Reborn In DC

Chapter 7 - Playing God

Waking up Gine look around and didn't see Marcus but she didn't get agitated. Last night Marcus had already told her that he was going somewhere. Taking a shower and brushing her teeth she went into the kitchen where she saw Lucy making food.

Truth be told she was a little curious about her. Marcus has described her as a more advanced A.I then even Jarvis and she was based on herself. She wasn't mad about it, he told her that logically she could think by itself which means that she is a life so who don't want to make a new friend.

So after sitting down Gine immediately started a conversation with Lucy. At first, everything was alright although, she was responding to the question like a robot but went the subject change to Marcus she was a little hesitant and Gine being curious asked the ultimate question

"soo, if you are base on me, do you also love him"

"...yes and I feel shy about it"

"so you don't know if he loves back"

"No, never ask him"

Gine suddenly had an idea "...but you are in his mind, can you read it, right?"

"he never says not to do it... I know deep down that you want to know"

"placing the food on the table Lucy pull a chair and sit down look straight at Gine

"I am going to try"

Lucy then proceed to close her eyes.

At this moment Marcus was in the pocket dimension working when he suddenly felt something entering his mind but he wasn't worried about since he had prepared himself for those type of situation. So he continues to work.

=with Lucy=

Her mind appeared in a room with one door she immediately knew that she was trapped. she tries to attack the wall but nothing happens.

Giving up she proceeded to walk to the door opening it. A light immediately ȧssault her

Recover her vision, she finds her self standing in the middle of a room. "Give me a few seconds that I finish this game."

" And done. How can I help although I think it is to soon to be attacked by a mental attack" say that person while turning around. "oh it's you ...Lucy you can actually enter my mental space, interesting. anyway, can I help you." the figure say then turn around. starting another game you can sit in the couch if you want.

walking and sit next to him "who are you"

"I am me, just with black hair and normal eyes color instead of grey and older. but that some fuċk up eyes and hair color they give me. anyway like I said, what are doing here?"

immediately a sense of shame washed over Lucy so she didn't say anything.

"Guest I have to search your mind"

"wait, What? no"

"and done... that why you are here. haha I guess you want answers"


snapping his fighter Lucy immediately had new knowledge inside her head

Gine was already done eating and was waiting for Lucy when she suddenly opens her eyes.

"I am done"

"So did you learn anything"

", Miss Gine you should get dress. Marcus had asked me to bring you somewhere"



A car drove in the dock and stop in the back of a seemingly abandoned warehouse.

"where are we?" Gine asks Lucy.

" new secret base."

" more in between."

Walking in front of the door Lucy places her hand one it. It immediately split open.

Walking in, they could see that the inside was totally different from the outside since the inside look brand new while the outside look old. They could also see some robot still working.

They continue to the back. were Lucy place her hand on a wall. It immediately splits open. After going down the stair they enter a completely futuristic room.

They walk in the middle of the room were Jarvis teleported them. they vanish from the room and appeared in the pocket mid-air.

They both immediately started falling. Gine didn't even have the time to react she could see the floor approach. closing her and putting her hand in front of her. preparing for the impact, an impact that never occurred.

Opening her eyes she could see that she was floating in mid-air. Looking in front of her she could see Marcus laughing.

"haha, next time should prepare yourself for any situation. like her" Marcus said while pointing at Lucy that was using the propulsor from her Hand and feet.

"that not fair she is a robot"

After walking for a few moments the arrived in front of a door

Marcus opens the door and enters but immediately after he vanishes. Gine wasn't surprised it was not her first time seeing teleportation. So without any hesitation, she enters fallow by Lucy.

The next time she opens her eyes she was presented with a draw-dropping scene. She was standing on the moon looking down on earth.

"were in space"

"hahaha yeah. but it's not what you think. this his not actually earth" Marcus said while pointing at the Plane "this is an accident"

"what do you mean?"

"If you compare them you will realize that the continents are different, that it is more populated and less advance then earth and most importantly it bigger, by a lot.

"so you created a planet."

"... it was an accident me, Lucy and Jarvis went a little crazy over an argument and this is the result ."


"can we go visit," Gine say excitedly

"there his a problem we also went crazy playing god, all in all, there his a bunch of genetically modified monster populating this planet."


"and went I teleported on the plane my face greeted the ground first. I couldn't even react from the powerful Gravity pull and I couldn't even get up. I had to teleport back."


"so went do you want to start training."

"as soon as possible."

"So let me explain the plant again. You will spend more than 3 years training in here which will be one month outside. The objective is for you to master your Saiyan transformation and for us to become more powerful. I will spend the first year with you here.

I know so I have to spend the other 2 years by myself

"...sorry, you have to become stronger by yourself. so you ready"

"yes, Jarvis do it." Gine yield out, immediately she vanishes.

"She really wants to become powerful, do you also fill the need to became more powerful too," Marcus says to Lucy.

"Yes, in some way"

"Do you know how to get powerful"


"If you need any help ask Jarvis"

Then Marcus Vanish.

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