Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 112 How did you meet Qingyu? (【Blue Blood Weiyang】10,000 rewards plus more updates)

This chapter is an update of the [Blue Blood Wei Young] boss’s 10,000 rewards!



Hands was stunned for a moment, and the smile on his face stopped abruptly. At this point, he couldn't understand it anymore.

“Can I still become the richest man despite losing money?”

He tilted his head with his hand and looked puzzled.

This topic is beyond the scope.

In his normal thinking, profit is profit, loss is loss, and loss cannot be turned into profit.

"Brother, I won't explain this. Believe me, on the surface, the more you lose, the more you actually make. When everyone in Konoha Village comes to buy your free coupons for free, you will have immeasurable power. Wealth!" Qingyu smiled slightly, thinking of Boss Ma in his mind. It was precisely because the majority of netizens continued to make Boss Ma lose money that Boss Ma completed the transition to an ordinary family.

"Qingyu, actually I don't understand very well. According to your theory, as long as everyone deposits 10,000 taels, they can get one more free coupon than the original one. So if the first 20 people all deposit 10,000 taels, , didn’t we give away 20 more free coupons under the premise of reaching the same stored value?” Minato pinched his chin, he was still thinking, he didn’t understand this routine, after all, it was all thanks to the 20 free coupons. He couldn't help but stare at Qingyu and said: "That's 20 extra meals of ramen, which must be 5,000 taels!"

"I won't explain this. It's too troublesome to explain. Just trust me. Once this limited member operation starts, you will naturally understand." Qingyu still didn't explain.

"Okay, I believe you." Minato nodded, his blue eyes flashing with determination, not that he was trying to deal with Aoyu.

"I believe you too!" A smile reappeared on Shou Da's face. He took a pen and summarized Qing Yu's words in his notebook and said, "Just do what you said!"


Under Qingyu's few words.

Ichiraku Ramen’s latest limited membership system is out.

"That's it. I'm leaving first. I have three days off starting tomorrow. I will come over to help." Qingyu immediately stood up and prepared to leave. He just came to see what this limited membership was about. Now his goal was achieved. I don't want to stay here any longer.

"You're leaving so early. Didn't you just say you have a holiday tomorrow? Then just wait." Minato said.

"It's getting late, it's getting dark, and I'm afraid of the dark." Qingyu waved his hand and walked out of the Ichiraku Ramen restaurant, disappearing into the night.


All of a sudden.

The whole audience was speechless.

Afraid of the dark? !

This is a good reason for you to explain.

"Minato, ignore him, let's continue chatting, there are still some details that need to be finalized." Shouda pulled Minato to continue the discussion. The details of the membership activities will be announced tomorrow, and now they must be finalized overnight.

"Okay." Minato nodded, turned his attention to the notebook he was typing, and said, "Actually, we can limit the scope of the free coupons, not everything is free..."

All of a sudden.

The two continued their discussion.

After Kushina saw Qingyu gone, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, her whole body relaxed a lot, and the inexplicable feeling disappeared.

next moment.

Kushina looked at Mikoto next to her from the corner of her eye, and found that Mikoto was still looking in the direction where Aoba disappeared.

I didn't take it back for a long time.

Showing a lost look.


Kushina called out softly, but did not get any response.


Kushina yelled again, and added her elbow movements, bumping into Mikoto hard.


Mikoto immediately recovered from her trance. Just now she looked at Qingyu's back and thought of many things.

When she obtained Qingyu's information, she knew that Qingyu was a ninja with poor physical fitness.

Generally speaking.

If you are in poor health.

There must be other advantages.

Mikoto has been thinking about what Aoyu's strengths are, and she guesses that they are in the brain.

Now this idea has been confirmed!

Just now she had been staring at Qingyu as he was adding Minato's point of view, and at that moment she felt that Qingyu was shining.

"Kushina, what's wrong?"

Mikoto moved her eyes to Kushina. She was here to accompany her best friend. Minato was going to help his big brother tonight, and Kushina wanted to accompany him but couldn't get in the way. She was here for Kushina. She was looking for a companion, but she didn't expect to see Qingyu unexpectedly, whom she hadn't seen for a long time.

"Hey, Mikoto, are you thinking about something?" Kushina had a gossipy expression on her face, as if best friends were discussing little secrets.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Miqin's face turned red and she instantly became shy.

"Look at your look, you still call me nonsense, your expression betrays you!" Kushina suddenly had a strange idea, if her best friend is assigned, wouldn't Qingyu? There was no threat anymore, it was just like her efforts to get the little sisters who liked Minato to be with someone else.

"Stop making trouble!" Mikoto immediately made a serious face, seemingly not wanting to continue this topic.

"Be quiet, be quiet, you are not angry like this at all, you just got off to a bad start!" Kushina suddenly became more excited.

"What's on your mind?"

Minato was suddenly attracted by Kushina's raised voice, and turned to look at Kushina curiously.

"It's none of your business!"

Kushina and Mikoto yelled at the same time, and then Kushina stood up and pulled Mikoto towards the corner, as if she wanted to whisper.


The corner of Minato's mouth twitched slightly. He didn't dare to mess with Kushina when he saw her look like that.


Kushina held Mikoto's hand, with a very serious expression on her face.

"Mikoto, I'm not kidding you. I think you don't look normal. You have to think clearly. Your Fugaku brother is very diligent in pursuing you. If you don't handle it well, problems will arise. Yes!" Kushina said.

"It's not as bad as you said!" Mikoto's face turned even redder. Recently, the young talent in the family, Uchiha Fugaku, had been pursuing her. If it had been before, she would have agreed, even though she said I didn't admit it, but I was very curious about that inexplicable person, which made me feel a little confused.

"Hey, do you know it in your heart? To be honest, I have always thought that you and that Fugaku brother are quite suitable. But how can I put it, since I have known you, this is the first time I have seen you so absorbed. Please tell me frankly... "Kushina brought her face close to Mikoto, stared into the latter's eyes, and asked: "This is not the first time you have met. How do you know Qingyu? "

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