Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 202 You are my worry! ([900 monthly ticket] additional updates)

This chapter is an additional update for [900 Monthly Ticket]!


As soon as Qingyu said these words, Minato was stunned.

"What's the idea?"

Minato's eyes immediately widened, his blue eyes filled with anticipation and desire.

This period of time really frustrated him.

The more you want to contribute to the village, the more difficult it will be.

This made him feel that his whole body was full of fighting spirit but he had no way to vent it. He could only suppress it silently in his heart, feeling very unhappy.

"Go to Miaomu Mountain to learn celestial arts!"

Aoyu stared into Minato's eyes. Minato is now about the same age as Naruto in Shippuden. Although his strength exceeds that of Naruto at the same age, he feels that Minato has not learned senjutsu at this time.

"What is magic?"

Minato's eyes suddenly widened, and he was stunned, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

He had never heard of magic before.

It was like a new vocabulary to him.

the most important is……

Minato stared at Qingyu in confusion, how could Qingyu know so many things?

"Immortal magic is..."

Qingyu deliberately prolonged his voice, but he had no intention of explaining. Instead, he smiled slightly and said, "I don't know either."

"You don't know how you want me to learn?!" Minato almost rolled his eyes at Qingyu, it was just like a joke, what a joke!

"Minato, listen to me, I don't know what senjutsu is, but I know how you can learn it."

The smile on Aoyu's face became brighter, but after all, Minato was the first person to make him feel warm in this world.

Then give me a little help!


In Aoyu's opinion, this was not helping Minato at all, it was just pointing a direction.

This specific practice depends on Minato's personal situation.

According to Minato Namikaze, who was reincarnated by the dirt in the later period, Minato is not particularly good at mastering the sage mode. He can maintain it for a limited time and cannot use it as a regular fighting method.

I don’t know if there will be any new differences after this change.

after all.

The Third Ninja War is ahead of schedule.

Then Minato's strength should be further advanced.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to establish achievements and squeeze out the third generation.

For Minato in the original historical process, although the Third Ninja War was a disaster for Minato's class, it was the pinnacle of Minato's strength and reputation. Based on the right time, place and people, he successfully became the Fourth Hokage. .

If the Third Ninja War breaks out directly now.

So even though Minato is very powerful at the moment, he will not be the protagonist of this occupation, and it will be difficult to establish the illustrious military exploits that can bring down the third generation.

"What are you talking about?"

Minato was immediately confused by Aoyu. He blinked his blue eyes and stared at Aoyu in confusion.

"Why didn't I understand how to go up?"

"You said you don't know what magic is..."

"Are you saying you know how to learn magic?"

"What's going on?"

"Hurry up and say it!"

"I'm so anxious..."

Minato asked one question after another, and he became anxious. He wanted to pull out Aoyu's tongue to make him speak faster.

"The practice of celestial beings requires you to go to Miaomu Mountain. You can use necromancy to channel the toad in Miaomu Mountain, and then let the toad use reverse necromancy to send you to Miaomu Mountain." Qingyu said with a smile.

"Do I need to go to Mt. Miaomu?" A trace of hesitation flashed in Minato's eyes.

"You don't dare anymore?" Qingyu said deliberately using the provocation method.

"That's not..." Minato shook his head and said, "You also know that in the current situation, the Third Ninja World War may break out at any time. If I go to Miaomu Mountain to practice at this time, wouldn't it be an act of escaping from the battlefield!"

"Minato, you are thinking too much."

Qingyu shook his head, he now understood more and more why Minato could become the fourth generation Hokage supported by everyone in the village.

This person really puts the safety of the village at a very high level.

You can sacrifice yourself for the village!

"With your current strength, if you participate in the Third Ninja War, even if you can kill some enemies, it will not produce decisive changes."

"You are no match for the Third Raikage."

"Even the son of the Third Raikage may not be able to completely defeat him!"

"If you enter the battlefield like this, all you can get is constant self-consumption and damage, which is not a good thing for your future development."

"Minato, you are very smart. What you need now is to calm down and spend time to calm yourself down so that you can advance to the next level."

Aoyu immediately said to Minato.


He had been thinking about it when he watched the "Naruto" anime before.

Minato's sage mode couldn't be maintained for too long, probably because he lacked time to settle.

Since the outbreak of the Third Ninja War, Minato has been fighting on the battlefield until the end of the Third Ninja War.

After the war ended, it did not give Minato more time. Instead, he became the Hokage of the village.

At that time, Konoha Village was in dire straits, and there were too many things that needed to be dealt with.

after that.

It was the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

Aoyu felt that Minato didn't seriously calm down and study the sage mode at all.

It may even be that he learned it casually during the war due to his talent, but because he did not have enough proficiency to become a conventional weapon.

Whatever the reason.

Aoyu feels that as long as Minato has a correct attitude and learns the Sage Mode seriously, at least it will definitely not be worse than Jiraiya's Sage Mode.

"But... do I really want to practice during the Third Ninja War?" Minato pursed his lips, feeling that this was a bit bad.

"Yes, if you want to become stronger, now is the best opportunity. The Third Ninja World War will last for a long time, long enough to wait until you have completed your magic and come back to harvest the battlefield."

Qingyu stared at Minato. If Minato hadn't said that he wanted to improve his strength, he wouldn't have thought of this place in the first place.

Now it seems.

It is definitely the most suitable opportunity for Minato to go to Miaomu Mountain to practice during this time.

This will not only protect Minato from any harm in the early stages of the war, but also allow Minato to accumulate strength with peace of mind and come back to harvest the Third Ninja War.

Qingyu knows the history of this ninja world and understands that he cannot wait until the Fourth Ninja War.

If Minato had not been able to establish meritorious service in the Third Ninja War.

It's hard to become Hokage!


Minato took a deep breath. He had understood what Qingyu meant, but he still felt that it was not good to leave like this.

"There's nothing more to say..."

Qingyu shook his head and directly interrupted Minato's words. He raised his hands and carefully patted Minato's shoulders, fearing that he might accidentally touch Minato's head.

"You can feel free to go to Miaomu Mountain to practice!"

"I have everything here!"

"I will help you take care of Kushina!"

"You can feel at ease there!"

"Believe me!"

Aoyu nodded to Minato and promised very firmly.


In an instant.

A lot of little question marks popped up in Minato's head.

What the hell?

Why did it involve Kushina?

Minato's heart suddenly tightened!

He hadn't thought about this at first. What he thought was that after going to Miaomu Mountain, he wouldn't be able to contribute to the village.

Things like this, which I haven't seen for a long time with Kushina, are just trivial matters at first, but we still have to put the village first!


After Minato heard the words of assurance Aoyu just said.

Not only was there no peace of mind.

Instead, I became even more worried.

"That... Kushina matter... I don't need to bother you..."

The corners of Minato's mouth twitched and he said that he was not worried about the Third Ninja War now, he was more worried about Aoyu's so-called care.

Who can withstand this!

"No trouble, no trouble, it's all my duty." Qingyu shook his head and said with a narrow smile on his face, knowing that he had successfully distracted Minato's attention.

"It's better not to use this! Kushina can take care of herself! I think she will be fine!" A hint of caution flashed in Minato's eyes as he stared at Qingyu, and he suddenly felt that it was Qingyu who sent him away. It's a designed routine.

"Well, I won't care about her, as long as you can practice in Miaomu Mountain with peace of mind."

After Qingyu saw the change in Minato's eyes, he immediately changed the subject and stopped pestering Kushina.

As the saying goes, besiege Wei and rescue Zhao.

As long as one's attention is directed from one thing to another, then the latter thing is compromised, and the previous thing suddenly becomes unimportant.

This is Aoyu's speaking experience accumulated by combining the memories of modern times and the ninja world.

"Are you sure?" Minato asked suspiciously.

"I didn't just say that because I was worried about your future. I'm so busy in the torture department every day. I don't have time to help you take care of your girlfriend. You can just go and practice without any worries." Qingyu waved his hands and said angrily.

"I feel relieved now!"

Minato took a deep look at Qingyu, but he didn't say a word in his heart.

That is……

You are my worry!

Minato didn't think much of it at first, but with the pace set by Qingyu, he was afraid that his girlfriend would run away with someone else after he returned from practicing at Miaomu Mountain for several months.

"Qingyu, I'm going to channel Gamabunta from Miaomu Mountain right now and ask."

Minato immediately raised his right hand and put his thumb to his mouth, ready to bite it.


Aoyu grabbed Minato's hand and stopped Minato's movements.

"My dormitory is relatively small and cannot accommodate a toad as big as Mrs. Mandarin!"


"I'm ready to go back to sleep!"

"You can ask slowly when you get back. Remember to ask for leave from the Third Hokage before you leave."


"You must not tell anyone that I gave you this idea!"

"You can't betray me!"

When Qingyu spoke, he raised his head and gestured to the roof of his room. His dormitory was just a simple dormitory. It looked like it was only twenty or thirty square feet, and it was not as big as an average university dormitory.

What if Gamabunta comes out of here.

It can be said that this ANBU dormitory was taken over directly.

The current Gamabunta is a super toad who fought with Jiraiya against Sansho Hanzo and helped Jiraiya gain the title of Sannin.

"Oh, I was so anxious that I forgot about this..."

Minato scratched his head with an apologetic smile on his face. He wanted to become stronger so much that he didn't want to let it go when he got the chance.



"I'll channel Gamabunta after I go back later."

"Gamabunta should have no problem with me going to Mt. Myoboku."

"But at this juncture."

"Will the Third Hokage really give me a holiday?"

Minato hesitated for a moment and expressed his doubts. He felt that now that the war was imminent and Konoha Village was employing people, how could he let him leave so easily.

"The Third Hokage will definitely agree to your leave, so feel free to go and ask for leave!"

Qingyu said without hesitation.

At this time, what Sandai fears most is that so few people can accumulate military exploits.

Among them is Namikaze Minato!

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