Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 138 He was so scared at that time! (Please subscribe and vote monthly)


Qingyu nodded to his hands, and then began to eat the ramen in the bowl.

"What have you been busy with recently?" Shou Meditation sat across from Qingyu, looked at Qingyu with a smile, and started chatting casually.

"I have been reading and studying recently." Qingyu said. He felt that there was nothing wrong with what he said. He had been reading the memory repeatedly, which could indeed be regarded as studying.

"You... still work so hard!" The smile on Shouzai's face became even brighter. He hesitated a little and said, "I discussed it with Minato and decided to hold an event to sell memberships every month, so that More members can be sold.”

"Yes, I think it's no problem. You can fix it on a certain day every month, and then set this day as Ilaku Ramen Membership Day. If you queue up on this day, you may get a stored-value membership. Gradually, this day will become It’s become the day of Ichiraku Ramen.” Aoba said while eating noodles.

"Is this okay?!" Shou Da was stunned for a moment. He felt that Qing Yu's words were very reasonable, so he immediately took out his notebook and wrote it down.

"I think it should be on the 11th of every month. The number 11 looks like two chopsticks. Chopsticks are also used to eat ramen. It can make people think of this place at once." Qingyu said casually.

"I think it's great!" Shou Da nodded repeatedly and recorded this inspiration in his notebook again.

" can hold the annual Double Eleven Ramen Membership Festival on November 11th every year, and then conduct some discount promotions and draw lucky customers, and store a large amount of value to give greater discounts. Limit it. The quantity only comes once a year, so it’s even more precious.” When Qingyu mentioned the 11th, he thought of Double 11. This festival, which was originally ridiculed as a bachelor’s day, has become an exclusive carnival event for the hand-picking party.

"Aoyu, you are such a genius!" Shoudai looked at Qingyu in a daze, raised his hand and gave a thumbs up to Qingyu, he admired Qingyu from top to bottom, and he discussed it with Minato. A few days ago, we came to the conclusion that members would be sold only once a month, but Qingyu made a few words and upgraded it to a festival in Konoha Village.

"My brother's ramen is so delicious. After eating it, I was very inspired. I can think of everything just by thinking about it." Qingyu flicked a rainbow fart with his backhand.

"That's what you said..." Shou Da was caught off guard by Qing Yu's praise, with an embarrassed smile on his face, and then his eyes fell on the ramen in front of Qing Yu, and he said generously: "I'll treat you to this bowl of noodles! "

"Hahahahaha, thank you, Brother Shou!" Qingyu had no intention of being polite to Shou, and accepted Shou's kindness with a smile. Now he is more and more aware of the benefits of flattery, but he was too nerdy before time travel and didn't understand. So many people are so sophisticated, but fortunately it’s not too late.

"By the way, Brother Handan, when you mentioned a treat, I just remembered that the stored value I have with you also counts as a 10,000-tael membership!" Qingyu raised his head and asked.

"That's necessary!" Shou Da said with a smile.

"That's good. When I helped register earlier, I didn't see my name..." After Qingyu said this, he realized a problem. He had been thinking inertly before, and his name was not there in the first place.

"Wait, no, Qingyu, what you said is wrong!" Shou Da immediately discovered Qingyu's problem and interrupted Qingyu's words.

"The money you gave me was indeed deposited into the membership card. You can also use that membership card, but the name on the membership card is not yours!"

He shook his head and said. As he spoke, he took out the book with the membership card in it and flipped to the front page, which contained a record of eating noodles.


"This is the membership card you paid for me."

"The name of the membership card is Minato Namikaze!"


"If you don't tell me, I haven't noticed it yet."

"When did you have enough money? Remember to save some more money. The money you took last time was almost gone by Minato!"

Shou Da frowned and looked at the consumption records of Watergate in the small book that recorded members and said.

"Are you going to run out of food now?" Qingyu's brows twitched. He thought this member could last for a long time, but it was gone now.

"What do you think..." The corners of Tate's mouth raised slightly with a hint of satisfaction, and he said, "When Minato has no missions, he eats several meals a day!"

"That... big brother... Minato's membership card suddenly has money, doesn't he have any doubts?" Qingyu asked.

"No, didn't you guys discuss it in advance? That's his private money. Why is he doubting it?" Shou Da said in confusion.

"Okay...ok...I understand..."

Qingyu's face was covered with black lines, and he said in his heart, "Good guy, you really just use it if you have money. This is so rude!"


Qingyu chatted with Shou Da for a few more words.

Then after finishing the ramen, I left the noodle shop of Ichiraku Ramen.

Just when Qingyu just walked out of the door.

Not far from the street, two people walked towards this side, all wearing red and white fan logos.

All of a sudden.

The two people's eyes fell on Qingyu's body, and they all stopped at the same time.

The eyes of these two people looking at Qingyu were full of panic.


It’s not the panic of the same style.

These two people noticed Qingyu, and Qingyu also noticed them.

Good guy!

It was actually these two.

Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto!

Aoyu suddenly felt helpless in his heart. There must be too many Uchiha in Konoha Village. If you just eat a bowl of noodles, you can meet two of them on the street.


These two people...

The look in his eyes is a bit strange!

Am I so scary?


A narrow feeling arose in Aoyu's heart, and he immediately looked towards Uchiha Mikoto.

Their eyes immediately collided.

A look of panic instantly appeared in Uchiha Mikoto's dark eyes, and the expression on her face became tense as well, as if she wanted to explain something, but it was not the right time.

After a moment, Uchiha Mikoto did not dare to look directly into Aoyu's eyes, slowly lowered her head, and unnaturally kneaded the corners of her ninja uniform with her two small hands.


Aoyu shifted his gaze to Uchiha Fugaku, and looked directly at Uchiha Fugaku.

In an instant.

The panic on Uchiha Fugaku's face was stronger than that of Uchiha Mikoto.

He shook his head slightly at Qingyu.

His eyes sparkled with pleading.

Qingyu couldn't control the meaning revealed at this moment.


Qingyu cleared his throat. He felt that there was something wrong with the two people in front of him. From the way they stood together, they were clearly dating.

According to the progress of the normal plot.

In a few years, Itachi will come out to make soy sauce.


Judging from the looks in the eyes of these two people.

Why does it look like you are stealing love?

next moment.

Qingyu pretended not to see it and turned towards the intersection in the opposite direction, avoiding the position of these two people.

He didn't want to have too much interaction with these two people who would be important in the future of the Uchiha clan.

The eye contact just now was just that these two people were very interesting.

Never seen anything like this.


Uchiha Fugaku couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Qingyu leaving, and the expression on his face relaxed a little.

This was the first time that he took the initiative to ask Mikoto out.

Finally succeeded!

The two people had just walked along the road for a while.

Uchiha Mikoto said that she was hungry and wanted to eat something, but she mentioned that she did not want to go to Ichiraku Ramen, which she usually likes to eat, but wanted to eat three-color meatballs.

Uchiha Fugaku didn't quite understand Uchiha Mikoto's thoughts, but such a small request could still be met.


He never expected it.

Just when the two of them passed by the entrance of Ichiraku Ramen and walked towards the three-color meatball shop.

I actually met that crazy fan that the Uchiha world said!

Uchiha Fugaku immediately trembled!

If Aoyu had just made a mad move in front of Uchiha Mikoto that caught him off guard, the date would have been ruined.

He was so scared at that time!

He kept praying in his heart that Qingyu would let him go!

And he silently added in his heart that if Qingyu could see his situation and grant him this rare date, he would definitely send a signed photo of himself when they meet in the future to express his gratitude to this fanatical fan for supporting him.


Uchiha Fugaku left very wisely when he saw Qingyu.

Nothing good to disturb him.

A big stone fell in my heart.

His impression of Qingyu has completely changed.

These are the fans!

Be able to fulfill your idol!

Uchiha Fugaku felt that Aoyu was a person worthy of close friendship for a while. He planned to find an opportunity to get in touch with Aoyu and maybe make friends.

As for Uchiha Mikoto.

Her mood was completely different from Fugaku's, and her panic pattern was completely different.

Before meeting Aoyu, she had a good impression of Fugaku and felt that Fugaku was the leader of the younger generation of the Uchiha clan.


Even she herself couldn't explain why.

After she met Qingyu, she was always full of curiosity about Qingyu.

The mysterious young man who seemed to her like a spy not only said frivolous words, but also treated her as nothing in many situations, but it just made her unable to help but think about it.


I haven't seen Qingyu for a while.

Uchiha Mikoto gradually gave up her illusions and prepared to open her heart and get along well with Uchiha Fugaku.

Just at this time.

An embarrassing scene appeared that she didn't even expect.

She actually met the person she least wanted to meet during this period of time when she was dating Fugaku.

It's over, it's over...

Uchiha Mikoto had an unconcealable look of loneliness on her face, and she felt in her heart that Aoba must have misunderstood their relationship.

All of a sudden.

Her mood is complex, her expressions are complex, her eyes are complex, her whole person is very complex.

"Mei...Mikoto...let's go eat three-color meatballs!"

Uchiha Fugaku looked at Uchiha Mikoto next to him, and when he saw the latter's thoughtful expression, his heart suddenly tightened.


You won't let Mikoto see anything!

He just had an extremely brief eye contact with Qingyu!

That’s really just a little fan.

It has nothing to do with it!

Uchiha Fugaku is really afraid that Uchiha Mikoto will misunderstand, which is very difficult to explain clearly...


Uchiha Mikoto felt Uchiha Fugaku's sudden attentive concern, and immediately put away her regrets.


Can't show it!

She tried hard to control herself not to think about Qingyu, but to cherish the person in front of her.

All of a sudden.

The two of them each have different thoughts.

Walk towards the three-color meatball shop.

Aoba returned leisurely towards the ANBU dormitory.

He had no idea that these two people could think so much that their date would turn into this.


Aoba was on his way back to the ANBU dormitory.

What was thinking in his mind was indeed about the Uchiha clan.

It's just not the love between children...

Thanks to [book friend 20200831001823881] for the reward and support!

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