also check my other story Lord Doomsday.

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