Reborn in Konoha as the Anbu Torturer

Chapter 461 Then what do you think of me? (seeking subscription and monthly ticket)

Qingyu looked at Heijue's extremely vigilant look, and gradually understood in her heart that in fact, it is not that difficult to fool Heijue, but when it comes to Otsutsuki Kaguya, things will become more complicated. It's more complicated.

the reason is simple……

Hei Jue cares about his mother very much!

If it is something else.

Maybe it's over.

But when it comes to the matter of Otsuki Kaguya, Hei Jue is very cautious, and will not easily believe other words.

"you mean……"

Hei Jue slowly narrowed his eyes, his entire face was dark, and he couldn't see any expression at all, but he could still see the way he squinted his eyes, after all, those golden eyes, It has changed from a round light bulb to a slight gap.

"Will you help me rescue my mother?!"

Hei Jue tentatively asked, this is what he is most concerned about, as for other trivial matters, such as the true identity of the mysterious person in front of him, whether it is his uncle or not, he doesn't care that much.

"I'm not helping you."

Qingyu shook his head directly. He knew very well that on the road of fooling Heijue, he needed to proceed step by step. He had already made great progress just now, but he had to grasp this well, otherwise it would easily lead to counterproductive effects.


Qingyu fooled Heijue purely for happiness and inner satisfaction.

After all, the opponent is the number one Yinbi in the ninja world!

Being able to limping Hei Jue is also a very fulfilling thing. He doesn't expect to do anything through Hei Jue, so he doesn't have any clear purpose.

Precisely because of this.

Hei Jue really couldn't figure out Qing Yu's motives.

"I made it very clear just now..."

There was deep helplessness in Qingyu's tone, it felt like she was communicating with someone who couldn't understand.

"I just happened to see you when I came to see you. I was bored to chat with you and show you the door."

"As for your mother..."

"No matter what you do, I will rescue your mother before those two Datongmu people come!"

There was an unquestionable determination in Qingyu's tone.

He had no intention of rescuing Kaguya Otsutsuki at all.

Telling Heijue these things is just for fun.

Instead, talk casually.

No need to be responsible.

After all, Heijue himself is also a big fool. He fooled Uchiha Madara into wanting to achieve the ultimate peace of the world with unlimited monthly reading, so that he made a wedding dress for Heijue's great cause of saving his mother.

Everyone has a mouth.

It depends on who lives better.


Hei Jue was rendered speechless by Qing Yu's words, and the fog in his mind became thicker. He stared at Qing Yu, thought and thought, but couldn't help asking.

"What is your purpose in doing this?"

Hei Jue asked coldly, since he was pulled out by his mother, he has experienced countless years here, even he himself does not know how long he has lived.

He fooled a lot of people.

The relationship between many people has deteriorated.

So he understands a truth very deeply, that is, the relationship between people is very fragile and cannot stand the test at all.

Even loved ones.

As long as the price can still be cut!

This also made him not believe that the mysterious person in front of him who claimed to be his uncle would do something aimlessly.

Definitely have a purpose!

It's just that he doesn't know it yet!

Hei was definitely not sure if the mysterious person in front of him was his uncle, but he was sure of one thing, that is, the other party might indeed be from the Otsutsuki clan, otherwise how could he know so much information.

"No purpose."

After Qing Yu heard Hei Jue's words, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, revealing a faint smile, and then said, "I just want to rescue my sister."

"Why should I trust you?" Hei Jue asked again.

"You don't need to believe me." Qingyu shook his head directly, his meaning was very clear, that is, he was just doing what he wanted to do, and it had nothing to do with Hei.

"I don't understand." Hei Jue shook his head and said, "I don't believe that you don't have any purpose, just to save my mother, there is nothing in this world that does not involve profit, and people often say that it is not good to get ahead. "

"Then what purpose do you want to rescue your mother for?" Qingyu Soul asked back.

"I..." Hei Jue froze for a moment, then said, "I don't have any purpose!"

"Then why should I trust you?" Qingyu smiled on the face behind the mask.

"I... I... I am my mother's son. Of course I have to save my mother. This is my responsibility, and I have no shirkable responsibility!" Hei Jue patted his chest and said.

"You don't need to have a purpose, but I must have a purpose. I didn't expect you to have double standards!" Qing Yu said lightly. He felt that he and Hei Jue had almost talked about it today. There will be more interesting things in the future. .

Think here.

Qingyu waved her hand casually.


The black lines trapped around Heijue suddenly disappeared.

All the barriers disappeared quietly.

"That's it for today!"

"It doesn't matter if you believe it or not!"

"I don't care about such things!"

"You go!"

"I'll give you time to go back and digest slowly!"

Qingyu said one sentence after another, and after he finished speaking, he waved his hand directly to Hei Jue, indicating that Hei Jue could leave.


Heijue was even more speechless.

He was still thinking about how to get out just now.

After all, he had been in the enchantment just now, and he couldn't leave at all, otherwise he wouldn't have said so much to Qingyu.

Now I'm free again.

His heart was even more uncertain.

The whole person still stood there blankly, staring at Qingyu in such a daze, unable to utter a word.


Just as Qingyu was about to leave, she seemed to suddenly think of something, and immediately turned her head to look at Heijue not far away.

"I know that you are guarding a Uchiha Madara, and have activated his reincarnation eye, and now you are looking for someone who can replace him to realize the moon eye plan."

"I just wanted to tell you..."

"I am the operator behind the scenes of the Third Ninja World War!"


"If you want to save your mother."

"Just don't get in the way!"

After Qingyu dropped such a sentence coldly, he didn't pay attention to Hei Jue again, he knew that some words were to the point, he just finished the meeting at the most suitable time, and left the rest to time.

Qingyu planned to plant a seed in Heijue's heart this time.

This seed may take root and germinate slowly in the future as time goes by, but it may not be able to see immediate results at this time, and he does not want to overthrow the seedlings.


A chakra wave suddenly appeared around Qingyu.

Then the whole person disappeared.

He used the Flying Thunder God Technique.

It's just that when he used it, he used other special chakras to form interference and hide the original Flying Thunder God, so that even if it is black, it will not be so easy to find.

Almost instantly.

Qingyu disappeared right in front of Heijue.


Hei Jue looked at the place where Qingyu disappeared, his brain was still in a kind of confusion, and he had experienced too many things today, far more than the long years he had lived.

"I... go back!"

Black Jue originally wanted to see what the third Ninja World War was like. When he was with Uchiha Madara, he noticed the abnormality of the Third Ninja World War, so he came out to find out in person.

Never thought about it.

He didn't figure out what happened to the third ninja war.

Instead, an uncle came out.

This kind of extremely outrageous thing made him unable to find any point of refutation.

more so.

The more it feels outrageous.

The more it makes him feel unbelievable.

But he still had some faith in his heart.

This very entangled feeling, like being fooled by all kinds of tricks, left him in a kind of fog, and he couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

Very suffocating.

Very congested.

The complex emotions in my heart cannot be vented.

Hei Jue knew that this was a trouble he had brought to himself. After all, even if he grabbed the mysterious person just now and asked various questions, he couldn't get any results.

Since he was pulled out.

It was the first time in my life that I felt such emotions.

"Otsutsuki Sheren..."

Hei Jue murmured silently, and then it turned into a puddle of black muddy water, like a product of the combination of dryness and wetness, slowly penetrated into the ground, and then disappeared.


Qingyu returned directly to Anbu's dormitory after performing the Flying Thunder God technique.

"come back."

Qingyu said calmly to the shadow clone in front of her.

Now he's back.

There is no need for a shadow clone to help him stand guard anymore.


Qingyu's shadow clone immediately responded, and then made a bang, and the whole person disappeared immediately.


Qingyu took off the mask, and the papers on her body fluttered, and she returned to her original appearance, then pushed open the door of Anbu dormitory, and went straight to the outside of Anbu dormitory.

There were still a few pairs of eyes staring outside, they all saw Qingyu walking in, so Qingyu had to punch a card in front of them, so that she could officially come out.

that's all.

Qingyu came to the door of Anbu's dormitory.

Appeared directly in the line of sight of these people.

This is to prove that he has not been out during this period of time, and everything that happened outside has nothing to do with him.

"Mr. Qingyu!"


Just at this time.

A voice suddenly sounded and passed into Qingyu's ears.

This person speaks slowly, and almost every word has a unique intonation. He is just calling Qing Yu's name, but his voice is completely different from other people.

Don't even look at it.

Qingyu knew who it was.

One of Konoha Sannin.



There was always a big question mark in Qingyu's heart.

He didn't know why Orochimaru found him, the blind cat ran into a dead mouse, or found some clues.

He admitted that he had left nothing behind.

But Orochimaru did find him accurately.

After being called by name.

Qingyu stopped in his tracks, he didn't intend to fight Dashewan hard, it didn't mean he was afraid of Dashewan, it's just that now he had finally cleared up any suspicions, and didn't want to cause trouble.

Qingyu turned around and looked in the direction of the source of the sound.

What came into view was Orochimaru in a gray robe with a belt around his waist.

This moment.

Orochimaru's black and smooth hair fluttered in the wind, his narrow snake eyes were fixed on Qingyu, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and there was a meaningful smile.

"Master Orochimaru."

Qingyu nodded slightly to salute, his face was calm and indifferent, almost without any change in expression, it seemed as if he knew Orochimaru was back, the whole person was so calm that it seemed like an emotionless machine.

"As expected of a person from Anbu, don't panic when things happen, don't panic when things go wrong, I think you are more suitable for Genbu." Orochimaru licked his lips, and his snake eyes looked at Qingyu up and down. The last time we met was in Heihu In the dormitory of Anbu, which is almost in the dark, this time I came to the outdoors, so I can see it more clearly.

"Master Orochimaru is not looking for me to let me join the root?" Qingyu asked lightly.

"Why not!" The smile on Orochimaru's face became more intense, and then he said: "During this period of time, I acted as an agent in charge of the root, and now I really think you are suitable for the root, and you are meticulous in doing things, leaving nothing behind. If you come to the root, you must be the best one to perform the task!"

"Master Orochimaru is absurd, I don't have that great ability, I'm just an ordinary Anbu torture ninja." Qingyu's tone was still very light, but he could clearly feel that there was something in the other party's words from Oroshemaru's words, This is a metaphor that he has done a lot of things and is telling him in this way that the other party knows something.

"How could it be!" The smile on Orochimaru's face became more meaningful, as if he had expected Qing Yu to answer like this, and then said: "You are so capable, aren't you?"

"Let's forget about the roots." Qingyu didn't continue to entangle on the topic of ability, but pulled the topic back to the roots, and said: "The third Hokage-sama has ordered Anbu to be handed over to me."


Orochimaru immediately showed a surprised expression, and then gave Qingyu a thumbs up, which seemed to be a recognition of Qingyu.



"The teacher can hand over Anbu to you!"

"What a rare trust this is!"

"Even my disciple can't get such care from the teacher!"


"I remember that the ninjas in Anbu all died on the battlefield?"

"You, the future boss of Anbu, shouldn't have a single person under his command!"

Orochimaru said faintly from the side, his tone was quite yin and yang, he didn't know what he wanted to express, and after he finished speaking, he kept staring at Qingyu.

"That's right, I'm the only one." Qingyu nodded.

"Then what do you think of me?" Orochimaru said with bright eyes.

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